December 16, 1986. Dear Dr. Nirenberg Thank you very much for the arrangement of NIH postdoctoral fellowship, which I heard from my major professor, Dr. Rho, whom you sent the letter with the lucky news for me. Professor Rho told me that he was going to write a Thank-you letter and I am accepting arrangement with a great honor. This is why I write the accepting letter late. Of course, I accept your fellowship arrangement with a great happiness. In the meantime, I almost filled up the Application for Federal Employment (form 171) and I will send you with my C.V./ reprints within a short period of time. After I heard from my professor that you were visiting Korea, I was getting excited and impatiently waited to see you, because I admired, since I was an undergraduate student, your works on genetic code, which I think, is one of the three milestones (Mendelism, DNA structure, genetic code) in the history of life sciences. I attended your seminar twice. I was deeply impressed with your studies on neurobiology. I had a feeling in a broad sense that you are trying to relate your genetic code work and memory phenomena, which is, I think, a tangible approach. I have no words with which to thank you for your giving me the opportunity that I can study in your laboratory. I am anxious to join your laboratory to take part in your research plan. However, I have to finish up my dissertation writing in August, 1987. So I will be at your laboratory on early September of 1987. My research experiences are on the area of restriction enzymes, DNA sequencing, gene cloning and expressions. I promise you that I will do my best in your laboratory. With all my best regards I remain, Yours Faithfully, Yong Sok Kim Department of Zoology Seoul National University Seoul 151, Korea