May 19, 1961 To Marshall W. Nirenberg, Ph.D. You are hereby notified of your appointment as Assistant Professor of Human Genetics, Medical School Term of Appointment: January 1 to June 30, 1962 University Year 19 -- 19 First Semester 19 -- 19 Second Semester 19 -- 19 With compensation at the rate of $12,000 a year, twelve-month basis Please return the employee oath at once to the Academic Appointments Office so that your employment may be certified to the Payroll Department. Maurice Niehuss Vice President and Dean of Faculties Note If You Do Not Accept this appointment, please notify the dean or department head under whom you planned to work. Upon Acceptance of this appointment, please note your privileges and obligations under the University procedures applying to the following: Any cards or forms enclosed must be filled out and returned immediately to the Academic Appointments Office, 4601 Administration Bldg. Please note that the Employee Affidavit card must be notarized. The University provides for old age retirement allowances under two separate plans: TIAA for those of the teaching staff (Professors, Instructors and Lecturers) and ERP for non-teaching academic appointees. All those of Assistant Professor rank or above should apply at once, as participation is a condition of employment. In the case of full-time Instructors and Lecturers, participation is optional during the first three years of service, and mandatory thereafter. On the basis of this appointment you are eligible for the plan designated below: Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association Plan x Employee Retirement Plan Neither Plan Information concerning retirement plans, group life insurance and medical insurance may be secured from the Office of Staff Benefits, 3057 Administration Bldg.