International Council of Human Duties Che Crieste Declaration of Duman Duties A Code of Ethics of Shared Responsibilities University of Trieste Italy Hntroduction rucial problems concerning humankind at the dawn of the 21st century urge the adoption of a different way of thinking and a different value system. The change must be as revolutionary as that which emerged after the Middle Ages. The new way of thinking must be centered on humans as an integral part of our planet, whose actions affect all living things. It is our plan to present and discuss these ideas through conferences, work- shops and lectures, and in particular to support women’s networks and other organizations, active in the spirit of this Declaration. Furthermore, we will seek the participation of the younger generations, which repre- sent our greatest hope for improving the quality of life on earth. Preamble ASS hereas the Declaration of Human Rights represents one of the great advances of the twentieth century, it fails to address Human Duties and Responsibilities as necessary counterparts of these Rights. Recognition of and respect for human rights demand the acceptance of specific duties, in order to assu- re an adequate quality of life for all people and the persistence of a sustainable environment for future generations. We, founding members of the International Council of Human Duties, consider a binding responsibility for ourselves, not only as human beings, but especially as scientists and educators, to carefully and explicitly carry out these duties to the best of our ability, even if their enactment may run counter to esta- blished policies generated by traditional sources of power and influence. We herewith invite all people concerned with these issues to join us in our efforts, as expressed in the following twelve points. Dre Crieste Declaration of Bauman Duties A Code of Ethics of Shared Responsibilities IT IS THE DUTY OF EVERY HUMAN BEING TO: respect human dignity as well as ethnic, cultural and religious diversity. work against racial injustice and all discrimination of women, and the abuse and exploitation of children. work for improvement in the quality of life of aged and disabled persons. respect human life and condemn the sale of human beings or parts of the living human body. support efforts to improve the life of people suffering from hunger, misery, disease or unemployment. promote effective voluntary family planning in order to regulate world popula- tion growth. support actions for an equitable distribution of world resources. AA & avoid energy waste and work for reduction of the use of fossil fuels. Promote the use of inexhaustible energy sources, representing a minimum of environ- mental and health risks. protect nature from pollution and abuse, promote conservation of natural resources and the restoration of degraded environments. respect and preserve the genetic diversity of living organisms and promote con- stant scrutiny of the application of genetic technologies. E) gy & Promote improvement of urban and rural regions and support endeavours to eliminate the causes of environmental destruction and impoverishment which can lead to massive migrations of people and overpopulation in urban areas. SI work for maintenance of world peace, condemn war, terrorism and all other hostile activities by calling for decreased military spending in all countries and restriction of the proliferation and dissemination of arms, in particular, weapons of mass destruction. The Snternational Council of Human Duties iB p Laws I DENOMINATION AND DOMICILE The International Council of Human Duties, hereinafter called ICHD, is an intemational non-governmental and non-profit making organization. The legal domicile of [CHD is in Trieste, Italy. ICHD shall act as a World Federation of individuals and organizations which adhere to the concepts of the Trieste Declaration of Human Duties. II OBJECTIVES The objectives of ICHD shall be: To promote international understanding of the concepts of the Trieste Declaration of Human Duties and to foster throughout the world the appli- cation of these concepts, To enter into relations with the United Nations, its agencies and with national Governments for the implementation of the goals of ICHD, and to co-operate with non-governmental international, national and regional bodies whose aims are consonant with those of ICHD. To encourage the adoption by the United Nations of a “Universal Declaration of Human Duties” with comparable stature to the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights “. To promote the establishment of a “Human Duties Day”. To stimulate, design, co-ordinate and participate in the implementation of international programmes related to the concepts of the Trieste Declaration of Human Duties. To provide for and assist in the education and the dissemination of information relating to the concepts of the Trieste Declaration of Human Duties. To arrange, promote and sponsor World Congresses of the ICHD and such other meetings as may be useful or desirable for the advancement of the purposes of ICHD. : To encourage the formation of national associations for the dissemination of information of the concepts of ICHD. To actively uphold the principle of the universality of the concepts of the Trieste Declaration of Human Duties. ICHD shall not engage in any actions of political nature. TIT MEMBERSHIP ICHD shall be composed of two categories of members: Individual members International, national and regional organizations and agencies Individual Members Any individual anywhere in the world who is devoted to the concepts of the Trieste Declaration of Human Duties and supports the goals of ICHD is eligible for election as Member of ICHD. Application for membership should be submitted in writing to the Secretary General. ‘ Member Organizations International, national or regional organizations and agencies with an active interest in the objectives of the concepts of the Trieste Declaration of Human Duties are eligible for membership. Application for membership should be sent to the Secretary General and be accompanied by the sta- tutes of the organization. , IV ADMINISTRATION The work of ICHD shall be conducted by: The Executive Board The Advisory Committee The Executive Board The Executive Board shall consist of Four Officers: the President, the Vice President, the Secretary General and the Treasurer, elected by the Advisory Committee for a period of four years. They shall be eligible for re-election. , Five Ordinary Members elected by the Advisory Committee from its own membership for a period of four years. They shall not be eligible for re-election. The Executive Board shall be the governing body of ICHD and shall be empowered to take all steps necessary to fulfill its functions. The Executive Board shall actively engage in the launching of a global campaign to heighten public awareness of the concepts of the Trieste Declaration of Human Duties and shall raise funds for this purpose. The Executive Board shal] meet at least once a year. The Advisory Committee The Advisory Committee shall consist of 25 members-elected by the entire membership of ICHD, by postal ballot. The terms of the members elected shall be four years and they shall be eligible for re-election. The President and the Secretary General shall ex-officio be members of the Advisory Committee. Nominations of Committee Members may be submitted by each individual member of ICHD in writing to the Nominating Committee. The Advisory Committee shall meet at least once every second year. [t shal] outline the general policies of ICHD and co-operate with the Executive Board in the implementation of the goals of ICHD. The quorum for a meeting of the Advisory Committee shall be one-third of its mem- bers. The Advisory Committee shall elect its Chairman among its members. The Nominating Committee The Advisory Committee shall elect a Nominating Committee consisting of five members one of whom shall be designated by the Advisory Board to serve as Chairman. Members of the Committee shall serve for four years. They shall not be eligible for re-election. The Nominating Committee shall propose a slate of candidates of the Advisory Committee and shall be responsible for the nomination of candidates for the Executive Board. At least two candidates shall be nominated for each vacancy. Duties of Officers President The President shail be the Chief Executive Officer of the Council. The President shall preside at meetings of the Executive Board and shall act as spokesman of ICHD. Secretary General The Secretary General shall be responsible for managing the secretariat of the Council and for executing the policies and decisions of the Executive Board and the Advisory Committee, The Secretary General shall work in close co-operation with the President. Treasurer The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate account of receipts and disbursements of funds belonging to ICHD. The Treasurer shall render to the Executive Board and to the Council at their regular meetings an account of the financial conditions of ICHD. V FINANCES The President and the Secretary General are empowered in the name of ICHD to accept grants or donations for carrying out the activities of ICHD. The fiscal year of ICHD shall commence on the first day of January and end on the 31 of the following December. An audit of the finances shall be conducted annually at the end of the fiscal year. The Executive Board shall appoint an auditor authorized to act as a public accountant. VI - AMENDMENTS Amendments of the By-Laws may be proposed by any member of the Executive Board or Advisory Committee, The proposed amendment should be sent to all members of the Executive Board and the Advisory Committee no less than thirty days prior to the time it shall be submitted to a vote. Amendments shall go into effect following their adoption by a two-thirds majority of the Advisory Committee. FAMILY NAME... ADDRESS VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTION I WISH TO CONTRIBUTE TQ THE PROPAGATION OF THE CONCEPTS OF THE DECLARATION ) MASTER- ) CHEQUE/EUROCHEQUE PAYABLE TO ICHD ) BANK TRANSFER TO CASSA RISPARMIO TRIESTE-ITALY c.c. NO AGENCY 23 - ViA FaBio SEvERO 152 - 34127 TRIESTE SIGNATURE TO BE SENT TO: THE SECRETARIAT OF INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF HUMAN DUTIES UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI TRIESTE - PIAZZALE Europa, 1 - 34127 TRIESTE - ITALY FOUNDING MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF HUMAN DUTIES Prof. Louis Albou Dr. Enrico Alleva Prof. I Antoniou Sir Michael Atiyah Prof. André Berger Prof. Paul Blau Prof. Giacomo Borruso Dr. Noel J. Brown Prof. Luca Cavalli Sforza Prof. Jean-Pierre Changeux Prof. George Coyne Prof. Emer Colleran Prof. Benedetto de Bernard Prof. Giampaolo de Ferra Prof. Gianfranco Dioguardi * Prof. Manfred Eigen Dr. Arturo Falaschi Dr. Gabriele Gatti Prof. Frangois Gros Dr. André Hamende Prof. G. Herméren * Prof. David Hubel * Prof. Robert Huber * Prof. Frangois Jacob Prof. Joshua Jortner Prof. Sergei Kapitza Prof. Alex Keynan * Sir John Kendrew * NOBEL LAUREATE (France} (Italy) (Belgium) (United Kingdom) (Belgium) (Austria) (Italy) (USA) (USA) (France) (USA) (Ireland) (Italy) (Italy) (Italy) (Germany) (Italy) (Rep. of San Marino) (France) (Italy) (Sweden) (USA) (Germany) (France) (Israel) (Russia) (Israel) (United Kingdom) Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei The African Academy of Sciences International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology - ICGEB The Union of Concerned Scientists The United Nations University Prof. Iba Kone Prof. P.G. Kostyuk Prof. Ie Hyok Kwon * Prof. Rita Levi Montalcini Mr Han Been Lee Prof. Sang Soo Lee Prof. André Lichnerowicz Prof. Eleonora Masini Dame Anne McLaren Prof. Mambillikalathil G. K. Menon * Prof. Franco Modigliani Sir Gustav Nossal Prof, Michio Okamoto Prof. David Ottoson Prof. Nestor Perl * Prof. Ilya Prigogine Prof. Peter Raven Prof. Haward Ris * Prof. Carlo Rubbia Prof. Giorgio Salvini Prof. Michael Sela Prof. Eric Shooter Prof. Michel Sintzoff *Prof. Roger Sperry Prof. Hartwig Spitzer Prof. Theodore Voneida Prof. Patrick Wall Prof. Victor Weisskopf * Prof. Thomas Weller The Israe] Academy of Sciences and Humanities Third World Academy of Sciences - TWAS United Nations Environment Programme - UNEP (Kenya) (Ukraine) (Korea) (Italy) (Korea) (Korea) (France) (Italy) (United Kingdom) (India) (USA) (Australia) (Japan) (Sweden) (Argentina) (Belgium) (USA) (USA) (Italy) (Italy (Israel) (USA) (Belgium) (USA) (Germany) (USA) (United Kingdom) (USA) (USA) LIST OF INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES SUPPORTING THE TRIESTE DECLARATION OF HUMAN DUTIES The Suternational Council of Human Duties ICHD EXECUTIVE BOARD President Rita Levi Montalcini (Italy) Vice President David Ottoson (Sweden) Secretary General Benedetto de Bernard (Italy) Treasurer Theodore J. Voneida (USA) Noel J. Brown (USA) Jean-Pierre Changeux (France) Emer Colleran (Ireland) Michael Sela (Israel) Victor Weisskopf (USA) SECRETARIAT: Carla Savastano Universita degli Studi di Trieste Piazzale Europa 1- 34127 Trieste Italy TEL 39-40-6763002 FAX 39-40-571071 Telex 460865 UNIVTS