December 17, 1986 Dear Dr. Nirenberg, On behalf of the Organizers of the Eric K. Fernstroms Symposium on The Neuromuscular Junction, I hereby cordially invite you to participate in this symposium. The preliminary program and list of invited speakers are enclosed. Recent years have brought about an abundance of information about processes such as transmitter release, the acetylcholine receptor, acetylcholine-receptor interactions, excitation-contraction coupling and the genetic regulation of synapse formation and maintenance and degenerative changes resulting from neuromuscular disorders. Even if many of these subjects have recently been discussed at various meetings it seems appropriate to gather leading scientists in those fields for a coordinated discussion of all these aspects of neuromuscular function. They Symposium will take place during the Midsummer Season at Orenas Castle (35 km from Lund) beautifully situated by the Sound (Oresund), and overlooking the coast of nearby Denmark (see enclosed brochure). It will be organized as an official satellite symposium preceding the European Society for Neurochemistry Seventh General Meeting in Goteborg June 12-17 1988. In addition, the XIXth Nordic Conference of Physiology and Pharmacology will be held in Oslo, Norway, June 13-15 1988. Information regarding this latter congress can be obtained from Professor Harald Aars, University of Oslo, Box 1052, Blindern, 0316 Oslo 3, Norway. We can guarantee to cover the costs of your stay at Orenas and are applying for grants to cover your travel expenses as well (air fare, economy class). Information about your travel support will be given not later than July 1987. No registration fee is requested and all participants will be accommodated in modern hotel rooms at the Castle. Each speaker will be asked to submit an Abstract before January 1, 1988 (Abstract forms will be sent separately). Your contribution will be published as a full length paper in the Fernstrom Symposium series by Elsevier Biochemical Press of which you will receive a free copy. We are very much looking forward to receiving your, hopefully positive, answer as soon as possible. Sincerely yours, Stephen Thesleff