February 19, 1969 Dear Dr. Nirenberg: On behalf of the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania it gives me great pleasure to invite you to be present at our 213th Annual Public Commencement on Monday, May 19, 1969, and receive at that time an honorary degree from the University. The Trustees have acted following the recommendation of a Committee of the Faculty, endorsed by the Administration and the Trustees' Honorary Degree Committee. You will wish to know that the ceremonies will be held in The Municipal Auditorium of The Philadelphia Civic Center, and those who are to participate will be requested to assemble in the ballroom of the Civic Center prior to ten o'clock on the morning of Commencement Day. The program will begin precisely at ten-thirty and will conclude at approximately twelve o'clock. I hope very much to hear that it will be possible for you to be with us and, in the event you accept, we shall be in touch with you concerning detailed arrangements for the Commencement weekend. Very sincerely, Gaylord P. Harnwell