FAREWELL TO SOMERSET, HELLO CHAPEL HILL Few would deny that it's terrible to say goodbye Particularly to our closest friends or allies whom, not even our fondest passions could ever transcend But, in the process there are true benefits Which when codified and pondered, lead one to believe, at least where I sit, that all those years in our present abode formed a sturdy scaffold which, rich in its tapestry of companions and myriad events, have enriched, even enobled our lives to such large extents that goodbyes or hellos are mere punctuations that serve to demarcate time and place but have no more significance my dear fellows than the twitch of an eyebrow, the shrug of a shoulder or, even bolder -and this may seem disloyal- such as when the blade takes its morsel and the baby cries at the hands of the moyel Tears, tears, they must be shed I hear some under their breath mutter but, why should the lacrimal gland be any more significant than a cow's utter? after all, the former simply relieves us of our endorphins while the latter forces the ohild to seek its mother Be all of us happy and not fret for, after all, we are not leaving this planet at least, not yet nor are we embarking for Shadyhill, the town of which John Cheever wrote as being full of drunks, rakes, and forsooth (in Paul's honor) the mentally ill. No we are going not far away to Chapel Hill with its lofty college spires its graceful elms sheltering minds and ideas to which we all aspire. Hooray, we are off to a new adventure hopefully with newly found friends with knowledge, to be sure, although with present company not as secure. We raise our glasses to Selma and Paul To our children, including Doug, and Sarah, and those surely to come; to all our Somerset Friends and our colleagues from NIH From whom I apparently cannot escape and finally to our lovely home with its graceful landscape. There will be no goodbyes No tearful farewells Our love our respect for values and character Our feelings about grace and beauty our sense of the past, our hopes for the future They remain fixed in time and space protected for posterity As if covered with the illusory carapace of eternity