19 April 1996 Dear Dr Nirenberg I am the founder and director of Seriously Ill for Medical Research (SIMR), a patients group supporting the humane and necessary use of animals in medical research. SIMR was formed in 1991 by patients who were outraged by animal rights actions that threatened medical research. SIMR's main objective is to promote a greater public understanding of the methods, aims and benefits of medical research and the role of animal research. I am writing to all Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine as your views on medical research are highly respected. I wanted to address the common question, "Do we really need animal experiments in medical research?" Your answers will be compiled and then presented to the media in a special report. Your name will only be used if you have added any comment at the end of the questionnaire. I would like a reply by no later than 31 May, if possible. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely Andrew Blake Director