The International Campaigns for victims of torture and oppression directed by Henri Cartan, Membre de l'Academie des Sciences (France) and Israel Halperin, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada Address: c/o Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 1A1 Telephone: 416-978-4156 Dear Dr. Nirenberg. If you co-sign this letter from Nobel Laureates, this does NOT imply any further commitment. Israel Halperin To all Nobel Laureates: Nobel Laureates gave leadership in the successful effort to free Prof. J.L. Massera in Uruguay, then Anatoly Shcharansky and Yuri Orlov in the USSR, (98 Nobel Laureates for ORLOV). This influenced many thousands of individuals and organizations in many countries to support the International Campaigns. So strong is the international support for these Campaigns that we can now set out to end all torture and oppression in CHILE. The message below from Nobel Laureates will be transmitted to every member nation of the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations. This Commission meets in February-March each year. We will ask our many supporters to flood the Commission with their individual letters, referring to this message, and expressing the strongest support for it. Message to every member nation of the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations: The inhuman practice of abduction, torture and oppression in Chile has been condemned by world-wide public opinion. The Human Rights Commission has rebuked the Government of Chile but has failed to take effective measures to stop the practice. This failure undermines the credibility of the Commission and weakens the United Nations. The undersigned Nobel Laureates call on the Commission to take action that will be effective in stopping torture and oppression in Chile. If you agree, please return this coupon as soon as possible to Professor Israel Halperin, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. Canada, M5S 1A1 Coupon Name Address (i) Do you agree to be a co-signer of above message to Human Rights Commission, U.N.? (ii) May we list you in our Bulletin as a supporter of the objective of the Chile Campaign?