December 1986 Dear Fellow Members: The Biblical story of David and Goliath gives cheer to those of us who wonder how relatively weak peace organizations can successfully challenge the powerful political and industrial organizations behind the expansion of nuclear weaponry. The monstrous MAD policy sustained by the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A., implemented by nuclear armaments in many forms, and now supplemented by the SDI engines, is an idea whose time has passed. Now is the time that the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, with its noble motives and its clear thoughts, can present better alternatives to the American people. Using the same leverage David employed in defeating Goliath, we are taking important ideas, applying a little money, and skillfully advancing the ideas of peace over those of armed conflict. The timing of our actions could not be better: -- the world is sickened by the nuclear threat to all nations: -- the two major antagonists -- the U.S.S.R, and the U.S.A. -- are losing heart for the struggle; and -- prayers for peaceful solutions are heard worldwide. The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation -- now seeking $200,000 to support its 1987 action campaign -- can make a difference. The tax climate for charitable giving to a non-profit institution such as the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation will probably never again be as good as it is in 1986. Why not make your Gift for Peace today to the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation? Don't forget: Ideas + Energy + Money = Important Results. Sincerely, Wallace T. Drew Vice President and Treasurer