ONE-PAGE BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH FOR PERMANENT NIH INTRAMURAL SCIENTIST NAME TITLE BIRTHDATE & PLACE CITIZENSHIP Marshall Nirenberg Chief, Lab. of Biochemical Genetick 4-10-27 New York USA institute /Division /Laboratory OFFICE (Bidg./Room No.) LABORATORY (Bidg./Room No.) NHLBI/Lab. of Biochemical GeneticB 36/1C-27 4C-20 EDUCATION and TRAINING: - Years institution Degree Disciptine 1952-57 Univ. of Mich.Ann Arbor Ph.D. Biochemistry 1950-52 Univ. of Florida M.S. Biology 1945-48 Univ. of Florida B.S. Biology and Chemistry CHRONOLOGY OF EMPLOYMENT (Limited to space provided) 1966.Now | Chief, Laboratory of Biochemical Genetics, NHLBI 1962-66 Chief, Section on Biochemical Genetics, NHLBI 1960-62 Research Biochemist, Section of Metabolic Enzymes, NIAMD 1957-60 Postdoctoral Fellow with Dewitt Stetten, Jr. (2 yrs.), Gordon Tomkins (3rd year) RESEARCH INTERESTS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS (Limited to space provided) Interest. Regulation of gene expression. Neurobiology, Genetics, Drosophila,Neuroblastoma. Accomplishments. Deciphered.the genetic code. Showed that RNA is a template for protein Syiithesis. Established clonal lines of neuroblastoma and somatic hybrid cells that form Synapses in vitro as model systems for neurobiology. Discovered 10 novel homeobox genes and 2 novel Pou-domain genes. IMPORTANT AND RECENT PUBLICATIONS (Limited to 5) Total Number of Publications: 159 1. Hara, Y., Rovescalli, A., Kim, Y., and Nirenberg, M.: Structure and Evolution of Four (i992) Genes Expressed in Mouse Brain. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 89: 3280-3284 1992). 2. Nazarali, A., Kim, Y., and Nirenberg, M.: Hox 1.11 and Hox-4.9 Homeobox Genes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 89: 2883-2887 (1992). 3. Kim, Y. and Nirenberg, M.: Drosophila NK-homeobox Genes. Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci. 7716-7720 (1989). 4. Nirenberg, M. W. and Leder, P.: RNA codewords and protein synthesis. I. The effect of 5 yinu leotides upg the binding OF BRN to yibosomes. P-free’ pede eaneee (1964). Ee colt Gon natura ty oceuzring or synthetic polyribonuc ESEigegtepe synphesis in, Sci. USA, 47: 1588-1602 ——— AWARDS, HONORS, EDITORSHIPS, AND COMMITTEES (Examples limited to space provided) Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology (1968). Shared with H.G. Khorana and R.W.Holley. Member National Academy of Science. Member National Academy of Medicine. Editoria] Advisory Board - Molecular Neurobiology. Eqitoria Advisory Board —- Cotecyaa and Mobecul ay Neurobiology Editorial Board - Molecular Neurobiology | DATE FORM COMPLETED: August }2, 1993 SIGNATURE Watt bb. Trendrer~ L/L ft? = Dr. Marshall Nirenberg (1992-1993) CRITICAL ELEMENT fi: Maintains and Manages a creative environment in the Laboratory of Biochemical Genetics. Encouragement of Seminars and Journal Clubs. Laboratory seminars are held Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The most recent interesting papers that have been published are presented at the Monday noon seminar. The Tuesday 4:00 PM seminar is for Dr. Nirenberg’s group. This is a highly informal seminar with no scheduled speakers. Each person discusses the experimental results that he or she obtained during the previous week, technical problems encountered, methods, and so forth. Ideas also are discussed. The Wednesday noon seminar series focuses on the research of the investigators in the laboratory. Each person gives a one hour talk on the research that he or she has done over the past 4-6 months, answers questions, and considers critical comments. n j j ff Progress and Encourage Collaborations where Adviseable. Usually, Dr. Nirenberg discusses results of the current or last experiment with each postdoctoral fellow each day and also discusses plans for the next experiment or set of experiments. However, the frequency of discussion often is tailored to the needs of the postdoctoral fellow and the experimental difficulties that are encountered. Large projects usually are designed as collaborative projects; i.e., different postdoctoral fellows work on separate but related parts of the same problem. In addition, A projects are being studied in collaboration with investigators in other laboratories at the NIH. Additional discussions also are held with the other permanent, independent investigators in the laboratory on the results of their research and their plans for future research. Effective Performance of Support Staff. The performance of support staff is monitored closely and suggestions are made as needed. Problems are discussed with Dr. Nirenberg and are monitored until they are solved. Dr. Nirenberg’s technicians ¢+—full-tiis—2ohe- ere chbicioms) are effective and productive. A medical problem has impaired the effectiveness of Dr. Daniel’s technician, but this problem should be resolved soon, diener in the lab, Derek Tang, from Viet Nam, Nirenberg vooe fe oie with £.E.0. and affirmative action objectives. es de ot AE we he ba eer taught many technigal procedures used in molecular biology, and now is doing research for of each day, which should enable him to obtain a promotion. Afro-Americans in the laboratory also have been taught many technical procedures. . Dr. Nirenberg makes sure that all members of the laboratory conserve resources in a responsible manner. Years ago, to save money some policies were instituted in this laboratory which are still being followed; ca. because of the expense no one in this laboratory uses NIH sterile glassware or thessefithses—cfi-the NIH media room. The NIH Art Department is used very infrequently; figures are drawn on the computer by members of the laboratory. C howevre-—Monte Sa bare re comoute acj o5-are—tsedrather than the NIH—> IY Ap as because ees A actin TEESE ae ovcelient. ANI : © orders are approved by Dr. Nirenberg or Dr. Peterkofsky prior to placement. Computer printouts of ee aed are examined each month by Dr. Nirenberg and appropriate actions are taken needed, Dr. Marshall Nirenberg (1992-1993) CRITICAL ELEMENT 2: PURSUES AND DIRECTS A VIGOROUS RESEARCH PROGRAM. Publications. Three manuscripts were written that were supposed to be in press by now but have been delayed a few months because several months ago Dr. Nirenberg thought it was more important for him to-focus intensively on some research concerning the pattern of expression of the NK-2 homecbox gene during the development of Drosophila embryos. This analysis led to predictions,-—~ whteh—have_abigh—prebabitityeftbetrg-eorkect. of the rules for assembling part of the central nervous system of Drosophila and explains how positional information that d ES the structure of the nervous system is—enceded in _ DNA and_retrieved! he eas will change the direction of Dr. Nirenberg’s esearch for the n 3 or 4 years. prediction can be teste experimentally us as the experimental system.4\These ideas represent a major advance in Dr. renbdeérg s undeé anding of how the nervous system is assembled. With a slight modification the hypothesis also applies to the assembly of part of the mammalian CNS. Dr. Nirenberg was a coauthor of 7 abstracts that were presented as posters or talks at the following meetings: Society for Cell Biology, Society for Neuroscience meeting, Neurobiology of Drosophila meeting at Cold Spring Harbor, Biophysical Society meeting, Eastern Analytical Symposium, and the Third Forum on Peptides and Proteins, Biarritz, France. Dr. Nirenberg also presented a symposium talk at the International Meeting on the Biochemistry of Cell Membranes, sponsored by the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Bari, Italy. Peer Recognition. Was invited to select the speakers and cochairperson for a symposium on Drosophila Neurobiology and to be the Chairman of the symposium at the International Congress of Biochemistry in New Delhi in 1994. Was invited to be a plenary speaker at the European Pharmacology Society Meeting in Berlin in 1994. Was a member of the Organizing Committee and an invited lecturer for the Elba International Neuroscience Meeting in Marina di Campo, Isola d'Elba, Italy for 1993. Was invited to be a symposium speaker at a meeting “DNA: The Double Helix, Forty Years: Perspective and Prospective” sponsored by the New York Academy of Science. Invited lecturer at the Department of Biochemistry, College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago, Illinois and Georgetown University. Many other invitations to give talks were not accepted. Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Neurogenetics. Adjunct Professor, Department of Biochemistry, George Washington Medical School, Washington, D.C. Member of an American College of Neurology Committee to choose the recipient of a major award for research. influence on Research Projects. Essentially all of the research objectives of Dr. Nirenberg’s group, past and present, originated from Dr. Nirenberg. The ideas for 2 of the 3 collaborative projects that Dr. Nirenberg currently is working on were originated by Dr. Nirenberg. The idea for the third collaborative project in collaboration with a former postdoctoral fellow of Or. Nirenberg’s was equally obvious to Dr. Nirenberg and the other investigator. SPAR HP Depa Oe, EN. MOGs As |) pede oy v L r) iw Ay KLf “i = cub tsa ak eas ae TTS “s os = | een ob e. ee wr maha aed 4 0) tb I FOMETF IF) S OPA I WAAL) $ A tos 4.7 Dr. Nirenberg was a coauthor of 7, posters ( or talks thetowett—efescrted at the following meetings: Society for Cell Biology, Society for Neuroscience meeting, Neurobiology of Dresephila meeting at Cold Spring Harbor, Biophysjcah Society meet , Eastern Analytica] Symposium, and the g jo« é oY y 7 . E ~rre€ . , Foe On - Or. Ntrenbétg~also resen symposium talk at anes the International Meeting on the Biochemistry of Cell Membr , sponsored by the iology in Bari, Italy. To Peer Recognition. Was invited to select the speakers| for a symposium on Drosophila Neurobiology and to be the Chairman of the symposium at the International Congress of Biochemistry in New Delhi in 1994. Was invited to be a International Union of Biochemistry and M oH Nes plenary speaker at the European Pharmacology Society Meeting in Berlin in 1994. Was a member of the Organizing Committee and an invited lecturer for the Elba International Neuroscience Meeting in Marina di Campo, Isola d’Elba, Italy for 1993, Was invited to be a symposium speaker at a meeting “DNA: The Double Helix, Forty Years: Perspective and Prospective” sponsored by the New York Academy of Science. Invited lecturer at the Department of Biochemistry, College of Medi , University of Tilinois at Chicago, Illinois and Georgetown University. han N tartone to give talks were not accepted. Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Molecular Neurobiology. Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Neurogenetics. Adjunct Professor, Department of Biochemistry, George Washington Medical School, Washington, D.C. Member of an American College of Neurology Committee to choose the recipient of a Se award for research. N aq Influence on Research Projects. Essentially all of the research objectives of Dr. Nirenberg’s group, past and present, originated from Dr. Nirenberg. The ideas ror ae 3 collabprative projects that Dr. Nirenberg GsfourrenttyV py 1 On Apes iri iad Se ui Ns paterercal aes thir, ad "A collaborati rome) VS y obvicug to Dr. Nirenberg and the er investigator. Dr. Marshall Nirenberg (1992-1993) CRITICAL ELEMENT f: MAINTAINS AN ACTIVE ROLE IN THE PROFESSION AS INDICATED BY; Reviews Manuscripts for Scientific Journals. Dr. Nirenberg is a member of the Editorial ards of 3 scientific journals and reviews manuscripts for these Journals also serves as an ad hoc reviewer of many manuscripts for other scientific journals. Active Participation in Scientific Societies. Dr. Nirenberg is an active member of the following societies: National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. National Academy of Medicine, U.S.A. American Academy of Arts and Sciences American Society of Biological Biological Chemistry and Molecular Biology American Chemical Society American Neurochemistry Society Biophysical Society American Association for the Advancement of Science Society for Neuroscience The Society for Developmental an American seqhetyterNeurologtZaX Dae European Academy of Arts and Sciences Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the Vatican Federation of American Scientists International Society for Neuroimmunomodulation Dr. Nirenberg is a Sponsor of The Federation of American Sewientists and > Maver of the Advisory Board of the The International Society for Neuroimmunomodulation. During the past year, Dr renberg signed about 10 letters from different scientific SDE TETTES or W an eee cri mm We 7 \ . Marshall Nirenberg (1992-1993). NONCRITICAL ELEMENT fe: SERVES ON COMMITTEES WITHIN NIH AND ELSEWHERE AS REQUESTED. As discussed on @ previous Pe Nirenberg is a member of the Editorial Advisory Boards of 3 Scientific journals, eS a member of the Advisory Board of the Wess member ae aye Neuroimmunomodulation,and was a member,of a cqmmittée to select the recipients ie major’ award presented by the American Neurological Association. e is a member of the Advisory Board of the Beckman Institute of the University of Illinois at Ubana-Champaign, IL. He also was a member of the doctoral committee of Mrs. Wha Kwon and directed the research of Mrs. Kwon, who received a Ph.D. degree several months ago from the Department of Biology, University of MD. Dr. Marshall Nirenberg (1990-1995) CRITICAL ELEMENT fs: SUPPORTS THE NIH EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY PROGRAMS BY ACTIONS THAT INSURE EQUAL TREATMENT OF EMPLOYEES. Dr. Nirenberg always has supported the National Institutes of Health and Public Health Service Equal Employment Opportunity programs and has a long, well established record of treating all employees equally and of recruiting, developing, and advancing minorities, women, and persons with disabilities. About half of the investigators in the Laboratory af Biochemical Genetics are women ane ie embers of minorities. Only one individual with a neant ith applied rie lal crippled byt polio in ch Idhood S$ a postdoctoral are Ttion, The individualW who was Was a woman, and a member of a minority group fellow. accepted As discussed on an ea er page, a young man with little or no background in science, a member of a minority croup, mda was recruited to maintain liquid nitrogen rreezersf and other laboratory \ equipment@ and to take care of the laboratory stock room, was taught many technical procedures during the past year that are required for recombinant DNA research and now spends most of the day doing research. Other individuals who are members of minorities also were taught various technical procedures during the past year. Dr. Korn came to the Laboratory of Biochemical Genetics and gave a talk which was attended by all members of the laboratory on issues related to sexual harassment