Reprinted from the PRocrepINGs OF THE NaTioNAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 664-672. October, 1963. RESTRICTION OF IN VIVO GENETIC TRANSCRIPTION TO ONE OF THE COMPLEMENTARY STRANDS OF DNA* By M. Hayasur, M. N. Hayasui, anp 8. SPIEGELMAN DEPARTMENT OF MICROBLOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, URBANA Communicated by H. E. Carter, July 1, 1963 Several recent investigations'—* demonstrate that when double-stranded DNA is employed as a template in vitro, the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase mediates the synthesis of RNA copies complementary to each of the two strands. The pri- mary concern of the present paper is whether or not this situation obtams in the intact cell. Existent evidence suggests that zn vivo transcription may not mvolve both strands. Thus, the base composition of unfractionated T2 complementary RNA‘ > and the material collected by hybridization to DNA on columns*: 7 all have shown a persistent and significant inequality of guanine to cytosine. This discrepancy would be explained if only one strand is transcribed and if it has a bias toward a low C:Gratio. Furthermore, it has been shown that sequences complementary to both ribosomal®-" and soluble!!: 12 RNA exist in homologous DNA, implying that DNA generates these molecular species. Nevertheless, G does not equal C nor does A equal U in ribosomal RNA, suggesting’ that transcription in the corresponding re- gion of the genome does not involve both strands. were found to be adequate for trapping DNA of this size. Consequently, a new procedure was devised?’ which stemmed from the observation? that single-stranded DNA of ¢X174 is very well separated from its double-stranded counterpart on MAK columns. RNA hybridized to DNA chromatograms in about the same position as the denatured DNA to which it is complexed. The outcome of chromatographic examinations of three different hybridizing ex- periments are shown in Figure 3. To identify the hybrid with certainty the DNA was labeled with P®? and the RNA with H?, 40 ° 0 20 30 40 50 460 70 TUBE NUMBER Fic. 1.—Detection of ¢X174 specific RNA by two-label co-chromatography on MAK column. The protocol and timing of each experiment is diagrammed. Time ig meas- ured from 0 min (see test). A noninfected culture of E. coli was pulse-labeled with C1+-uridine for 90 sec. Infected cells were labeled with H*-uridine at the same time and for the same period. On termination of in- corporation, total RNA from each culture was isolated and purified separately. A mixture of the two samples was chromato- graphed. The O.D. profile identifies pre- existent cellular stable components (168 and 235 indicated by arrows). % TOTAL CPM Tn all cases the H?-RNA employed 668 BIOCHEMISTRY: HAYASHI ET AL. Proc. N. A. 8. Fig. 2.—Column identification of $X174 specific RNA. $X174 in- fected F. colt culture was pulse- weaeo, labeled with H*-uridine for 90 sec, COUNTS /6 MIN/O2 mi CPM 50 min after infection. The total ie Waals RNA was isolated and chromato- . L | 6000 graphed. O.D. profile identifies pre-existing RNA. The pooled samples in the regions indicated in Hybridizoble the figure were concentrated. The CPM same number of count from each sample was hybridized with 207 of RF-DNA which had been heat- denatured in 1/10 SSC at 97-98°C for 15 min. Hybridization was carried out in 2 X SSC at 42.5°C for 18 hr. The reaction mixture was [ 2000 chilled, and 307/ml of pancreatic RNAase, free of contaminating DNAase, was added. RNAase i treatment was performed at 26°C [ace a 2.0 +100,000 | | Wa + 4000 SSSA NS ST for 30 min. The reaction mixture o- Bt patdrrrethomee + ++ 14 one was then loaded on an MAK column 0 zo 3000 BH O78 as described previously. Counts in TUBE NUMBER the hybrid region were summed up and are shown in the bar histo- grams. ONA RNA Heat denatured = inf Buth (H3) SEE RF (P32) > 80-515 min [ . | 4 ONA 'N ’ Lo Single (P32) X inf Bulk (M3) SO-5L.5 min '500 i Noct h © n3 CPM N74 1000 @® iy ase | NoCt UB com Cone (M)} ©3 7600 “Ov 3000 | Lio sod 13 os Noct 02 va 3 RNA ia t 1 ; ps2 res 10 20 30 4 $0. 60 1 TUBE NUMBER ee . . Fie. 3.—Hybrid separation by MAK Heot denatured x inf "Sue (3) column. 20y of RF or $X single DNA, Single (P32) 50-515 min both labeled with P*?, was hybridized with bulk RNA derived by introducing H* oo\cem WoC! lio uridine 50-51.5 | min after infection. 7 Hybridization, prior RNAase treatment, o% L and column procedure are as detailed in f S00 “xO Fig. 2. Note that the RNAase-resistant 02 ws ofepse core elutes earlier than the single-stranded ana i \ OWA DNA and accompanying hybrid. By P2560. jo} los washing with NaCl of suitable concentra- a } \ tion, the core can be removed completely / Na from the column prior to the chromato- X graphic separation of the hybrid structure. was bulk RNA obtained by introducing H*uridine 50-51.5 min after infection. It is clear from Figures 34 and 3B that vegetative single-stranded DNA, whether heated or not, cannot hybridize significantly to any of the H*-RNA included in the reaction mixture. However, when heat-denatured RF-DNA is employed, one observes an RNAase-resistant H*component in the region of the single- stranded DNA and containing P®2. The faet that the radioactivity is alkali labile Von, 50, 1963 BIOCHEMISTRY: HAYASHI ET AL. 669 and yields the expected 2’-3’, ribotides proves that it is RNA. These results sug- gest that ¢X174-RNA message is incapable of complexing with the single-stranded DNA but can hybridize with the RF-DNA. Table 1 summarizes a series of hybridization experiments carried out with labeled RNA derived from different periods of the infection. Comparatively little hybridi- TABLE 1 HypripizaTions oF RNA wirH RF anp SIncLe-STrrRanpED DNA RNA/DNA pulse-labeled between (min) REF Single-strand 5- 6.5 253 <60* 35-36.5 3,261 <160* 50-51.5 3,473 <160* * These represent upper limits estimated from summation over all tubes in the hybrid regions of the MAK column (cf. Fig. 3). The actual number is undoubtedly much lower. 20y of heat-denatured RF and 20y of single-stranded DNA were hybridized with bulk RNA pulse~ labeled with H*-uridine in the intervals indicated in the first column. The conditions of hybridiza- tion, RNAase treatment, and subsequent isolation on an MAK column are as detailed in Fig. 2. zation is observed between RF-DNA and RNA labeled between 5 and 6.5 min. However, at later periods of infection the amount of hybridization observed with the RF-DNA increases strikingly. In contrast, the single strand from the mature virus exhibits virtually no capacity to hybridize with RNA from any interval. The results in Table 1 agree with the profiles observed in Figure 1. Both indicate that @X174 message is to be found in considerable amounts only late in the infectious cycle. Base composition of RNA hybridizable to RF-DNA: The results described indi- cate that RNA messages produced in the F. coli-¢X174 complex hybridize ef- fectively only with RF-DNA and not with single-stranded mature DNA of ¢X174. This outcome offers strong support for the assertion that the component of the RF-DNA which serves as a template for message production corresponds to the complement of the DNA strand found in the vegetative particle. To complete the proof it is necessary to demonstrate that the base composition of the RNA hy- bridized to RF-DNA corresponds to that which this assertion predicts; the com- plexed RNA should be complementary to the complement of the mature vegetative strand. Asa consequence, it should possess a base composition which mimics that of the vegetative DNA. The numerical situation is such as to make an experi- mental test of this prediction easily attainable. The necessary P*?-labeled RNA was prepared by 3-min labeling of the injected complex at various times. As an added precaution a simple device, detailed in Table 2, was used to make a preparation which would provide an adequate sample of all ¢X174 messages. The labeled RNA thus obtained was hybridized to RF- DNA and the hybrid mixture subjected to RNAase. The product was then chro- matographed on MAK columns as in Figure 3. The hybrid region was collected, hydrolyzed with alkali, and the base composition of the labeled nucleotides deter- mined. The results are summarized in Table 2. The base composition of the RNA hybridized coming from the 50-51.5 min period is in good agreement with that ob- tained from the preparation expected to contain equivalent amounts of all messages synthesized during the infection. Comparison of the three DNA base compositions listed reveals that the hybridized RNA is similar to the vegetative single strand and 670 BIOCHEMISTRY: HAYASHI ET AL, Proc. N. A. 8 TABLE 2 Base Ratio oF HyBripizABLE RNA Cc A U(T) G RNA all stage-pulsed 17.5 23.8 33.1 25.6 (0-54 min) short pulse 17.5 25.5 34.0 23.0 (50-53 min) DNA @X174 single* 19 25 33 23 @X174 complementary f 23 33 25 19 oX174 RFT 21 29 29 21 * Taken from Sinsheimer.'4 + Assumed complementary to the original strand. { Assumed double-stranded with single and complementary strands. E, colt C in log phase was concentrated to 10%/ml in AD. 6@X174 was added at m.o.i. ~ 20. For the complete message sample, adsorption of the phage was performed at 20°C for 30 min; 1 ml of this complex was added every 3 min into prewarmed SCXD (150 ml) at 30°C under aeration. When the 18th complex was added (51 min after 0 time), 20 me of P®? was pulsed for 3 min. The RNA was then isolated, purified, and designated as ‘‘all stage-pulsed‘’ RNA. A short P32 pulse 50-53 min after infection was also performed and RNA was isolated and purified. 6 mg of each bulk RNA was hybridized with 70y of heat-denatured RF; hybridization and RNAase treatment are as detailed in Fig. 2. The hybrid was isolated on a MAK column and the base composition determined as described in Methods. is complementary to its complement. The prediction that the complement to the mature strand generates genetic message would appear to be confirmed. Discussion.—It will be recalled that analysis in cesium chloride gradients and on MAK? columns have shown that the injected strand of ¢X174 is incorporated into the RF duplex structure. The buoyant density and melting temperature® of RF-DNA both agree that it is a double-stranded molecule containing mature viral DNA as one component and its complement as the other. The fact that @X174 message hybridizes to the RF-DNA and not to the mature single-stranded DNA means that it is the complementary component of the RF-DNA which is in- volved in the hybrid complex. The base composition of the hybridized RNA adds further strong support to the validity of this conclusion. We obviously cannot categorically state that the other strand does not produce any messages. However, if it does, they represent less than 5 per cent of the population. There is also the unlikely possibility that both are transcribed and that one of the transcriptions is preferentially destroyed. All of the results reported are consistent with the inference that one of the two strands of the DNA duplex is predominantly, or solely, used to generate genetic mes- sages. This conclusion does not deny the possibility” that effective transcription of only one of the strands requires the presence of both strands. It may perhaps be proposed that deductions derivable from the study of a single- stranded DNA virus may not be generally applicable to organisms which normally possess both complementary strands. However, it must be noted that message production does not begin in this system until the double-stranded structure is con- stituted. One is inclined therefore to believe that the situation being examined is not so abnormal as to be completely unique. Nevertheless, general acceptance ob- viously requires confirmation with other DNA systems. The fact that only one strand is used possesses an interesting implication for the problem of genetic inversions. Sequence inversion in a DNA molecule requires in addition a 180° rotation of the inverted stretch in order to reconstitute the anti- parallel 5’—3’-internucleotide linkage. This exchanges sequences between the VoL. 50, 1963 BIOCHEMISTRY: HAYASHI ET AL. 671 strands. ‘Thus, inverted sequences will be lost to the transcription mechanism, so that inversion necessarily results in a deletion. We predict therefore that tran- seribable inversions resulting in nondeletion phenotypes will not be observed in organisms which contain a continuous DNA duplex structure as the sole component of their chromosomal apparatus. The corollary to this, for organisms which do exhibit nondeletion inversions, is obvious. We should like to conclude by noting briefly the discovery in uninfected host cells of a strange genetic message of peculiar base composition, and complementary to a restricted section of ¢X174 DNA. This RNA disappeared within 5 min after in- fection of the host cell and thus did not complicate the experiments described here. The significance of this unusual finding is at present under investigation. Summary.—The experiments described were designed to determine whether in vivo transcription of genetic information involves only one or both strands of the DNA-duplex. The experiments used DNA from the single-stranded virus ¢X174 and its purified replicating form which contains the original strand and its complement. Ap- propriate hybridization tests with these two DNA preparations and the RNA mes- sage fraction were carried out. The results of the hybridization tests and of the base composition of the RNA complex revealed the presence of RNA complementary to only one of the two strands of the RF-duplex. The data are consistent with the con- clusion that only one of the two complements in a DNA duplex is either the prin- cipal or sole source of translatable genetic information. Among other conclusions, these results imply that transcribable genetic inversions resulting in nondeletion phenotypes are not to be expected within a continuous DNA duplex structure. Note added in proof: The desirability of extending the conclusions reported here to DNA which is normally double-stranded in the vegetative state has been met rather rapidly. C. Greenspan and J. Marmur (personal communication) have separated the two strands of the SP-8 virus of B. megaterium and have shown that only one of them hybridized extensively with homolo- gous message. G. P. Tocchini-Valentini, M. Stodolsky, A. Aurisicchio, F. Graziosi, M. Sarnat, and E. P. Geiduschek (personal communication) have accomplished the same result with phage alpha of B. subtilis and have obtained similar results. * This investigation was aided by grants-in-aid from the U.S. Public Health Service and National Science Foundation. 1 Geiduschek, E. P., T. Nakamoto, and 8. B. Weiss, these Procrepinas, 47, 1405 (1961). 2 Chamberlin, M., and P. Berg, these ProceEpinas, 48, 81 (1962). 3 Hayashi, M., M. N. Hayashi, and 8. Spiegelman, Science, 140, 1313 (1963). 4 Volkin, E., and L. Astrachan, Virology, 2, 149 (1956). 5 Nomura, M., B. D. Hall, and 8. Spiegelman, J. Mol. Bivl., 2, 306 (1960). 6 Bautz, E. K. F., and B. D. Hall, these Procrepines, 48, 400 (1962). 7 Bolton, E. T., and B. J. McCarthy, these Procrrpinas, 48, 1390 (1962). 8 Yankofsky, S. A., and S. Spiegelman, these Proceepinas, 48, 1069 (1962). 9 Thid., 48, 1466 (1962). 10 Thid., 49, 538 (1963). 4 Giacomoni, D., and S. Spiegelman, Science, 138, 1328 (1962). 1% Goodman, H. M., and A. Rich, these ProcEEprines, 48, 2101 (1962). 13 Hall, B. D., and S. Spiegelman, these ProcEEeprnes, 47, 137 (1961). 4 Sinsheimer, R. L., J. Mol. Biol., 1, 43 (1959). 1% Sinsheimer, R. L., B. Starman, C. Naglar, and 8. Guthrie, J. Mol. Biol., 4, 142 (1962). 16 Fraser, D., and E. A. Jerrel, J. Biol. Chem., 205, 291 (1953). 1 Marmur, J., J. Mol. Bivl., 3, 208 (1961). 672 BIOCHEMISTRY: HAYASHI ET AL. Proc. N. A. 8. 18 Hayashi, M., and 8. Spiegelman, these Procrepines, 47, 1564 (1961). 19 Grossman, L., 8. 8. Levine, and W.S. Allison, J. Mol. Biol., 3, 47 (1961). 20 Mandell, J. D., and A. D. Hershey, Anal. Biochem., 1, 66 (1960). 21 Hall, C. E., E. C. Maclean, and I. Tessman, J. Mol. Biol., 1, 192 (1959). 22 Guthrie, G. D., and R. L. Sinsheimer, J. Mol. Biol., 2, 297 (1960). 23 Hayashi, M., and 8. Spiegelman, in manuscript (1963). *4 Kano-Sueoka, T., and 8S. Spiegelman, these ProceEpines, 48, 1942 (1962). * Nygaard, A. P., and B. D. Hall, preprint (1963). *° Hayashi, M., M. N. Hayashi, and S. Spiegelman, in manuscript (1963). 7 Strezloff, E., and F. J. Ryan, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 7, 471 (1962). 28 Champe, 8. P., and S. Benzer, these ProcEEDINGs, 48, 532 (1962).