Reprinted from the ProckEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Vol. 55, No. 6, pp. 1539-1554. June, 1966. A RATIONALE FOR AN ANALYSIS OF RNA REPLICATION* By S. SpreEGELMAN AND I. HarRuNA DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, URBANA Presented before the Academy, October 13, 1965, by invitation of the Committee on Arrangements for the Autumn Meeting The intent is to trace our efforts at understanding the molecular life history of RNA genomes using the £. coli-RNA phage system.! In the process, an attempt will be made to provide a background of the thinking that went into the experi- ments to be described. Because of the usual dominance of serendipity in biological and biochemical research, it is not often that it is either informative or useful to record the reasons for a particular set of experiments; noting the outcome is usually sufficient. However, the present instance may represent an exception. (1) Problem of Communication between an RNA Virus and Its Host Cell—We start with the fact that all organisms which use RNA as genetic material are manda- tory intracellular parasites. They must, therefore, carry out a major part of their life cycle in cells which use DNA as genetic material and RNA as genetic messages. On entry, the viral RNA is faced with the problem of inserting itself into the cellu- lar information flow pattern in order to communicate its own instructions to the synthesizing machinery. 8 P, 7 1 INFECTIVE UNITS —+——, ~ g 4 + =z O8F 440% nxiot a1 E x J go7- a @ L 4 3 N = L 4 S 2 1 1 z O06 330 2 1 4 o f——s——TOTAL RNA + ws 7 Lost 1000 3 x | o4f 712.0 1 1 1 L 60 120 180 2a0 MINUTES O3-F 7 4 nd ou: : x Fie. 4.—Kinetics of RNA synthesis and 02 E+ 4io formation of infectious units. An 8-ml 7 reaction mixture was set up containing the ob components at the concentrations specified in Fig. 1. Samples were taken as follows: Loa 1 ml at 0 time and 30 min, 0.5 ml at 60 min, 30 60 90 oe 0.3 ml at 90 min, and 0.2 ml at all sub- MINUTES sequent times. Twenty \ were removed Fria. 5.—Kineties of RNA synthesis and forma- for assay of incorporated radioactivity. The tion of infectious units. Same conditions as in RNA was purified from the remainder, Fig. 4, except that the enzyme was purified ina radioactivity being determined on the final CsCl gradient which decreased the virus particle product to monitor recovery (Spiegelman count by a factor of 1 x 10* (Spiegelman, et al.*”). Haruna, and Pace, in preparation). infectious units. The amount of RNA (0.8 y per ml at 0 time) is well below the saturation level of the enzyme present. Consequently, the RNA increases auto- catalytically for about the first 90 min, followed by a synthesis which is linear with time. We note that the increase in RNA is paralleled by a rise in the number of infectious units. Experiments carried out with other enzyme preparations yielded results in complete accord with those just described. Another example is given in Figure 5 in which the enzyme used was purified pycnographically in a cesium chloride density gradient which decreases the virus particle content by a factor of 10° with- out change in the properties of the enzyme. An examination here reveals that again one has parallel increases in both RNA and infectious units. (b) Proof that the newly synthesized RNA molecules are infectious: The kind of experiments just described offer plausible evidence for infectivity of the newly synthesized radioactive RNA. However, they are not conclusive since they do not eliminate the possibility that the agreement observed is fortuitous. One could argue, however implausibly, that the enzyme is “activating” the infectivity of the input RNA while synthesizing new noninfectious RNA, and that the rather com- plex combination of exponential and linear kinetics of the two processes coincides fortuitously. Direct proof that the newly synthesized RNA is infectious can, in principle, be Vou. 55, 1966 BIOCHEMISTRY: SPIEGELMAN AND HARUNA 1549 obtained by experiments which employ N"-H*-labeled initial templates to generate N4-P®2 product. The two can then, in principle, be separated in equilibrium density gradients of cesium sulfate. Such experiments have been carried out for other purposes and will be described elsewhere. However, the steepness of the cesium sulfate gradient makes it difficult to achieve a separation clean enough to be completely satisfying. There exists, however, another approach which bypasses these technical dif- ficulties by taking advantage of the biology of the situation and of the fact that we are dealing with a presumed self-propagating entity. Consider a series of tubes each containing 0.25 ml of the standard reaction mixture, but no added template. The first tube is seeded with 0.2 y of Q8 RNA and incubated for a period adequate for the synthesis of several y of radioactive RNA. An aliquot (50 A) is then trans- ferred to the second tube which is in turn permitted to synthesize about the same amount of RNA, a portion of which is again transferred to a third tube, and so on. If each successive synthesis produces RNA which can serve to initiate the next one, the experiment can be continued indefinitely and, in particular, until the point is reached at which the initial RNA of tube 1 has been diluted to an insignificant level. In fact, enough transfers can be made to ensure that the last tube contains less than one strand of the input primer. Jf, in all the tubes, including the last one, the number of infectious units corresponds to the amount of radtoactwe RNA found, convincing evidence ts offered that the newly synthesized RNA is infectious. A complete account of such a serial transfer experiment may be found in Spiegel- 75 oO (74 ——~~-INFECTIOUS. UNITS peg RNA MINUTES 300 TRANSFERS Fig. 6.—RNA synthesis and formation of infectious units in a serial transfer experiment. Six- teen reaction mixtures of 0.25 ml were set up, each containing 40 y of protein and the other components specified for the “standard” assay; 0.2 y of template RNA were added to tubes 0 and 1; RNA was extracted from the former immediately, and the latter was allowed to incubate for 40 min. Then 50 of tube 1 were transferred to tube 3 and so on, each step af- ter the first involving a 1 to 6 dilution of the input material. Every tube was transferred from an ice bath to the 35°C water bath a few minutes before use to permit temperature equilibration. After the transfer from a given tube, 20 A were removed to determine the amount of P*- RNA synthesized, and the product was purified from the remainder. Control tubes incubated for 60 min without the addition of the 0.2 7 of RNA showed no detectable RNA synthesis, nor any increase in the number of infectious units. All recorded numbers are normalized to 0.25 ml. The ordinates represent cumulative increases of infectious units and radioactive RNA in each transfer. The abscissa records elapsed time and the transfer number. Further details are to be found in Spiegelman ef al.‘ 1550 BIOCHEMISTRY: SPIEGELMAN AND HARUNA Proc. N. A. 8. man etal.” Aside from controls, 15 transfers were involved, each resulting in a 1 to 6 dilution. By the eighth tube there was less than one infectious unit ascribable to the initiating RNA, and the 15th tube contained less than one strand of the initial input. Nevertheless, every tube showed an increment in infectious units corresponding to the radioactive RNA found. Figure 6 compares cumulative increments with time in newly synthesized RNA and infectious units. The agreement between the increments in synthesized RNA and newly appearing infectious units is excellent at every stage of the serial transfer and continues to the last tube. Long after the initial RNA has been diluted to insignificant levels, the RNA from one tube serves to initiate synthesis of biologically competent RNA in the next. It is clear that every step and component necessary to complete the replication must be represented in the reaction mixture described. (9) Prospects for the Resolution of the RNA Replicating Mechanism—We may conclude this discussion with an assessment of the current status of the RNA replication problem and an indication of the direction of our present efforts. Jt must be emphasized that the doubts raised (§ 4) about the ribonuclease- resistant structures (RS) concern only their function. The structures are real and their existence must ultimately be explained. Certain quantitative features of the time, kinetics of appearance, and proportion of input strand involved in “RS” are difficult to reconcile with a model which insists that they intervene between the initial template and final product. Further, ribonuclease-resistant structures are observed with purified replicase whenever it is functioning abnormally (e.g., with fragments or in the presence of Mn++). 42 On the basis of these and other difficulties, we maintain that a decision cannot be made at present on whether the RS are replicative intermediates of unknown structure, nonreplicative intermediates of unknown function, or simply nonfunctional artifacts. The unambiguous analysis of a replicating mechanism demands evidence that the reaction being studied is in fact generating replicas. Ultimately, therefore, proof must be offered that the polynucleotide product contains the information necessary for the production of the corresponding virus particle in a suitable test system. The experiments described demonstrate that this rather rigorous require- ment has finally been satisfied. It should now be possible to study RNA replication in a simple system consisting of purified replicase, template RNA, riboside triphosphates, and magnesium. How- ever, this is a necessary condition, not one sufficient for success. Possession of an enzyme of this sort does not, of itself, guarantee that any results observed are necessarily relevant to the nature of the replicating reaction. Attempts at the analysis of the replicating mechanism must recognize the implications of the fact that the enzymes involved are likely to be complicated molecules. High levels of complexity provide the flexibility which permits the occurrence of abnormalities, a potentiality which can be accentuated by exposure to either strange environments or unusual components. Thus, in the absence of primer, the DNA polymerase eventually initiates the synthesis of an AT-copolymer.® In the presence of Mn++, the same enzyme will incorporate riboside triphosphates into a mixed polymer.*! Analogously, the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase synthesizes poly A if supplied only with ATP, a reaction which is inhibited if the other riboside triphosphates are added. ** Again, if presented with a single-stranded DNA, the transcriptase VoL. 55, 1966 BIOCHEMISTRY: SPIEGELMAN AND HARUNA 1551 synthesizes a DNA-RNA hybrid*4—*" and if the template is RNA, a duplex RNA results.34: 3 The fact that such variations from the norm can occur makes it difficult to draw incontestable conclusions from the appearance of a product in a reaction. Thus, for example, as will be detailed elsewhere,“ replicase makes an RNase-resistant structure if presented with either fragments of its own genome or intact heterologous RNA. We recognize that the abnormal has often been fruitfully used in the study of the normal and that even artifacts can ultimately serve to illuminate the reaction in which they are generated. However, it is first necessary to identify the normal. We insist, therefore, that in the test tube even more than in the cell, evidence other than mere existence must be provided before a component found is accepted as a normal intermediate of the replicative process. The study of the normal functioning of the replicases described requires intact homologous RNA and the avoidance of Mn++. Furthermore, even under optimal conditions, as we know them, prolonged functioning of these enzymes in the enzy- mologist’s test tube can create the possibility of accumulating abnormalities.* Since the enzyme reaction described here does in fact produce RNA strands bio- logically indistinguishable from the input templates, it should be possible to test all the implications of any proposed mechanism. If two enzymes are required, both must be present and it should be possible either to establish their existence or to prove that one is sufficient. If an intermediate replicating stage intervenes between the template and the identical copy, then these forms should be demonstrably present in the reaction mixture. All experiments designed to test these alternatives must be continually monitored for biologically active product to ensure that the normal reaction is being followed. A rather strong negative conclusion can be drawn from the data summarized concerning the possible role of transcriptase as the “second enzyme” for RNA replication, a mechanism some find attractive. The complete absence of detectable transcriptase from our preparation would appear to eliminate it as a participant in RNA replication. It seems likely that the most telling data are derivable from experiments in which the initiation of new chains is synchronized. To begin with, the examination of the product synthesized, prior to the appearance of mature strands, can be compared with that formed in more extensive synthesis. The use of different isotopes on template (e.g., H*) and product (e.g., P*?) permits a sensitive search for inter- mediate complexes between the two, a prediction of the ¢X-174 model. We may briefly list potentially informative experiments which use these and other devices: (1) There might be a comparison of ribonuclease resistance of product and template at various stages of synthesis. (2) A-search could be made for a physical complex between the P*? product and the H? template in sucrose gradients and in equilibrium density gradients of Cs,8Ox.. In the latter the templates can, in some cases, be additionally labeled with N™ to give them a unique density position. Here the early (1-5% synthesis) events are most crucial. (3) A detailed analysis could be made of the base composition during the progress of early synthesis. The resulting data are particularly informative in the 1552 BIOCHEMISTRY: SPIEGELMAN AND HARUNA Proc. N. A. S. case of Q@, since its A/U ratio is 0.75 and that of its complement is, therefore, 1.33. Consequently, the formation of the complement as an initial step is easily detected. (4) Along similar lines, a comparison of nearest-neighbor analysis to all four bases in early and late synthesis should reveal whether a complement or the identical copy is being made in the early periods. (5) The degree of complementarity between the product and the original template at various stages of strand formation could be determined by hybridiza- tion tests. In this connection, it may be noted that the required annealing ex- periments are not as simple, either logically or technically, as some recent contribu- tions would suggest. (6) The involvement of replicating complexes or complementary strands might not be detected by any of these experimental devices if they pre-existed in the enzyme preparations, either free or associated with active enzyme molecules. Here, however, advantage can be taken of the size (2 X 10° for RF and 1 X 106 for the complementary RNA) and the density of RNA or RNA-enzyme complexes. Enzyme can be isolated pycnographically in a density gradient at a density char- acteristic for nucleic acid-free protein, followed by characterization for size in a sucrose gradient. If the resulting enzyme is active and still completely satisfied by viral RNA, pre-existing complements or duplexes can hardly be invoked to explain their properties. Virtually all the experiments listed above have been carried out and a few are in the final stages of completion. The detailed data and conclusions will be re- corded elsewhere.** Here we may state that, thus far, we have found no evidence to encourage the idea that a duplex containing the mature strand and its comple- ment plays a role in replication. It is important to emphasize that none of this should be taken to mean that our experiments have eliminated the use of complementarity in RNA replication. There are readily designed mechanisms which involve complementarity without requiring the synthesis of an intermediate duplex or the complete complementary strand. An extreme example may be briefly noted: Consider the possibility that a representative of each of the four nucleotides is attached to the enzyme. These could be permanent components or replaceable ones and are used by the enzyme for complementary reading of the template as a guide, via ‘allosteric instruction,” for building an identical copy. Other mechanisms involving transient partial com- plements can also be devised. It seems likely that many of the uncertainties which still exist about RNA replica- tion will yield relatively soon to the proper experiments. We are tempted to end the present discussion with only a slight modification of the conclusion used in an earlier*® essay on protein synthesis. ‘The crucial experiments have not yet been executed. However, the systems required for their performance are with us, or close to hand. The outlook is depressingly bright for the quick resolution of another interesting problem.” * This investigation was supported by U.S. Public Health Service research grant no. CA-01094 from the National Cancer Institute and grant no. 2169 from the National Science Foundation. 1 Loeb, T., and N. D. Zinder, these ProcrEpinas, 47, 282 (1961). 2Temin, H. M., these ProckEpiINnes, 52, 323 (1964). 3 Doi, R. H., and 8. Spiegelman, Science, 138, 1270 (1962). VoL. 55, 1966 BIOCHEMISTRY: SPIEGELMAN AND HARUNA 1553 4 Hall, B. D., and 8. Spiegelman, these ProcrEpINGs, 47, 137 (1961). 5 Yankofsky, S. A., and 8. Spiegelman, these PRocEEDINGS, 48, 1069 (1962). 8 Ibid., p. 1466. 7 Giacomoni, D., and 8. Spiegelman, Science, 138, 1328 (1962). 8 Spiegelman, 8., and R. H. Doi, in Synthesis and Structure of Macromolecules, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, vol. 28 (1963), p. 109. 9 Hayashi, M., and S. Spiegelman, these ProcerpinGs, 47, 1564 (1961). 1 Goodman, H. M., and A. Rich, these ProcEEDINGs, 48, 2101 (1962). Hurwitz, J., J. J. Furth, M. Malamy, and M. Alexander, these ProceEpings, 48, 1222 (1962). 12 Levinthal, C., A. Keynan, and A. Higa, these ProceEpines, 48, 1631 (1962). 13 Reich, E., R. M. Franklin, A. J. Shatkin, and E. L. Tatum, these Procrrpines, 48, 1238 (1962). . ™ Nathans, D., G. Notani, J. H. Schwartz, and N. D. Zinder, these ProcrEpines, 48, 1424 (1962). 156 Ohtaka, Y., and S. Spiegelman, Sczence, 142, 493 (1963). 16 Clark, J. M., Jr., A. Y. Chang, 8. Spiegelman, and M. E. Reichmann, these Procnepings, 54, 1193 (1965). 17 Doi, R. H., and S. Spiegelman, these ProcrEpines, 49, 353 (1963). 18 Sinsheimer, R. L., J. Mol. 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