Distinguished Lecture Series in Basic and Medical Neurosciences--1983-84 Presented by Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience Association University of California, Irvine. Schedule of Speakers and Topics October 5, 1983 Neurotransmitter Transformation During the Development of the Sympathetic Nervous System Story C. Landis, Ph.D., Department of Neurobiology, Harvard University Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts November 2, 1983 Brain Transplants in Animals and Man Lars Olson, M.D., Professor of Histology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden December 7, 1983 Schizophrenia: Biological and Genetic Components Seymour S. Kety, M.D., Associate Director, National Institute for Mental Health (Intramural Program), Bethesda, Maryland January 4, 1984 Biochemical Basis of Alzheimer's Disease Dennis J. Selkoe, M.D., Department of Neurology, Harvard Medical School--Mailman Research Center, McLean Hospital, Belmont, Massachusetts The lectures will be held the first Wednesday of the month (second Wednesday in March) from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., on the University of California, Irvine campus in the Science Lecture Hall. February 1, 1984 Synapse Formation by Neuroblastoma Cells Marshall W. Nirenberg, Ph.D. (Nobel Laureate) Chief, Laboratory of Biochemical Genetics, National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute, Bethesda, Maryland March 14, 1984 Structure and Function of the Acetylcholine Receptor Protein Jean-Pierre Changeux, M.D., Ph.D. Pasteur Institute, Paris, France April 4, 1984 High Specificity Antibodies in Biology and Medicine Richard A. Lerner, M.D. Department of Cellular and Developmental Immunology Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation La Jolla, California May 2, 1984 Looking and Seeing: The Visual Functions of the Parietal Lobe Vernon B. Mountcastle, M.D. Professor of Neuroscience, Department of Physiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland (Grass Foundation Lecture) Additional Information: For additional information concerning this program, please call (213) 595-3811. The Department of Psychiatry reserves the right to cancel a program at any time caused by circumstances not under its control. Persons registered in a cancelled program will be notified by telephone, using the telephone number listed on the application form. Registration fees will be refunded for those programs cancelled. Please note that there may be changes in faculty or minor changes in the program content caused by circumstances beyond the Department of Psychiatry control. Accreditation: As an organization accredited for continuing medical education, the University of California, Irvine, College of Medicine, designates each lecture as meeting the criteria for 1 1/2 credit hours in Category 1 of the Physician's Recognition Award of the American Medical Association and the California Medical Association Certificate. Fee: A registration fee of $150.00 prior to October 1, 1983, for physicians wishing to receive Category 1 credit. After October 1, 1983, the fee for physicians wishing to receive Category 1 credit will be $250.00 for the entire series. No fee will be charged for allied health professionals, students, residents, or the lay public. Please make check payable to the CENTER FOR HEALTH EDUCATION, and mail with application to: Assistant Director, Center for Health Education, 2801 Atlantic Avenue (P.O. Box 1428), Long Beach, CA 90801 [MAP=University of California, Irvine"] DISTINGUISHED LECTURE SERIES In Basic and Medical Neuroscience October 5, 1983 to May 2, 1984 This lecture series provides a survey of the newest and most exciting topics in the basic and medical neurosciences by the leaders of the field. This research has an impact on the diagnosis, treatment and causes of mental disease, neurological illness and on each person's view of himself. All lecturers are internationally known for their research achievements and for their ability to present their story in an exciting and clear manner to scientists, physicians and the public at large. This series is ideal for persons involved in the health care system and those who enjoy learning about basic and medical neurosciences and now wish to hear about it from the scientists who made the discoveries. Several topics are immediately clinically relevant, both for the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Others involve new findings in the basic neurosciences which are certain to have wide application in the future.