25 Oct Dear Marshall: I just learned that you lost your father quite suddenly and I wanted to tell you how sorry I feel about it. It must be especially difficult after your mother's death too. Funny thing about couples: that seems to happen fairly often. There are now things too which, of course, helps, and I'm sure being married makes it somewhat easier to bear. How is Perla? I guess things in the lab must be fantastically interesting now. It's funny to experience them at so great a distance, but spiritually, I'm there in some way. We're well settled and enjoying France immensely. The lab is new, full well equipped and the people are very nice. I haven't quite decided on a problem and am finishing up those expts that Arnie did with some interesting results. I may try the same thing in Misman's particle. He's out here at Gif and almost every day Monod, Cohen, and Lennox come out -- so people now believe in him. [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] His system is one in which people want to do in vitro genetics which apparently can be done. I'll try to learn it and bring it back. Also may work on transformation. Not sure yet but I'll let you know. Millient is inspired by the scenery and has finished 3 or 4 paintings. Leslie is in French school but not too happy yet since she can't speak with the kids. I get in to the Pasteur family often but not often enough although I've had a couple of discussions with Monod but not yet with Jacob. Anyway, my best wishes to you and Perla Give my regards to all thereabouts. as ever Gordon