March 18, 1969 Dear Professor Nirenberg: Federal science policy and the nature of scientific advice is a significant topic of concern. Science policy is becoming a major area of emphasis in research at several major universities. Purdue University is one of these and our own Program in Science and Public Policy is receiving substantial support from the National Science Foundation. A major goal of the Program is to develop an archive of reliable information of the sources of advice used by the Federal government in making science policy. We hope you will assist us in this phase of the project. The attached questionnaire has been sent to you because you are a leader in American science. Only members of the National Academy of Sciences and an equal number of the most-cited scientists in the Science Citation Index will receive this questionnaire. Your scientific reputation coupled with your participation in science policy decision-making makes you a valuable source of information. We are asking you to include your name on the questionnaire. This is done to enable us to achieve as high a return as possible. Rest assured that individual responses will remain absolutely confidential and any data reported will be in aggregate form only. We hope this questionnaire covers the most significant questions concerning this important subject area. The questionnaire has been carefully pre-tested; but, regardless of how sensitively constructed, all questionnaires seem simplistic and confining. Your additions, deletions, and comments are, therefore, respectfully solicited. Completion of the questionnaire will take about 10 minutes of your time. For your convenience a self-addressed, stamped return envelope is enclosed. Sincerely yours, Don E. Kash Director, Program in Science and Public Policy