Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 86, pp. 7716-7720, October 1989 Biochemistry Drosophila NK-homeobox genes/ (NK-1, NK-2, NK-3, and NK-4 DNA clones/chromosome locations of genes) YONGSOK KIM AND MARSHALL NIRENBERG Laboratory of Biochemical Genetics, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Building 36, Room 1C-06, Bethesda, MD 20892 Contributed by Marshall Nirenberg, July 6, 1989 ABSTRACT / Four Drosophila melanogaster homeobox genes were found by screening a genomic DNA library with oligodeoxynucleotides that correspond to a conserved amino acid sequence that is part of the putative site of homeobox proteins that recognizes nucleotide sequences in DNA. The amino acid sequences of NK-2, NK-3, and NK-4 homeoboxes are more closely related to one another (59-66% homology) than they are to other Drosophila homeoboxes (28-54% ho- mology), whereas the homeobox of NK-1 is most closely related, in order of decreasing homology, to muscle segment homeobox, zerknillt-1, NK-3, and distal-less homeoboxes. Three of the genes, NK-1, NK-3, and NK-4, comprise a cluster of homeobox genes located in the 93E1-5 region of the right arm of the third chromosome, whereas the fourth homeobox gene, NK-2, is located in the 1C1-5 region of the X chromosome. | Homeobox genes encode DNA binding proteins that regulate gene expression during development or in the adult (1-4). In most cases, the similarity between different kinds of ho- meobox proteins extends only over a segment of the protein that consists of 60-61 amino acid residues, the homeo- domain, which is thought to be the portion of the protein that recognizes nucleotide sequences in DNA. Homeobox genes are particularly well expressed in nervous system, and the homeobox family of genes encodes the largest set of proteins that regulate gene expression in the nervous system that has been identified thus far (5-9). In this report, we describe four newly discovered, related Drosophila homeobox genes that were detected with oligo- nucleotide probes corresponding to an amino acid sequence that is thought to be part of the nucleotide sequence recog- nition site of homeobox proteins. METHODS AND MATERIALS Oligodeoxynucleotides. An Applied Biosystems DNA syn- thesizer 380B was used to synthesize oligodeoxynucleotides. Oligonucleotides with the trityl groups attached were purified by OPC column chromatography and trityl groups then were removed as described by Applied Biosystems. [y?*P]ATP with a specific activity of 6000 Ci/mmol (1 Ci = 37 GBq) (New England Nuclear) was used for phosphorylation of oligode- oxynucleotides catalyzed by T4 polynucleotide kinase (10). Detection and Cloning of Homeobox Genes. A Drosophila melanogaster genomic DNA library in Charon 4A (11) was obtained from the American Type Culture Collection. Recom- binant phage [48,000 plaque-forming units (pfu)] and 2 x 10° Escherichia coli KH802 cells were plated in Petri dishes (150 mm) at a concentration of 12,000 pfu per dish. Four nitrocel- lulose replica filter plaque lifts were obtained from each Petri dish, and each filter was hybridized with a different [32P]- oligodeoxynucleotide preparation [16-64 oligodeoxynucle- otide species per preparation; 1.5 x 10° cpm/ml; 120-150 The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked ‘‘advertisement’’ in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. 7716 fmol/ml (the sum of all species of oligodeoxynucleotides)] at 37°C overnight and washed with a solution containing tetra- methylammonium chloride at 53°C or 50°C for 30 min for 17- mers or 16-mers, respectively, as described by Wood et al. (12). DNA Sequencing.* Cloned genomic DNA fragments cleaved by restriction enzymes were subcloned into Bluescript pKS+. Both strands of the homeobox regions of the following DNA fragments were sequenced by the dideoxynucleotide chain- termination method (13) using M13 universal primers or spe- cific oligodeoxynucleotide primers and Sequenase 2 (United States Biochemical): NK-1, 1.4-kilobase (kb) EcoRI/Pst 1 DNA fragment; NK-2, 1.2-kb EcoRI/Pst I DNA fragment: NK-3, 0.7-kb Pst I DNA fragment; NK-4, 0.4-kb and 2.3-kb upstream HindIII DNA fragments. dITP was used to reduce compression of DNA bands. Locations of Genes on Chromosomes. Salivary gland poly- tene chromosomes were hybridized with EcoRI-cleaved ge- nomic DNA fragments that contained the appropriate ho- meobox region and had incorporated biotin-16 dUMP in place of some dTMP residues as described (14). Detek 1-HRP kits (Enzo Biochemicals) and the protocol supplied by the man- ufacturer were used. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Detection of Homeobox Genes. The Drosophila genomic DNA library of Maniatis ez al. (11) in Charon 4A was screened for recombinants corresponding to homeobox genes with five [>?P]oligodeoxynucleotide probe preparations designed to hybridize to highly conserved homeobox nucle- otide sequences. The oligonucleotide preparations were 16 or 17 nucleotides long and each consisted of multiple species of oligodeoxynucleotides (described in the legend to Fig. 2). Replica filters were prepared and each filter was hybridized to a different [?*PJoligodeoxynucleotide preparation. The filters were washed under high-stringency conditions with a solution that contained tetramethylammonium chloride. which selectively binds to A:T base pairs and raises the melting temperature (,,) of A:T base pairs to that of G-C base pairs (12). The t, of each (°?P]oligodeoxynucleotide-DNA duplex then was dependent on the number of contiguous base pairs formed but was not affected by the proportion of G-C vs. A‘T base pairs (12). Consequently, all species of 17-mer oligodeoxynucleotides hybridized to DNA were washed at the same temperature (53°C) for the stringent wash, and «| 16-mers were washed at 50°C. Of the 48,000 phage plaques that were screened, ~200 clones were obtained that exhibited a positive autoradio- graphic signal with one of the five [22P]oligonucleotide probe preparations, and 7 recombinant clones were obtained that gave positive signals with two or more probe preparations. Many of the 200 clones that were detected with only one *The sequences reported in this paper for NK-1 to NK-4 have Se deposited in the GenBank data base (accession nos. M2728. M27290, M27291, M27292, respectively). Biochemistry: Kim and Nirenberg probe were cloned, but they were not studied further. The 7 clones that were detected with two or more 32P_labeled probes were characterized by restriction site analysis and the nucleotide sequences of the homeobox regions of some of the clones were determined by using unlabeled probes as se- quencing primers. Five of the 7 clones were found to be previously unknown homeobox genes. The 2 remaining ‘Jones correspond to known homeobox genes; 1 clone con- cains zerknwllt-1 (zen-1) and zen-2 DNA (15), and the other clone corresponds to either en or inv (16) (data not shown). Characterization of Homeobox Genes. In Fig. 1 are shown partial restriction site maps of the homeobox genes NK-1, NK-2, NK-3, and NK-4, the locations of homeobox regions within the DNA inserts, and the direction of transcription. The approximate chain lengths of the cloned NK-1 and NK-2 genomic DNA fragments are 15.0 and 14.1 kb, respectively. Three of the 7 clones detected with two or more probes correspond to NK-3. Clone 6 is a 14.7-kb DNA fragment that contains the NK-3 homeobox sequence. Clones 3 and 9 contain similar or identical DNA inserts (14.6 kb) that overlap clone 6 and contain both NK-3 and NK-4 homeobox se- quences separated by ~7.8 kb. The restriction site map of NK-3 and NK-4 shown is derived from data obtained from clones 6, 3, and 9. Subcloned EcoRI DNA fragments from clone 3 were used to determine NK-3 and NK-4 nucleotide sequences. Partial Nucleotide Sequence of NK-1. The sequence of an 811-nucleotide portion of the NK-1 gene is shown in Fig. 2. The first 198 nucleotides correspond to the 3’ portion of an i:tron. Another intron, 217 nucleotides long, was found within the homeobox, between codons for homeobox amino acid residues 44 (glutamine) and 45 (valine). The intron—exon structure of the NK-1 gene was confirmed by sequencing NK-1 cDNA clones (to be described elsewhere). Three other Drosophila homeobox genes, labial (fab) (19, 20), abdominal- B (Abd-B) (21), and distal-less (DID) (22) (Brista (23)] have introns at precisely the same location within the homeobox as NK-1. The intron within the NK-1 homeobox contains a nucleotide sequence for antennapedia (Antp) protein binding (18) and one or two binding sites for zeste protein [the onsensus nucleotide sequence for zeste is TGAGYG (Y, pyrimidine) (17)]. The amino acid sequence of the initial portion of the first NK-1 exon shown in Fig. 2 is highly acidic—i.e., 12 of the first 26 amino acid residues shown are aspartyl or glutamyl residues. Twenty-five percent of the amino acid residues before the homeobox are glycine residues, which include 7 consecutive glycine residues, and 17% are serine or threonine residues. RoR R RH R H mg (8) L I \ 4. a a NK-1 it INE , ; rae (CLONE 2) R] HR RH R) Sop a | NK-2 (CLONE 5) PoP 88 P BB P P R _ \ : = 8 NK-3 (CLONES) NK &NK4S igi Ne-3 NK-4 (R) (CLONE 3} NIK3&NK4 ip) NK3 NK-4 (R} (CLONE 9) Cit 8 aR aay f PEt bbe 2kb NK-3 &NK4 COMPOSITE Fic. 1. Partial restriction maps of NK-1, NK-2, NK-3, and NK-4 cloned genomic DNA fragments. Solid boxes represent homeoboxes and are not drawn to scale. Arrows indicate direction of transcrip- tion. B, BamHL- H, Hindlll: P, Pst 1, R, EcoR1: (R), EcoRI cloning site created by ligation of an EcoRI linker to genomic DNA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86 (1989) 7717 Characterization of NK-2. The nucleotide sequence of the homeobox region of the NK-2 gene is shown in Fig. 3. The deduced amino acid sequence before the homeobox contains repetitive asparagine residues and a highly acidic region consisting of 14 aspartyl or glutamyl residues in a 31-amino acid segment (45% acidic amino acid residues). Twenty-five percent of the amino acid residues before the homeobox are glycine plus alanine. The carboxyl-terminal 30 amino acid residues of NK-2 are rich in histidine (20%), proline (17%), and glycine (17%). A 168-nucleotide 3’-untranslated region also is shown. Characterization of NK-3 and NK-4. The nucleotide se- quence and deduced amino acid sequence of part of the NK-3 homeobox gene are shown in Fig. 4. The initial part of the sequence consists of part of an exon that encodes 54 amino acids (17% alanine, 19% serine and threonine, and 9% asparagine), which is followed by a short, 119-nucleotide intron within the 26th codon before the homeobox. The intron—exon structure of the NK-3 gene was confirmed by sequencing NK-3 cDNA clones (K. Webber, Y.K., and M.N., unpublished data). The initial portion of the second oR 'ATGGCACCAACATGTGCCGAAAAATTCCAATTAATCGAACAATGATGCGGTGG -293 Cc CCGTGGTGATTGATTTCCGTTTTCCAATCCCCCAGGACATTGCCATITGTCTGTIGATGG -234 ATGGCCCTAGCCTGTTGACTTATGCAAAAAGAGAGACACCCGGAACTTATCGTGCCCAA -175 arcrcererrerrrrrrtrererrecact cc CAG GAT TTG AAT GAC ATG GAT -124 Gln Spi Leu Asn fisp Met [Asp] -42 CAG GAC GAT ATG TGT GAC GAT GGC AGC GAT ATC GAC GAT CCC AGC -79 Gln Met Cys Asp Aspj Gly Ser KKspl Ile Asp Asp] Pro Ser ~27 AGC GAG ACG GAC TCC AAA AAG GGA GGC AGT CGT AAT GGG GAT GGA ~-34 Ser Thr isp] Ser Lys Lys Gly Gly Ser Arg Asn Gly Asp Gly ~12 ~L]+1 RAG TCC GGA GGT GGC GGC GGA GGT GGT TCA AAG|CCT CGA CGA GCC 12 Lys Ser y Gly Gly Gly Gly Gly Gly] Ser Lys|Pro Arg Arg Ala 4 CGC ACC GCC TTC ACG TAC GAA CAA CTA GTT TCC"CTG “GaG RAC’ AAG| 57 Arg Thr Ala,Phe Thr Tyr Glu Gln Leu Val Ser Leu Glu Asn Lys 19 hrc AAG ACC ACC AGA TAT CTC AGC GTC TGC GAG CGA CTG AAC TTG| 102 Phe Lys Thr Thr Arg Tyr Leu Ser Val Cys Glu Arg Leu Asn Leu 34 lccc CTC AGC TTG AGC CTG ACA GAG ACG caGYeTGAGCAATGATATATACT 151 Ala Leu Ser Leu Ser Leu Thr Glu Thr Gin 44 ICTATTGTTAAAGATTAAAATCCAGAGAAGTTATGTATATTTTGCAAAAAGTTGGTATAA| 210 CTATTCTCTATGCTTTTCAATTTTAATAGAAGTAATIGAGTIAABATATATTTTACTIO] 263 GAGTGACTAAATTGAAAAGBAGT IEATIACTGITTTTGAAATATTTAAATACCAATGTC| 328 ATTICTCATCATCCTITTAGRG V GIT AKA ATT TGG TIC _CAG AAC CGC CGC] 377 Val Lys Ile Trp Phe Gin Asn Arg Arg 53 CC AAG TGG AAG AAG CAG AAC/CCC GGC ATG GAT GTC AAC TCC CCC 421 ithe Lys Trp Lys Lys Gln Asn|Pro Gly Met Asp Val Asn Ser Pro 68 ACC ATC CCC CCG CCC GGC GGC GGC TCC TTC GGA CCG GG 460 Thr Ile Pro Pro Pro Gly Gly Gly Ser Phe Gly Pro Gly 81 Fic.2. Nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid sequence of the homeobox region of the NK-1 gene. Deoxynucleotide and amino acid residues are numbered on the right; 1 corresponds to the first deoxynucleotide or amino acid residue in the homeobox, which is enclosed in a large box. The acidic amino acid region is indicated by boxed Asp or Glu residues. Repetitive Gly residues before the homeobox also are enclosed in a box. The lst and 2nd boxed nucleotide sequences in intron 2 are possible sites for binding of zeste protein to DNA (17). The 3rd site, ANNNNCATTA, is an Antp protein binding site (18). Arrowheads represent intron—exon junc- tions. Nucleotide 12 in an NK-1 genomic DNA clone was C, whereas the corresponding nucleotide residue found in an NK-1 cDNA clone was T. All oligodeoxynucleotide probes are complementary to the DNA strand shown: probe sequences, starting from the 5’-terminal nucleotide residues are as follows: —, probe 121, 24 species of 17-mers, (-)TYYTGRAACCA(T/A/G)TARAA; --, probe 125, 48 species of 17-mers, (-.AACCA(T/G/AJATYTTNACYT1G, ---, probe 126, 64 species of 17-mers, (-}AAYTCYTTYTCNAGYTC; - -, probe 127, 64 species of 17-mers, (-)-C(T/G)RTTYTCRTTRAAYTC; -:-, probe 130, 16 species of 16-mers, (-)A(C/G)T(C/G\XC/G)T(T/ G)CTCCAGCTC. Y, pyrimidine; R, purine. 7718 Biochemistry: Kim and Nirenberg exon before the homeobox consists of 35% serine and 19% proline residues. The 54 amino acid residues after the ho- meobox are rich in alanyl and glycyl residues (22%) as well as leucyl residues (11%). In Fig. 5 is shown the nucleotide sequence of part of the NK-4 gene. The initial part of the sequence consists of part of an intron, which is followed by an exon that contains the homeobox domain. The carboxyl-terminal region of the de- duced NK-4 protein contains repetitive glutamine residues (M or opa repeats and a CAX repeat in the corresponding DNA). Locations of Genes on Chromosomes. The cytological lo- cations of the NK-1, NK-2, NK-3, and NK-4 genes in Drosophila third-instar larvae salivary gland polytene chro- mosomes are shown in Fig. 6. Unexpectedly, NK-1, NK-3, and NK-4 genes were found to reside in neighboring chro- mosomal bands in the right arm of chromosome 3. The NK-3 and NK-4 genes reside at 93E1-3, and the NK-1 gene resides at 93E3—5. When two probes, one for NK-1 and one for NK-3, were added to the same in situ hybridization reaction mixture, two labeled chromosomal bands were obtained at 93E1-—5 that were separated only slightly. However, the NK-2 gene resides in the 1C1—5 region of the X chromosome. In Fig. 6B, the relative positions of the NK-3/NK-4 and NK-1 genes are shown correlated with the chromosomal bands in the 93E region of chromosome 3 in Bridges’ revised map of chromosomal bands (24). These results show that NK-1, NK-3, and NK-4 comprise a cluster of homeobox genes. Either NK-1, NK-3, or NK-4 genes may be the same as torso-like, a maternal effect gene that resides at 93E and is one of the ensemble of genes that determine the anterior— posterior pattern of the embryo (2). The torso-like gene and four other genes are required for the formation of both the anterior and posterior terminal, unsegmented portions of the embryo (the acron and telson) (2). Another candidate is paired gene 9, which is thought to contain repetitive alternating codons for histidine and proline termed a paired repeat [also found in paired (25) and bicoid ACG GCC CAT GCC CTA CAC AAC AAC AAT AAT AAT ACG ACA AAC AAC -160 Thr Ala His Ala Leu His [Asn Asn Asn Asn Asp Thr Thr Asn Asn -54 AAT AAC CAC AGC CTG AAG GCC GAG GGG ATC AAC GGA GCA GGC AGT -115 n His Ser Leu Lys Ala Glu Gly Ile Asn Gly Ala Gly Ser -39 GGT CAC GAC GAT AGC CTC AAC GAA GAT GGC ATC GAG GAG GAT ATC -70 Gly His Asp Asp Ser Leu Asn [Glu Aso Gly Ile Glu G u_Asp| Ile -24 GAC GAC GTG GAC GAC GCC GAC GGC AGT GGC GGC GGG GAT GCA AAT -25 AS sp Val ASp Asp Ala (Aso Gly Ser Gly Gly Gly [Asp] Ala Asn -3 BamH aft GGA TCC GAC GGT CTG CCA AAT AAG] AAA CGG AAG CGA CGA GTC CTG 21 Gly Ser Gly Leu Pro Asn Lys|Lys Arg Lys Arg Arg Val Leu 7 TTC ACC AAG GCG CAA ACA TAT GAG CTG GAA CGT CGG TTT CGA CAA 66, Phe Thr Lys Ala Gln Thr Tyr Glu Leu Glu Arg Arg Phe Arg Gln 22 CAA CGT TAC TTG AGT GCC CCG GAA CGC GAG CAC CTG GCC AGT TTG} 111 Gin Arg Tyr Leu Ser Ala Pre Glu Arg Glu His Leu Ala Ser Leu 37 ATC CGC CTG ACG CCG ACC CAG GTG AAG ATC TGG TTT CAA AAC CAT] 156 Ile Arg Leu Thr Pro Thr Gln Val Lys Ile Trp Phe Gln Asn His 52 AAC GAG AAG GGC 201 Asn Glu Lys Gly Tyr Glu Gly 67 CAT CCT GGT CTA CTG CAC GGC CAT GCC ACC CAT CCG CAT CAC CCC 246 His Pro! Gly Ley Leu Gis cly His Ala Thr His Pro His fils Prol 82 AGT GCC CTG CCA TCG CCC GTC GGG TAG CCGTTCCAGTTCTGGTGAGGAAC 291 Ser Ala Leu rd Ser Pra val Gly *** 90 GGAAAGCCCTGCTTGGGCGATAGTTCCAAACTGGGAGCCGACTGCGTCTCCGTGTCATC = 341 AGCCACCGCCACCGCCATGCAGAATGCCSCCGCCCATCACTTGGTTGCCCTAAATGGAG = 400 Pst | CGGCCGCCTATCAACATGCCGCTGCAG 440 Fic. 3. Nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid sequence of the homeobox region of NK-2 genomic DNA. The homeobox domain is enclosed in a large box. Repetitive Asn residues are enclosed in a box. The acidic amino acids enclosed in boxes before the homeodomain comprise an acidic region of NK-2 protein. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86 (1989) (25) genes] and a homeobox, which resides at 93E1—2 and was cloned by Frigerio et al. (25). Elsewhere, we will show that NK-1 contains a paired repeat (unpublished data); however, it is not known whether NK-1 is the same as paired gene 9. It should be noted that binding sites for polycomb protein have been detected at 93E1-4 (27). One of several candidates for the NK-2 gene is twisted, discovered by Demerec er ai. (28), which is located between 1C-5 and 2C-10. The abdo- mens of adult tw mutants, viewed from behind, are rotated =30°C clockwise. However, further work is needed for the identification of NK-1, NK-2, NK-3, and NK-4 genes. Homeobox Homology. The deduced amino acid sequences of the homeobox domains of NK-1, NK-2, NK-3, and NK-4 are shown in Fig. 7 and are compared with the 23 Drosophila homeobox sequences that have been reported thus far. NK-?, NK-3, and NK-4 homeoboxes are more closely related to one another (59-66% homology) than they are to other Droso- phila homeoboxes. The maximum homology to a previously reported homeobox is to muscle segment homeobox (msh) (29) (54% homology). In order of decreasing homology, the homeobox of NK-1 is most closely related to msh, zen-/, NK-3 and Dil homeoboxes. NK-1, lab, Dil, and Abd-B genes may have originated from a common precursor because each gene contains an intron between the codons for the 44th and 45th homeobox amino acid residues. It has been suggested that homeobox proteins bind to DNA via a helix-turn-helix motif in the homeodomain and that amino acid residues 42, 43, and 47 in the third a-helix of the homeodomain interact with nucleotide residues in the major groove of DNA and determine, at least in part, the nucleotide sequence recog- nized (29-31). Since NK-1, lab, Abd-B, and Dil genes each contain an intron between the codons for the 44th and 45th homeobox amino acid residues, the part of each gene that ts thought to encode the DNA recognition site of the corre- Pst | CTG CAG TAT TAT GCG GCG GCG ATG GAC AAC AAT AAC CAC CAT CAC -31t Leu Gln Tyr Tyr Ala Ala Ala Met Asp Asn Asm Asn His His His -6€¢ CAG GCA ACG GGC ACA TCG AAC TCC AGT GCC GCC GAC TAC ATG CAG -272 Gln Ala Thr Gly Thr Ser Asn Ser Ser Ala Ala Asp Tyr Met Gln -S2 CGC AAA TTG GCC TAT TTT GGA TCS ACC CTC GCT GCT CCT TTG GAC -226 Arg Lys Leu Ala Tyr Phe Gly Ser Thr Leu Ala Ala Pro ueu Asp -5Si ATG AGA CGC TGC ACC AGC AAC GAT TCC OV orAAGTAACTCCACGARATTA “17? Met Arq Arg Cys Thr Ser Asm Aso Ser A -26 ACGCCATTCAGGCTCTAATGGACTCTGAAAAGAACGCTACTTATTCATTSGCCTTTTGT -1l8 ATAGGATGTATGOTANCTTTIGGTAATTTTCSCTTZACAGVAC TGC GAC TCA CCA obs sp Cys Asp Ser Pro -.- CCG CCA TTG AGC AGT TCC CCC TCG GAG TCG CCG CTA TCC CAC GAC aa Pro Pro Leu Ser Ser Ser Pro Ser Giu Ser Pro Leu Ser His As - ~1fe+l SGC AGT GGA TTG AGC CGC]AAG AAG CGG TCG CGT GCC GCC TTC AGC 2 ; Ser Gly Leu Ser Arg Lys Arg Ser Arg Ala Ala Phe Ser; CAC GCC CAS GIC TTC GAG TTS GAG CGC CGC TTT GCC CAA CAG CGC] is His Ala Gin Val Phe Glu Leu Glu Arg Arg Phe Ala Gln Gin Arg ee IrAC TTG TCC GCT CCG GAA CGC ASC GAG ATG GCC AAG AGC CTG CGC 1 Tyr Leu Ser Gly Pro Glu Arg Ser Glu Met Ala Lys Ser Leu Arg leTG ACG GAG ACC CAG GTG AAG ATC TGG TTC CAA AAC CGC CGC TAC le. leu Thr Glu Thr Gln Val Lys Ile Trp Phe Gln Asn Arg Arg Tyr AAG ACC AAG CGC AAG cacl ATC CAS CAG CAC GAG GCC GCC CTT TTG Lys Thr Lys Arg Lys Gini Ile Gln Gln His Glu Ala Ala Leu Lev GGT GCC AGC AAG AGG GTT CCC GTC CAA GTC TTG GTG CGA GAG GAT Gly Ala Ser Lys Arg Val Pro Val Gln Val Leu Val Arg Glu Asp GSC AGC ACC ACC TAC GCT CAC ATG GCT GCT CCC GGT GCT GGA CAC Gly Ser Thr Thr Tyr Ala His Met Ala Ala Pro Gly Ala Gly His Pst | ay: GGC CTC GAT CCC GCC CTG ATC AAC ATC TAC CGC CAT CAG CTG CAG os Gly Leu Asp Pro Ala Leu Ile Asn lle Tyr Arg His Gin Leu Gln Fic. 4. Nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid sequence of the homeobox region of the NK-3 gene. The homeobox is enclosed in a box. Arrowheads represent exon-intron junctions. Biochemistry: Kim and Nirenberg sponding protein is interrupted by an intron. Further work is needed to determine whether the specificity of DNA recog- nition by NK-1 protein is altered by alternative splicing. Amino acid replacements that alter the 42nd or 43rd amino acid residues in the homeobox are of special interest since they may determine part of the nucleotide sequence that is recog- nized by the homeobox protein. The 42nd homeobox amino acid residues of NK-2 and NK-4 are proline and alanine, respectively. The unspliced form of Saccharomyces cerevi- uae mating-type factor a-1 has proline at this site (29); how- ever, neither proline nor alanine has been found at this site in any metazoan homeobox protein. A proline residue would not be expected to be part of an a-helix, unlike alanine or glutamic acid residues, which promote a-helix formation. The 43rd homeobox amino acid residue of NK-1, NK-2, NK-3, and NK-4 is threonine; however, the only other homeobox pro- teins that contain threonine at this site are msh, Dil, lab, and ro in Drosophila and Hox 1.6 and Hox 7.1 in the mouse. The amino acid sequences of most or all of these homeobox domains share other unusual features {for example, see alanine iilth amino acid residue), lysine or arginine (19th residue), glutamic acid (30th residue), tyrosine (54th residue), and serine or threonine (56th residue)]. The presence of the same or similar unusual amino acid replacements in most or all of these homeodomains provides additional evidence that the newly discovered homeobox genes are related to one another. The combined use of probes 121 and 125, which corre- spond to the overlapping hexapeptides shown at the top of Fig. 7, should detect only those homeobox genes that encode the amino acid sequence Gln-Val-Lys-Ile-Trp-Phe-Gin-Asn 4s residues 44—51 of the third a-helix of the homeodomain, vhich is part of the putative nucleotide sequence recognition site of homeobox proteins. Only zen-/, zen-2, lab, and cad, in addition to the homeobox genes described in this report would be expected to give positive autoradiographic signals with both 121 and 125 probes. It is uncertain whether msh, Dil, and Abd-B genes would give positive signals with 121 and 125 probes because both Dil and Abd-B genes contain introns oe TART AITGATCOTAAACTAGTGCCTAGTCCCTTAACGAGTTATAAC TATTATAGTIA -150 CGA AAG CCT CGC GTG CTC TTT TCC CAG GCA CAG STC ys Ary Lys Pro Arg Val Leu Phe Ser Sln Ala Gin Val G GAG TGT CGC TTT CGA CTC AAA AAG TAT CTG ACG GGT u Glu Cys Arg Phe Arg Leu Lys Lys Tyr Leu The Gly - Hindill G CGC GAG ATA ATC GCG CAA AAG CTT AAC CTG TCG GCC ACC Glu tle Ile Ala Gln Lys Leu Asn Leu Ser Ala Thr . ATT TGG TTC CAG AAT CGG CGC TAC AAA TCG AAA CGT Tle Trp Phe Gln Ase Arg Arg Tyr Lys Ser Lys Arg GAC TGC GAG GGC ATC GCC AAG CAT CTG AAG TTG AAG spl Ile Asp Cys Glu Gly Ile Ala Lys His Leu Lys Leu Lys GAG CCC CTG GAC TCG CCC ACT TCT CTG ecc ceG CCG ATT CCC AAC 267 slu Pro Leu Asp Ser Pro Thr Ser Leu Pro Pro Pro Ile Pro Asn a9 SAC GTG ATG TGG CCC CCA ACC ATG CAG CAA TCG CAG CAG CAG CAG 312 His Val Met Trp Pro Pro Thr Met Gin Gin Ser Gln Gln Gin Gin 104 “AG CAT CAT GCA CAS CAG CAA CAG ATG CAG CAC ATG TAG TGGACAT 358 sin His His Ala Gin Gln Gln Gin Met Gin Kis Met *** 116 oe SACAGGACORACCATTCGAGTCTCTAATTTATIGCAGT TT CAAGAAGAATACATGTT al? SROTCOTAAGCAAACGCTCATAGTTCTAGTTCTTTSTTT 456 Fic. 5. Nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid sequence of the homeobox region of the NK-4 gene. The homeobox is enclosed ina box. A CAX repeat is underlined, which encodes repetitive Gln residues. Arrowhead represents a potential splice acceptor site. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86 (1989) 719 ANSE et Jadesce ae eS wBasdak | BAITAZICA TT CA LE TJAGCA SUM ITIACOE attactfara AGAEL ES NK-3 qu NK-1 NK-4 (93E3-5) (93E1-3) Fic. 6. (A) Jn situ hybridization of genomic DNA probes for NK-1 (first panel), NK-4 (second panel), NK-3 (third panel), NK-1 and NK-3 (fourth panel), and NK-2 (fifth panel) to Drosophila polytene chromosomes. A-F and vertical markers represent chro- mosomal band subdivisions in the 93 A-F region of the right arm of the third chromosome. The DNA probes hybridize to the following locations: NK-1, 93E3-5; NK-4, 93E1-3; NK-3, 93E1-3; NK-1 and NK-3, 93E1-5; NK-2, 1C1-5. Arrowheads indicate labeled chromo- somal bands. (B) The approximate locations of the NK-3, NK-4, and NK-1 genes are indicated on Bridges’ revised map of chromosomal bands (24). of unknown sequence between codons for the 44th and 45th homeobox amino acid residues, and it is not known whether the msh gene contains an intron at this site. Probe 125 hybridizes to the NK-1 gene because the 3’-terminal nucle- otide sequences of both exon 1] and intron 2 are CAG. Both zen-1 and zen-2 genomic DNA were detected and cloned with probes 121 and 125 in addition to NK-1, NK-2, NK-3, and NK-4, but Jab and cad genes were not detected. The Drosophila genome has been screened many times with DNA fragments containing homeobox sequences as probes; however, NK-1, NK-2, NK-3, and NK-4 homeo- domains may not have been detected because their overall homology to other Drosophila homeodomains is relatively low. The use of oligodeoxynucleotide probes that correspond to other amino acid sequences in homeobox proteins should provide a means of detecting additional sets of homeobox genes that have some structural features in common. 1. Gehring, W. J. (1987) Science 236, 1245-1252. 2. Niisslein-Volhard, C., Frohnhéfer, H. G. & Lehmann, R. (1987) Science 238, 1675-1681. Scott, M. P. & Carrol, B. C. (1987) Cell 51, 689-698. 4. Herr, W., Sturm, R. A., Clerc, R. G., Corcoran, L. M., Baltimore, D.. Sharp, P. A., Ingraham. H. A.. Rosenfeld, M. G.,. Finney, M., Ruvkun, G. & Horvitz, H. R. (1988) Genes Dev. 2, 1513-1516. Doe, C. Q. & Scott, M. P. (1988) Trends Neurosci. 11, 101-106. 6. Doe, C.Q., Hiromi, Y.. Gehring, W. J. & Goodman, C. S. (1988) Science 239, 170-175. 7. Blochlinger. K.. Bodmer, R., Jack. J., Jan. L. Y. & Jan, Y. N. Nature (London) 333. 629-635. Ww ” 7720 Biochemistry: Kim and Nirenberg Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86 (1989) Li } I 2} { 3 } 29 EN ENR QVRIWF = #125 PERCENT HOMOLOGY #126 ELEKEF KIWFON #121 Nil Nkc3 NK WK-2 1 10 21 28 38 42 52 61 NK-1 PRRARTAFT YEQLVSLENKFK TTRYLS VCERLNLALSL SLT RT ONR RTKWKKQNP 100 54 44 49 NK-3 KKRSRAAFS BAQVFELERRFA OQRYLS GPERSEMAKSL RLT ETQVKIWFQNR RYKTKRKQ] 54 100 59 66 NK-4 KRKPRVLFS QAQVLELECRFR LKKYLT GAEREILAQKL NLS ATQVKIWFQNR RYKSKRGDI 44 $8 100 59 NK-2 KRKRRVLFT RAQTYELERRFR QORYLS APEREALASLI RLT PTQVKIWFQNH RYKTKRAQN 49 66 59 100 msh §NRKPRTPFT TQQLLSLERRFR EKQYLS ZARRAEVSSSL RLT ETQVKIWFQNR RAKAKRLOE 57 54 84 84 © (29] Dll MRKPRTIYS SLOLQQLNRAFQ RTQYLA LPERAELAASL GLT QTQVKIWFQNR RSKYKKMMK 53 51 48 48 [22] lab NNSGRTNFT NRQLTELEKEFA FNRYLT RARRIEIANTL OLN ETQVKIWFONR RMKQKKRVK 51 48 48 43 © [19, 20] zan-1 LKRSRTAFT SVQLVELENEFK SNMYLY RTRRIEIAQRL SLC ERQVKIRFQNR RMKFKKDIQ 87 5i 44 39 [15} zan-2 SKRSRTAFS SLQLIKLERRFH LNKYLA RTRRIBISORL ALT ERQVKIWFQNR RMKLKKSTN 49 54 48 41 [15] bed PRRTRTTFT S8QIARLEQHYL OGRYLT APRLADLSAKL ALG TAQVKIWFKNR RRRHKIOSD 46 41 39 43 ~~ [26} Dfd = PKRORTAYT RHQILELEKEWH YNRYLT RRRRIEIAHTL VLS ERQIKIWFQNR RMKWKKDNK 53 48 44 36 [32] Scr TKRORTSYT RYQTLELEKEFH FNRYLT RRRRIELAHAL CLT ERQIKIWFQNR RMKWKKEHK 49 48 44 41 =~« [33] ftz | SKRTROTYT RYQTLELEKEFH FNRYIT RRRRIDIANAL SLS ERQIKIWFQNR RMKSKKDRT 44 43 44 38 {30} Antp RKRGROTYT RYQTLELEKEFH FNRYLT RRRRIELABAL CLT ERQIKIWFQNR RMKWKKENK 49 46 43 41 [34,35] Ubx - RRRGROTYT RYQTLELRREWH TNHYLT RRRRIEMABAL CLT ERQIKIWFQNR RMKLKKEIQ 48 46 43 41 [36,37] abd-A RRRGROTYT RYQTLELEKRFA FNHYLT RARRIEIAHAL CLT ERQIRIWFQNR RMKLKKELR 49 46 44 41 [38] Abd-B VRKKRKPYS KFQTLEUEKEFL FNAYVS KOQKRWELARNI, QLT ERQVKIWFONR RMKNKKNSQ 46 46 44 46 = {21) en EKRPRTAFS SEQLARLKREFN ENRYLT ERRRQQLSSEL GLN RAQIKIWFQNK RAKIKKSTG 46 43 38 34 = [16] inv DKRPRTAFS GIQLARLKHEYN ENRYLT EKRRQQLSGEL GLN EAQIKIWFQNK RAKLKKSSG 49 46 39 39 [393 BSH4 ORRSRTTFT AKQLEALERAFS RTOYPD VYTREELAQTT ALT EARIQVWESNR RARLRKHSG 44 41 933 34 = [40] BSH9 ORRSRITFS NDQIDALERIFA RTOYPD VYTREELAQST GLT EARVQVWFSNR RARLRKQLN 48 44 38 38 [40] prd ORRCRTTFS ASQLDELERAFE RTOYPD IYTREELAQRT NLT EARIQVWFSNR RARLRKQHT 44 34 30 30 [25] ro QRRORTTFS TROTLRLEVEFH RNEYIS RSRRFELAEKTL RLT KTQIKIWWQNR RAKDKRIEK 51 51 44 46 [8,9] cad KDKYRVVYT DFQRLELEKEYC TSRYIT IRRKSELAQTL SLS ERQVKIWFQNR RAKERTSNK 43 41 44 39 [42] H2.0 RSWSRAVFS NLORKGLEIOWQ QQKYIT KPDRRELAARL NLT DAQVKVWFQNR RMKWRHTRE 39 46 41 «939 [42] eve = VRRYRTAFT RDQLGRLEKEFY KENYVS RPRRCELAAQL NLP ESTIKVAFQNR RMKDKRQORI 41 36 34 33 [43,44] cut SKKQRVLFS EEQKEALRLAFA LDPYPN VGTIEFLANEL GLA TRTITNWFENE RMRLKCQVP 31 28 33 31 [7] 00 @ 00 e eo o e ° oo oO e Oo COoOo@eeCceO @ 0 OO Fic. 7. Comparison of the amino acid sequences (single-tetter code) of NK-1, NK-2, NK-3, and NK-4 homeoboxes with known Drosophila homeoboxes. The positions of three a-helices identified by Otting et al. (31) in a peptide containing the Antp homeobox are indicated by boxes 1-3 above the sequences and the corresponding amino acid residues are shown in boldface type. Oligodeoxynucleotide probes 121-127 correspond to the amino acid sequences shown at the top. Arrowhead above the NK-1 sequence represents the location of introns in NK-1. lab, Dil, and Abd-B genes. Chromosomal clusters of homeobox genes are NK-1, NK-3, and NK-4; lab-Antp; Ubx—Abd-B: en and inv; and BSH-4 and BSH-9 (gsb). Symbols at the bottom of the table represent the following for Drosophila homeoboxes: @, invariant amino acid residues; ©. strongly conserved amino acid residues. 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