May 25, 1948 Dear Josh: I have also read Winge's latest paper with much interest to put it mildly. Amongst other things I can confirm his observation on galactose-fermentation by S. Bayanus. We at one time were using that strain in transformation experiments and one of the big difficulties was the appearance of the phenomena that Winge describes. I have also believed that he has evidence for the transmission on the cytoplasmic mechanism and the influence of substrate on the ratios of phenotypes is exceedingly suggestive of our melibiose story. I am not at all clear as to what his "long-term" adaptability really means. It is obvious the phenomenon requires a little bit more thorough physiological and biochemical investigation than Winge was willing to give to it. His distinction between "biochemical" and "long-term adaptations" is regrettably confusing. I shall certainly send you a copy of the first crude draft of the pink yeast work as soon as it is done. In fact, dear Josh, I wouldn't dare publish it without letting you see it first. I am leaving St. Louis for the CSH meetings on about June 6th but will return for a few days before leaving this hell hole for good. I expect to be up in Minnesota by the 15th of June. My address there will be Department of Physiology, Medical School, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. How about letting me see a copy of your Review which you sent to Heredity or do I have to wait until the damn British (these last two words always go together from now on) publishes it? Sincerely yours, S. Spiegelman