17 November 1966 Dear Doctor Nirenberg: You will be pleased to know that the Board of Regents of the American College of Physicians has elected to present you with the American College of Physicians Award for distinguished contributions in science as related to medicine. The award includes a bronze medal bearing the name of the recipient and a certificate, plus an honorarium of $250.00. Travel and other expenses of the recipient and one member of the family will be paid for by the College. The award will be presented during the 48th Annual Session of the College in San Francisco, April 10-14, 1967. It is expected that the recipient of the award will give a lecture at one of the plenary sessions. Dr. Irving S. Wright, our President, has asked me to tell you that this can be on any phase of medicine in which you are particularly interested. Please send us a title and an informative abstract of about 150 words in length so that we can include it in the printed program. This should be sent in by December 20th. The award will be presented at the time of this lecture. There is no requirement that the recipient of the award prepare a manuscript for submission to the editors for publication in the Annals Of Internal Medicine. However, I am sure that the editors would be pleased to consider publication of such a manuscript. Please let me know if you can accept this award. If you can, there are certain functions to which you and a member of your family are invited. There is a reception and dinner for Officers, Regents, Governors and special guests of the College, and their wives, on Sunday evening, April 9 at the Fairmont Hotel. The President's reception and dinner-dance will follow the annual convocation on Thursday, April 13. This also will be at the Fairmont Hotel. Both of these affairs are black tie. If you can be with us on Thursday, you are invited to march in the academic procession and you would be seated on the dais and introduced at the convocation. This is always in full academic regalia and it would be appropriate for you to bring your own cap, gown and hood. If you do not have your own, please let us know your hat size and height so that we can order regalia for you. You are also invited to attend a concert by the San Francisco Symphony, as a guest of the College, on Tuesday, April 11. Please send us a recent autographed photograph of yourself for the permanent College archives. We would also like you to let us know, on the enclosed card, the exact way in which you want your name engrossed on the certificate. Finally, please send us a curriculum vitae or biographical material which will be needed in the preparation of a suitable citation. It is important that we have this by December 20th. With this letter, I am happy to send you my congratulations and best wishes. Cordially, Edward C. Rosenow, Jr., M.D., F.A.C.P. Executive Director