Da. Martner, Mag met odd stour mama Ae prey 3 ¢ CAMPAIGNS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS i INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN - PROFESSOR J.L. MASSERA (URUGUAY) INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN - ORLOV AND SHCHARANSKY (USSR) INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN - ORLOV (USSR) INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN - ALL VICTIMS (CHILE) c/o Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 1A1 Telephone (416) 978-4156 BULLETIN of February-March 1989 1981-1984 1984-1986 1986-1986 1986- This Chile Campaign is directed by Professor Israel Halperin (Ph.D. Princeton, 1936), Fellow and Gold Medalist of the Royal Society of Canada. It will escalate until world-wide opinion, without violence, brings an end to all abduction, torture, and murder by agents and unofficial agents of the Pinochet regime. This Campaign has the support of: Sir Yehudi Menuhin Claudio Arrau Leonard Bernstein Sir Colin Davis Sir Georg Solti Charles Dutoit § Samuel Beckett Arthur Miller Yves Montand Margaret Atwood Robertson Davies Northrop Frye Maureen Forrester Saul Bellow Patrick White Odysseus Elytis William Golding Czeslaw Milosz ~ Elie Wiesel Sir George Porter (President, The Royal Society) Jo Benkow (Speaker of the Norwegian Parliament) The Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (National Academy, Italy) | Lord Brian Flowers (Rector, University of London) Dr. Paulo Renato Costa Jonga (Rector, Unicamp, Brazil) Dr. Georges Verhaegen (Rector, Free University of Brussels) Dr. Klaus Ring (Rector, Univ. J.W. Goethe, Frankfurt). Dr. O. Bastiansen (Pres., Norwegian Academy of Science & Letters) Ephriam Katzir (former President of Israel) Jack Lemmon (Star of the movie ‘*Missing’’) Lord Alexander Todd, Linus Pauling, and §23other Nobel Laureates and thousands and thousands of others, in all walks of life, in many countries. Bulletins are distributed in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese and German, three times a year. Famous or not, you can raise your voice. Send a letter to the President or Prime Minister of your country; urge that all finan- cial or economic aid given to Chile should be conditioned on the elimination of torture; then send a copy of that letter to: Ambassador, Embassy of Chile, Capital City of your country (a more precise address is not necessary). Pinochet has announced measures which promise a decrease in abuse of human rights. But abduction and torture continue. The promises are not actually carried out. Msgr. Cristian Precht, Vicar General of Santiago, August, 1987: “*The time has come to stop arguing about whether or not there is torture; we all know that there is torture.”’ In August, 1987, the Chilean Bishops’ Conference denounced the continued use of torture. Typical cases, reported to the Chilean Commission on Human Rights: Pedro Marin Hernandez, 31 year old doctor, beaten by the Chilean Security Forces (CNN), electric current applied to his geni- tals, then raped by a male CNI agent. Leopoldo Francisco Orrego Saez, 28 years old, electric- current applied to temple, hands, ears, legs: warned he would pay dearly if he reported the torture. Raquel Marcela Espinoza Orellana, 24 year old woman, raped. Claudio Patricio Pino Cortes, beaten, died from injuries. The Chilean Commission on Human Rights, 1987: The number of cases of kidnapings by paramilitary groups during the first six months of 1987 was more than double the number for'1986. By the end of September, 108 kidnapings had been reported. Not one agent has ever been punished. Amnesty International, May, 1988: Cases in Chile of nearly 700 ‘‘disappeared”’ persons have been sufficiently documented to have been presented to the courts, but judicial investigations were blocked by higher courts or by the security forces. The Canadian Inter-Church Commitiee on Human Rights, September 8, 1988: Abuses documented during the past 12 months include: systematic torture, imprisonment of journalists, attacks on church and human rights organizations, abductions and death threats by paramilitary groups clearly linked to the official security forces. Actions of Foreign Governments: 15 years ago, in a shockingly bloody coup, Pinochet’s armed thugs murdered the legally elected President, abolished the Par- liament, replaced all mayors by Pinochet appointees, subjected each university to the control of a military boss, smashed the unions. Within two weeks of this coup, thirty foreign countries gave Pinochet formal recognition. Today, an international storm of condemnation of Pinochet has led many governments to express disapproval of abuse of human rights in Chile. But their agencies finance an enormous flow of investment and military supplies to Chile without which Pinochet could hardly continue; and this support makes no reference to a required elimination of torture. Letter of December 22, 1987, from the Government of Canada: .-.. Canadian representatives in November, 1987 voted for the Mexican sponsored resolution in the United Nation’s Third Committee condemning the human rights situation in Chile. But the Chilean Ambassador in Ottawa wrote on September 12, 1988: The Canadian representatives, when voting for the Mexican resolution, have consitently denounced the bias against Chile in this matter of human rights. And Canada Member of Parliament Dan Heap, at a public meeting in Toronto on September 11, 1988 stated: When I visited Chile in 1985, the Canadian Ambassador said to me, ‘‘Chile, under Pinochet, was right to reduce the buying power of the people so as to compete better in the international market; Canada has the same problem and must use the same remedy.’’. From a letter sent to 316 Mayors in Chile, July 1, 1988: ...Canadians are disturbed by the reports of abduction, torture, and even murder, of persons not in favour with the present government...many Canadians believe that, behind closed walls, the grave abuse of human life continues.... we urge you to use your influence to bring about a state of affairs in which all persons in Chile enjoy the protection of their civil rights. (signed) Arthur Eggleton, Mayor of Toronto Sylvia Sutherland, Mayor of Peterborough David Burr, Mayor of Windsor Ron Wallace, Mayor of Halifax John Counsell, Mayor of Guelph Peter Wong, Mayor of Sudbury Angus Read, Mayor of Cobourg Brian Lynch, Mayor of Comwail Brad Woodside, Mayor of Fredericton Dominic Cardillo, Mayor of Kitchener Manning MacDonald, Mayor of Sydney Larry Schneider, Mayor of Regina Robert Morrow, Mayor of Hamilton Joseph McCaffery, Mayor of St. Catherines Gordon Campbell, Mayor of Vancouver Message to every member nation of the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations: The inhuman practice of abduction, torture and oppression in Chile has been condemned by world-wide opinion. The Human Rights Commission has rebuked the Government of Chile but has failed to take effective measures to stop the practice. This failure undermines the credibility of the Commission and weakens the United Nations. The under- signed Nobei Laureates call on the Commission to take action that will be effective in stopping torture and oppression in Chile. (This message is co-signed by the Nobel Laureates listed with a star on the next page.) -3- (i) Among the supporters of this Campaign are also the following y?¢ Nobel Laureates “** (a1 havelco-signed the mes- sage to the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations printed on the previous page). Philip Anderson (USA)* Julius Axelrod (USA)* Sir Derek Barton (USA)* Baruj Benacerraf (USA)* Gerd Binnig (Germany)* Daniel Bovet (Italy)* S. Chandrasekhar (USA)* A.M. Cormack (USA)* James Cronin (USA) < Renato Dulbecco (USA)*. Adolfo Perez Esquivel (Angentina)® Murray Gell-Mann (USA) * William Golding (U.K.)* Herbert Hauptman (USA)* Antony Hewish (U.K.)* Robert Hofstadter (USA)* Francois Jacob (France)* Sir Bernard Katz (U.K.)* Arthur Kornberg (USA)* Jean-Marie Lehn (France)* Andre Lwoff (France)* AJ.P. Martin (U.K.)* Simon van der Meer (Switzerland)* Peter Mitchell (U.K.)* Daniel Nathans (USA)* Linus Pauling (USA)* John Polanyi (Canada)* Burton Richter (USA)* Emst Ruska (Germany)* (since . Frederick Sanger (U.K.)* Glenn Seaborg (USA)* Herbert Simon (USA)* Wole Soyinka (Nigeria)* Howard Temin (USA)* James Tobin (USA)* Desmond Tutu (South Africa)* ~ Patrick White (Australia)* Robert Wilson et Salvador Luria(USA)* Jacob Goldstein(USA)* Michael Brown(USA)* Chien Shuing Wu(USA)* Christian Anfinsen (USA)* David Baltimore (USA)* Samuel Beckett (Ireland)* Paul Berg (USA)* Konrad Bloch (USA)* Willy Brandt (Germany Stanley Cohen (USA)* Sir John Cornforth (U.K.)* Jean Dausset (France)* __ Manfred Eigen (Germany)* E.O. Fischer (Germany)* Donald Glaser (USA)* Ragnar Granit (Sweden)* Dudley Herschbach (USA)* Sir Alan Hodgkin (U.K.)* Robert Holley (USA)* B.D. Josephson (U.K.)* Lawrence Klein (USA)* Sir Polycarp Kusch (USA)* Rita Levi-Montalcini (Italy)* Sean MacBride (Ireland)* JE. Meade (U.K.)* Czeslaw Milosz (USA)* Francisco Modigliani (USA)* Louis Neel (France)* Aro Penzias (USA)* Sir George Porter (U.K.)* Alfonso Garcia Robles (Mexico)* Abdus Salam (Italy)* Arthur Schawlow (USA)* Robert Schrieffer (USA)* George Snell (USA)* Roger Sperry (USA)* Jan Tinbergen (Netherlands)* Lord Todd (U.K.)* George Wald (USA)* Elie Wiesel (USA)* Sir James Black(U.K.)* Leon Ledemman(usa)* Leo Esaki(USA)* Isaac B. Singer(USA)* Kenneth Arrow (USA)* John Bardeen (USA)* Saul Bellow (USA)* Hans Bethe (USA)* Baruch Blumberg (USA)* Adolph Butenandt (Germany)* Leon Cooper (USA)* Andre Cournand (USA)* Gerard Debreu (USA)* _ Odysseus Elytis (Greece)* William Fowler (USA)* Sheldon Glashow (USA)* Roger Guillemin (USA)* Gerhard Herzberg (Canada)* Dorothy Hodgkin (U.K.)* David Hubel (USA)* Jerome Karle (USA)* Aaron Klug (U.K.)* Yuan T. Lee (USA)* William Lipscomb (USA)* Mairead (Corrigan) Maguire (Ireland)* Sir Peter Medawar (U.K.)* (since deceased) Cesar Milstein (U.K.)* Sir Nevill Mott (U.K.)* George Palade (USA)* Max Perutz (U.K.)* Tadeus Reichstein (Switzerland)* Carlo Rubbia (USA)* Paul Samuelson (USA)* Julian Schwinger (USA)* Kai Siegbahn (Sweden)* Robert Solow (USA)* Henry Taube (USA)* Nicolaas Tinbergen (U.K.)* (since deceased) Charles Townes (USA)* Lech Walesa (Poland)* Torsten Wiesel (USA)* Jack Steinberger(Switzerland )* Georg Bednorz(Switzerland)* George Hitchings(USA)* Susumu Tonegawa(USA)* Heinrich Rohrer(Switzerland )* -4- (ii) Among the supporters of this Campaign are also Academicians in many countries. As examples, we list those in Aus- tralia, Norway, and the U.K. , Australia: The Australian Academy of Science: H.G. Andrewartha C.A. Appleby R.J. Baxter, FRS Sir N. Bayliss A.L.J. Beckwith, FRS MR. Bennett L.C. Birch — P.O. Bishop, FRS A. Boden RP. Brent K.S. Campbell D.G. Catcheside, FRS J.P. Chalmers WN. Christiansen L.M. Clarebrough H.C. Coombs DR. Curtis, FRS (President) FJ. Fenner, FRS Sir O. Frankel, FRS J. Gani F.W. Gibson, FRS MF. Glaessner D.H. Green H.S. Green $.D. Hamann EJ. Hannan W. Hayes, FRS T.W. Healy B.W. Holloway G.A. Horridge, FRS C.A. Hurst B.G. Hyde L.A. Johnson GM. Kelly A. Kerr, FRS KH. Key PL Komer K. Lambeck J.W. Lance KJ. Le Couteur A.W. Linnane, FRS K.G. McCracken A.D. McEwan B.H. McKellar JJ. Mahony LN. Mander A.McL. Mathieson J.H. Michael J.F.A. Miller, FRS P.A.P. Moran, FRS J.0O. Newton K. Norrish Sir G. Nossal, FRS AG. Ogston, FRS Sir M. Oliphant, FRS M.S. Paterson J.D. Pettigrew, FRS JR. Philip, FRS R.B. Potts Sir J.R. Price SJ. Redman AE. Ringwood, FRS Sir R. Robertson, FRS D.W. Robinson GE. Rogers WPP. Rogers A.M. Sargeson, FRS G.B. Sharman C.W. Shoppee, FRS W.J. Simmonds JF. Sprent F.D. Stacey J, Stone R, Street J.M. Swan G. Szekeres SR. Taylor J.S. Turner, FRS C.H. Tyndale-Biscoe R.G. Wake E. Weigold DE. Weiss G.K. White Norway: The Royal Norwegian Society of Science and Letters, and The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters S. Aanderaa J. Alstad J. Andenaes P. Andersen L Asheim O. Bastiansen F, Benestad E. Beyer N. Bjorgo K. Bjorlykke P. Borgen O. Bratteli J. Bremer J. Brockmann J. Brogger N. Dahl OJ. Dahl R. Djupedal T. Eckhoff K. Eimhjelien L. Eitinger K. Elgjo K. Elgmork A. Eliassen P. Enoer Y. Espmark J. Faarlund O. Faltinsen H. Fehn O. Gjaerevoll L. Gjerlow L. Gjessing J. Gjonnes J. Goksoyr H. Granum P. Grotvedt B. Gullvag A. Hannay J. Hareide O.M. Heide M. Helvig P. Hemmer S.D. Henriksen F. Hodbebo M. Hoffmann H. Holgersen A.E. Holme H. Holtedahl A. Holter E. Husebye G. Hygen J. Jansen I. Johansen A. Johnson A. Kjonstad P, Kvaerne O. Laerum S. Langholm H. Larsen B, Lassen O. Ledang R. Leivestad G. Lorentzen E. Lundeby S. Lunden L. Maehle H. Mageroy A. Michaelsen J. Moe P. Moe K. Mork P. Munthe B. Myhre H. Myklebost O. Myklebust A. Naess J. Natvig O. Nijastad H. Ofstad J. Ofstad A. Ofsti H. Olsen T. Opsahi T. Ostvold H. Oye O. Oyslebo J. Pedersen O. Reiersol R. Rommetveit T. Rosenquist E. Samuelsen ALL. Seip H. Seip P. Seyersted T. Sikkeland E. Sivertsen S. Skard L. Skattebel A. Skuiberg H. Skullerud K, Smidt H. Sorum E. Spjotvoll E, Steen J. Steen E. Steinnes N. Stenseth B. Stigum O. Storstein E. Somme A. Stromnes — E. Sverdrup T. Thonstad E. Torgersen K. Tranoy W. Velle FE. Vinje F.M. Vokes B. Waaler J. Weber E. Wyller V. Ystad T.W.Blackstad R. Rokseth U.K.: The Royal Society (names of Nobel Laureates and names of Fellows of the Australian Academy of Science will not be repeated here) JF, Adams AR. Battersby M.V. Berry Sir Herman Bondi Sir Malcoim Brown P. Chadwick - W. Cochran D.H. Copp Gordon Cox AL. Cullen K.G. Denbigh J.H. Edwards _ D.S. Falconer — AR. Fersht Sir Otto Frankel R.M. Gaze C.S. Hanes R. Hide R.W.K. Honeycombe J.T. Houghton K.L. Johnson J.S. Kennedy Peter A. Lawrence HS. Lipson NJ. Mackintosh A.L. McLaren P.D. Mitchell Joseph Needham JF. Nye W.D. Ollis R.M. Perham T.G. Pickavance J.C. Polkinghorne M.C. Raff LM. Roitt ELC. Slater G.H. Stafford J.E. Sulston S.A.S. Tait Grenville Turner J.C. Waterlow Sir James Baddiley Sir Robert Boyd B.Crossland _ B.E.Johnson J Mandelstam Sir Philip Randle JR.L. Allen G.H. Beale J. Bingham A.D. Bradshaw B.D. Bums J. Chatt P. Cohen VE. Cossiett HLS.M. Coxeter A.W. Cuthbert Richard Doll M.A. Epstein G.BR. Feilden JR.S. Fincham F.G. Friedlander R.G.H. Gell J.L. Harper Sir Austin Bradford Hill H.H. Hopkins N.C. Hughes Jones B.D. Josephson T.W.B. Kibble J.D. Lawson JF. Loutit P.M. Maitlis DJ. McLaren J.M. Mitchison J.A. Nelder _ Sir Charles W. Oatley William Parry J.D. Pettigrew L.M. Pickford G. Pontecorvo R.C, Rainey G.B. Segal M. Smith Sir Frederick Stewart 1.C. Swallow Sir George Taylor Sir Michael Atiyah J.S. Bell P.O. Bishop M.S. Bretscher I, Butterworth P.H. Clarke D. Colquhoun T.G. Cowling DJ. Crisp Lord Dainton J.D. Dowell L. Essen WS. Feldberg David J. Finney G. Fryer Sir John Gray B.S. Hartley R.A. Hinde Gabriel Horn H.E. Huppert N. Kemmer Francis King CJ. Leaver G. Lowe E.H. Mansfield L. Mestel H.K. Moffatt S.R. Nockolds P.H. Nye RS. Pease C.G. Phillips N.W. Pirie AF. Posnette D.A. Ramsay N. Sheppard LM. Sneddon WJ. Strang David Tabor J.C. Taylor Marthe L. Vogt J.Z. Young T.B.Benjamin D.P.Burkitt G.K. Batchelor RE. Bell Sir Walter Bodmer D.M. Brown F.W. Campbell J.H. Coates R.C. Cookson Sir David Cox M.J. Crumpton P. de Mayo J.D. Dunitz N.L. Falcon M.A. Ferguson-Smith CE. Ford S.D. Garrett R.W. Guillery O.V.S. Heath E.D. Hondros M.R. Home A.J. Jeffreys David G. Kendall H.G. Kuhn AJ. Leggett F.C. Macintosh R.EF. Matthews Sir Ashley Miles A.E. Mourant D.G. Northcott A.G. Ogston Charles Pereira Sir David Phillips R.V. Pitt-Rivers J.R. Postgate J.A. Ramsay L. Siminovitch Sir Richard Southwood J.T. Stuart JF. Tait G.FJ. Temple C.T.C. Wall John G. Thompson P.M.Biggs B.A.Cross Sir Francis Graham-Smith A.E.Green R.Loudon S.E.Moorbath L.Weiskrantz I.G.Macdonald 0.Penrose D.H.Williams -6- (iii)Among the supporters of this Campaign are also present and former Rectors, Vice-Chancellors, and Presidents of Univer- sities in many countries: Abdiel Adames (Panama) LP. Blanchard (Moncton) D. Bok (Harvard) Cristovam R.C. Buarque (Brasilia) J.E. Chamberlin (New College, Toronto) Jill Conway (formerly Smith, USA) Ataulfo M. da Costa (Uberiandia, Brazil) José J.C. de Carvalho (Paraiba, Brazil) Berard Desbals (formerly Limoges, France) Marco A. Fiori (Londrina, Brazil) Margaret Fulton (formerly Mt. St. Vincent, Canada) John Godfrey (“farmexiy!. King "s; College, Halifax) Pedro W. Guimaraes (Goias, Brazil) Keith Hancock (Flinders, Australia) Leslie Harris (Memorial, Newfoundland) Ron Ianni (Windsor, Canada) Donald Kennedy (Stanford, USA) Eva Kushner (Victoria, Toronto) A. LeRoy Greason (Bowdoin, USA) Sir J. Lyons (Trinity Hall, Cambridge, U.K.) Jair S. Madureira (Mato Grosso, Brazil) John Marburger (Stony Brook, USA) B.C. Matthews(“ormerly Guelph, Canada) Jacques Monet (”. Regis, Canada) George Pedersen (Western Ontario, Canada) Walter Pitman (OISE, Canada) Carlos Araya Pochet (Costa Rica) Klaus Ring (J.W. Goethe, Frankfurt) William Saywell (Simon Fraser, Canada) Brian Segal Guel phy Canada) Robert Smith (Western Australia) David Strangway (British Columbia, Canada) José Tafner (Blumenau, Brazil) Georges Verhaegen (Brussels) Donald Wells (Mt. Allison, Canada) Brian Wilson (Queensland, Australia) Di Yerbury (siacquatie, Australia) Inge Lonning( Oslo) Hubert LaForge(Chicoutimi, Canada) Arthur Kruger(Woodsworth, Toronto) Naomi Hersom(Mt.St.Vincent, Canada) Terrence White(Brock, Canada) Narve Bjorgo (Tromso, Norway) E. Bloustein (Rutgers) P.J. Boyce (Murdoch, Australia) Aldee Cabana (Sherbrooke, Canada) Eduardo J. Coelho (Catélica de Campinas) Richard Cyert (Camegie-Mellon, USA) Hildiberto R. de Albuquerque (Fluminense, Brazil) Fernando P. de Sousa (Maring4, Brazil) James Downey (New Brunswick, Canada) Lord Flowers (University of London, U.K.) Michel Gervais (Laval, Canada) Arnfinn Grave (Bergen, Norway) R.D. Guthrie (U. of Technology, Sydney, Australia) Evelyn Handler (Brandeis, USA) Theodore Hesburgh (Notre Dame, USA) Paulo Renato Costa Jonga (Unicamp, Brazil) Patrick Kenniff (Concordia, Canada) Alvin A. Lee (McMaster, Canada) M.L Logan (Monash, Australia) Hor&cio Macedo (Rio de Janeiro) John Mallea (Brandon, Canada) Sir Roy Marshall (formerly Hull, U.K.) P, Meincke (formerly P.E.I., Canada) Jorge Nagle (Sao Paulo, Brazil) Jose Pinotti (formerly Campinas, Brazil) Rodolfo J. Pinto de Luz (Santa Catarina, Brazil) Peter Richardson (University College, Toronto) José H. Santos (Minas Gerais, Brazil) , Edni O. Schroeder (Met. Bennett, Brazil) David Smith (Queen’s, Canada) Eliv Steinnes (Trondheim, Norway) John Stubbs (Trent, Canada) Jurgen Timm (Bremen, Germany) Ron Watts (formerly Queen’s, Canada) Jerome Wiesner (formerly M.LT.) Douglas Wright (Waterloo, Canada) Paul Olum(Oregon ) Ove Nathan(Copenhagen ) Jean-Guy Paquet(Formerly Laval) Robin Farquhar(Winnipeg G.R.Williams (Scarborough, Toronto) Marvin Goldberger(Inst.Adv.Study, Princeton) -7- (iv)Among the supporters are also many other scientists, scholars, writers, artists, musicians, trade unionists, clergymen, persons and organizations in all walks of life, in many countries; we list only a very few: ‘Field Medalists (for mathematicians, similar to the Nobel Prize): Sir Michael Atiyah, David Mumford, Laurent Schwartz, Lars Ahlfors, Stephen Smale, Charles Fefferman, Michael Freedman, Pierre Deligne, Lars Hormander, William Thurston, Alain Connes, Simon Donaldson. John G. Thompson, Heisuke Hironaka, Shing-T Yau Other Mathematicians (to name o afew): Jacques Dixmier, Dennis Sullivan, Edward Nelson, Robert Edwards, M. Kreck, W. Ambrose, B. Monteiro, W. Bloom, J . Seade, Joel Lebowitz, Hale Trotter, Lipman Bers, Leon Kushner, Ezio Stagnaro, Miles Reid, Jean Louis Verdier, Jean Francois Mela, Robert Anderssen, Carl Faith, Marcos Sebastiani, Udo Simon, Gyorgy Targonski, L. Amold, Dieter Kohnlein, Kurt Leichtweiss, Shokichi lyanaga, Kenichi Shiraiwa and 23 other senior mathematicians in Japan, Irwin Kra, John Mather, Raoul Bott, Nathan Jacobson, Jean Dieudonné, D. Woodhouse, Gustave Choquet, Henri Cartan, Jacques Tits, Barry Mazur., fF. Hirzebruch, T.W.Kormer Other Physicists in many countries, among them: Kurt Gottfried, Elliot Lieb, John Charap, Herman Feshback, Daniel Kastler, Rudolf Haag, William McGowan, J. Trumper (Pres. German Physical Soc.), Myer Bloom, Paul Kessler, J.P. Mathieu, Eduardo Amaldi (Pres. Accad. Nazionale dei Lincei), Rafael Sorkin, Fritz Rohrlich, S. Frankel, H. Rohrer, Per Hemmer, Walter Kohn, Peter Demos. Arthur Wightman, Charles Nelson, Peter Sigmund, John Blewett Other Musicians: John Weinzweig, Harry Freedman, Anton Kuerti, Louis Applebaum, Maureen Forrester, John Beckwith, Oscar Peterson, Oskar Morawetz, Leon Pommers, Gerard Kantarjian. Violet Archer Other Writers: Per Wastberg, Arthur Miller, Timothy Findley, Susan Sontag (Pres. PEN. Amer. Center), Northrop Frye, June Callwood, Marion Andre, Robert Fulford, Robertson Davies, Margaret Atwood, Francis King (Pres. International PE.N.), Edith Fowke, Pierre Berton. Graham Greene , Ariel Dorfman Clergymen: Rt. Rev. Paul Moore Jr., Bishop of New York Most Rev. Michael J. Peers, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada Very Rev. Lois Wilson, President, The World Council of Churches Most Rev. Edward Scott, President of the Canadian Council of Churches Moderators of the United Church of Canada (present and former): Dr. Sang Chul Lee, Dr. Anne Squire, Clarke MacDonald, Bruce McLeod, Robert Smith, Lois Wilson Rabbi Dow Marmur, Holy Blossom Temple, Toronto _ Father William Addley, S.J., Provincial Superior Henri Goudreault, Bishop of Labrador City, Canada Sister Mary Rose Rawlinson, F.C.J., Provincial Superior R.F. Wooton, Associate Secretary, Uniting Church in-Australia John Sherlock, Bishop ot ‘London, Canada The Revd. The Lord Soper, Methodist Church, U.K. Rt Rev. A.C. Holland, Bishop of Newcastle, Australia Jean-Guy Hamelin, Bishop of Rouyn-Noranda, Canada Archbishop James Hayes, Halifax, Pres. Canadian Coriference of Catholic Bishops Also: Lord Avebury (Chair, U.K. Parliamentary Human Rights Group); Supreme Court Justices Walter Tamopolsky, J.D. Amup (retired), Alvin Rosenburg, R.M. Rogers; Albert Shanker (Pres. Amer. Fed. of Teachers); Dr. J.L. Gonzalez (Pres. Colegio Medico de Chile); F.R. Gomez (Dean, Fac. Science, Nat. Univ. Mexico); Dr. Klaus Hansch (Member European Parliament)., Ramon Latorre(Pres. Latin Amer. Soc. Biophysicists), Yvon Boaulne {Former Ambassador from Canada to the Human Rights Commission of the United Natiena) , Mrs. Susan Baird(Lady Provost of Glasgow), E. Thijn(Burgomaster of Amsterdan ) Hon Nigel Griffiths, M.P.(U.K.) , © Senators and 14 M.P. in Canada, David Suzuki Adrienne Clarkson Organizations: The New York Academy of Sciences National Academies of Science of Bolivia, India The Committee of Concemed Scientists Can. Cttee. of Scientists and Scholars Math Section (Royal Soc. Canada) Comité des Mathématiciens (France) Comité des Physiciens francais" The German Physical Society The Norwegian Physical Society The Chemical Institute of Canada Comité Yuri Orlov (Switzerland) Fellowship of Reconciliation Actors Equity of New Zealand, Actors Equity of Australia Aliance Can. Cinema, T.V., Radio Artists Canadian Labour Congress United Steelworkers of America Ontario Federation of Labour The Jesuits of Canada Dominican Friars of Toronto Ass’n Can. Univ. Teachers of English The Criminal Lawyers’ Association (Canada) The Law Union of Ontario National Math Societies of Calcutta, Canada, Costa Rica, Mexico, Norway, Portugal, Israel Faculty Associations Can. Universities: Toronto, Brock, Mt. Allison, Western Ontario, Moncton, Simon Fraser, Windsor, , McMaster, Laval, Guelph, Trent, Victoria, Manitobar Champlain College PEN., International Playwrights, Essayists and Novelists (Can. Centre) Social Responsibility and Justice Cee United Church, Australia) ACM Committee on Freedom of Science Inter-Church Cue. on Human Rights in Latin America (Canada) Asocidcion Universitaria y Cultural Andres Bello (Chile) Division of Worid Outreach (London Conf., United Church, Canada) Can. Centre for Victims of Torture The Pavlovian Society of North America Swedish Committee for Freedom of Science The German Commission for Rights of Chilean Women The Committee of University Scientists of Germany (FRG) The Ontario Chapter of the Chilean College of Physicians Faculty of Science of Univ. of Witwatersrand (South Africa) Brazilian Society for Mathematics, Applied and Computing (SBMAC) National Education Association of the USA Latin America Society of Biophysicists Fed. Australian University Staff Associations Mouvement internationale des Juristes Catholiques —~ Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec The Royal College of Psychiatrists Please contact one of the regional representatives if you wish to be listed as a supporter of this Campaign, or if you can offer to distribute copies of the Bulletin (specify how many, to whom, can you make the needed copies or do you need them supplied to you), or if you can make a modest financial contribution (equivalent to 10 or 15 dollars), payable to: CHR. The work of this Campaign is done entirely by volunteers, there are no salaried employees. Our expenses are high, but they are exclusively printing, postage and telephone. We distribute a tremendous number of copies of the Bulletin, especially in Chile. Regional representatives: Professor Elliott Lieb, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 0854,USA Dr. Miles Reid/ Mathematics/ University of Warwick/ Coventry CV4 7AL/ U.K. Prof. Terje Oestvold/ Inorganic Chemistry/ University of Trondheim/ 7034 Trondheim/ Norway Prof. Kenichi Shiraiwa/ Mathematics/ College General Education/ Nagoya University/ Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464/ Japan Prof. Dr. Udo Simon/ Mathematics/ Technische Universitat Berlin/ Strasse des 17 Juni 136/ D-1000 Berlin/ FRG Germany Prof. Anibal Faundes M.D/ Caixa Postal 6181/ CEP 13.081/ Campinas/ SP Brazil Prof. Paul Kessler/ Lab de Physique Corpusculaire/ College de France/ 11, Place Marcelin-Berthelot/ 75231 Paris/ France Prof. Mischa Cotlar/ Res. Paris, Ap.82/ Av. E] Mirador/ La Campina/ Caracas 1050/ Venezuela Prof. Israel Halperin/ Mathematics/ University of Toronto/ Toronto, Ontario/ MSS 1A1/ Canada “The man dies in all who keep silent in the face of tyranny.’’ Wole Soyinka, Nobel Laureate