November 24, 1986 Dear Dr. Nirenberg: We are writing to request your help in finding an excellent scientist to fill a faculty position in our Department. We are interested in hiring an individual with a record of achievement in molecular genetics. We are enclosing material which describes this position, including a copy of the announcement which will appear in Science and Nature within the next few weeks. Do you know of a promising young scientist who would flourish in an academic position at Georgetown where the proximity to NIH permits research collaborations to be initiated or maintained as part of an independent research program? We are interested in interviewing such individuals. Over the past few years we have built a strong core of research programs in the Department of Biology at Georgetown by recruiting productive young investigators. We anticipate continuing that process with this appointment and additional tenure track positions to be filled in the near future. Inasmuch as the University and metropolitan area provide an environment which is physically and intellectually stimulating, we are optimistic that these positions at Georgetown will continue to be attractive to well-qualified candidates. We appreciate whatever assistance you may be able to provide us in the task of identifying appropriate applicants. Yours sincerely, Joseph H. Neale, Ph.D. Ellen Henderson, Ph.D. Otto Landman, Ph.D.