Reprinted from the PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Vol. 54, No. 3, pp. 919-927. September, 1965. THE SYNTHESIS OF 1 & 107) can be obtained if the spheroplast. stock is employed immediately after dilution and by including a stabilization period in the SNB dilution tubes, rather than plating immediately. However, this higher plating efficiency decays rapidly, making it difficult to obtain reproducible duplicates in repetitive assays. Since reproducibility was of greater concern than efficiency, the assay method detailed above was employed. Results —In designing experiments which involve infectivity assays of the enzy- matically synthesized RNA, it is important to recognize that even highly purified enzymes from infected cells, although demonstrably devoid of intact. cells, are likely to include some virus particles. Chemically, the contamination is trivial, amount- ing to 0.16 y of nucleic acid and 0.8 y of protein for each 1,000 y of enzyme protein employed in the present studies. Since 40 y of protein are used for each 0.25 ml of reaction, the contribution to the total RNA by the particles is only 0.006 +, which is to be compared with the 0.2 y of input RNA and the 3-20 y synthesized in the usual experiment. It was shown in control experiments that RNA freshly extracted from particles in the reaction mixture ix no more infective than that obtained from the usual purified virus preparation. Further, the mandatory requirement for added RNA proves that, within the incubation times used, this small amount of RNA is either inadequate or unavailable for the initiation of the reaction. Thus, these particles do not significantly influence either the chemical or the enzymatic aspects of the experiment. However, because of their higher infective efficiency, even moderate amounts of intact virus cannot be tolerated in the examinations of the synthesized RNA for infectivity. Consequently, all RNA preparations were phenol-treated [Methods, (3)] prior to assay. Further, the phenol-purified RNA was routinely tested for whole virus particles and none were found in the experi- ments reported. We now undertake to describe experiments in which the kinetics of the appear- ance of new RNA and infective units were examined in two different ways. The first shows that the accumulation of radioactive RNA is accompanied by a propor- tionate increase in infective units. The second type proves by a serial dilution ex- periment that the newly synthesized RNA is infective. (1) Assay of infectivity of the purified product: To compare the appearance of new RNA and infectious units in an extensive synthesis, 8 ml of reaction mixture was set up containing the necessary components in the concentrations specified in Methods (2). Aliquots were taken at the times indicated for the determination of radioactive RNA and purification of the product for infectivity assay. The results are summarized in Figure 1 in the form of a semilogarithmic plot against time of the observed increase in both RNA and infectious units. Further details of the experimental protocol are given in the corresponding legend. The amount of RNA (0.8 y/ml) put in at zero time is well below the saturation level of the enzyme present.* Consequently, the RNA increases autocatalytically for about the first 90 min, followed by a synthesis which is linear with time, a feature which had been observed previously.’ It will be noted that the increase in RNA is Vou, 54, 1965 BIOCHEMISTRY: SPIEGELMAN ET AL. 923 110 f coe Jioo ae . RNA r - | Fie. 1.—Kineties of RNA synthe- Ce -neeCTWE Units sis and formation of infectious units. r 1 An 8-ml reaction mixture was set up A containing the components at the 10? FF 4 “J 10 concentrations specified in Methods / 4 (2). Samples were taken as fol- I lows: 1 ml at 0 time and 30 min, 0.5 ml at 60 min, 0.3 ml at 90 min, and 0.2 ml at all subsequent times. 20 4 » were removed for assay of incor- vy porated radioactivity as described wot / a in Methods (2). The RNA was J purified from the remainder [Meth- ods (3)], radioactivity being deter- mined on the final product to moni- tor recovery. Infectivity assays were carried out as in Methods (4). PLAQUE FORMERS / CSmt ne rrr SS ——. #9 RNAi 60 120 leo 240 MINUTES. paralleled by a rise in the number of infectious units. During the 240 min of incu- bation, the RNA experiences a 75-fold increase, and the infectious units experience a 35-fold increase over the amount present at zero time. These numbers are in agreement within the accuracy limits of the infectivity test. Experiments carried out with other enzyme preparations yielded results in complete accord with those just described. It is clear that one can provide evidence for an increase in the number of infectious units which parallels the appearance of newly synthesized RNA. (2) Proof that the newly synthesized RNA molecules are infective: The kind of experiments just. described offer plausible evidence for infectivity of the radioactive RNA. They are not, however, conclusive, since they do not eliminate the possi- bility that the agreement observed is fortuitous. One could argue that the enzyme is “activating” the infectivity of the input RNA while synthesizing new noninfec- tious RNA and that the rather complex exponential and linear kinetics of the two processes happen to coincide by chance. Direct. proof that the newly synthesized RNA is infectious can in principle be obtained by experiments which use N'-H*1labeled initial templates to generate N*4-P*labeled product. The two can then be separated® in equilibrium density gradients of CspS8O.. Such experiments have been carried out for other purposes, and will be described elsewhere. However, the steepness of the Cs:SO, density gradients makes it difficult. to achieve a separation clean enough to be completely satisfying. There exists, however, another approach which bypasses these technical difficul- ties and takes advantage of the fact that we are dealing with a self-propagating en- tity. Consider a series of tubes, each containing 0.25 ml of the standard reaction mixture, but no added template. The first tube is seeded with 0.2 y of QB-RNA and incubated for a period adequate for the synthesis of several y of radioactive RNA. An aliquot (50 \) is then transferred to the second tube which is in in turn permitted to synthesize about the same amount of RNA, a portion of which is again transferred to a third tube, and so on. If each successive synthesis pro- TABLE 1 SERIAL TRANSFER EXPERIMENT 14 —--——— Formation of RNA Formation of IU 13 % 2 3 4 5 6 7 ————-- Concentration of Original Template 11 12 Observed Recovery Transfer Interval Cpm Total A = 8 9 10 A = e€.0.p oO no. (min) Time x 1073 (y) (y) (y) y Strands IU x 1075 x 10-5 x 10-7 P2RNA 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 2.0 X 107! 1.2 * 10" 6.0 & 10 1.0 1.0 5.5 pie 1 40 40 64 3.2 3.0 3.0 2.0 X 107} 1.2 * 10) 6.0 & 10! 5.2 5.2 3.2 54.2 2 40 80 84 4.2 3.6 6.6 4.0 X 107? 2.4 X 10 1.2 & 10! 2.2 6.5 2.0 88.3 3 40 120 112 5.7 4.9 11.5 6.7 X 1073 4.0 X 10° 2.0 & 10° 11.3 17.4 5.3 59.9 4 40 160 134 6.7 5.6 17.1 1.1 XK 10 6.6 X 108 3.3 X 10 5.7 21.2 3.0 42.3 5 30 190 113 5.7 4.4 21.5 1.9 X 107+ 1.1 X 108 55 7.4 27.6 3.0 63.4 6 30 220 144 7.2 6.1 27.6 3.1 xX 107% 1.8 X 10° 9 15.0 36.4 3.7 82.4 7 30 250 150 7.5 6.1 33.7 5.1 X 1078 3.0 X 108 1.5 13.4 48.1 5.0 52.9 8 30 280 162 8.1 6.6 40.3 8.6 X 1077 5.0 X 105 <1 8.8 54.7 5.2 51.4 9 30 310 164 8.2 6.6 46.9 1.4 k 107 8.4 X 10°