Dear Marshall. I am researcher, purifying a neurotrophic factor with Bruce; my wife and me, we would like to thank you for allowing us to share this admirable scientific environment in your laboratory. Right now, I am in Paris. I would like to return in U.S.A. Unfortunately, I have some problems to leave Paris because of my political refugee status. This status does not facilitate a rapid return to Washington before a delay of 3 months to 1 year. May be more. Fortunately, an american lawyer living in Fairfax county can help me to get rapidly a green card, if my request for the green card is supported by several scientific personalities. This support consists to write a letter describing rapidly what I am doing, and point out that this research is original and important in Neurobiology. Also it can have many possible applications in the health care. Your help is essential for my green card request, and consequently for my scientific life. Opportunity in Europe is so rare with all the economical crisis. Practically we cannot find any interesting job. I have written a long letter to Bruce explaining my whole problem. If you need more informations, please don't hesitate to ask him or me, directly. During this period of holiday, let me wish you and your family a happy New Year full of successes and satisfactions. Paris, 12.29.1986. Quach Thanh Tam