a 2. XC MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology iy) Jy i | | University Postgraduate Medical School on , U Hills Road, Cambridge. CB2 2QH L/ a England Medical Uw Council telephone Cambridge 48011 27th July, 1972 Dr. M. Nirenberg, Laboratory of Biochemical Sciences, National Heart Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. 20014, U.S.A, Dear Marshall, I am putting up Sydney this year for the Prix Charles-Leopold Mayer. Could I persuade you to do the same? I enclose a list of his public- ations. You will recall the recommendations have to be in by 15th September. Rog hole } yar eotr, — 4 ts F,H.C. Crick Encs, 1, 2, 3. 4, 5. 6 7. 8. 9. PUBLICA TIONS Gillman, J., Gillman, T. and Brenner, S. Vitamin A and porphyrin- fluorescence in the livers of pellagrins, with special reference to the effects of a high carbohydrate diet and methionine. s. Afr. J. Med. Sci., 10, 67 (1945). Gillman, J., Gillman, T. and Brenner, S. Porphyrin fluorescence in the livers of pellagrins in relation to ultraviolet light. Nature, 156, 689 (1945). Brenner, S. The chromosome complement of Elephantulus. S. Afr. J. Med. Sci., ll, Biol. Suppl., 71 (1946). Brenner, S. Ceroid in the human ovary, with special reference to its mode of formation. Ss. Afr. J. Med. Sci., il, 173 (1946). Brenner, S. Chromosome studies in Elephantulus with special refer~ ence to the allocyclic behaviour of the sex chromosomes and the structure of heterochromatin. M. Sc. Thesis. University of the Witwatersrand, (1947). _ Brenner, §. The non-specificity of the nadi reaction for the cytochrome oxidase-cytochrome c system. S. Afr. J. Sci., 43, 320 (1947), Brenner, S. The identity of the microsomal lipoprotein- ribonucleic acid complexes with cytologically observable chromidial sub- stance (cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein) in the hepatic cell. S, Afr. J. Med. Sci., 12, 53 (1947). Brenner, S$. The demonstration by supravital dyes of oxidation~reduction systems on the mitochondria of the rat lymphocyte. S. Afr. J. Med. Sci., 14, 13 (1949). Brenner, S. Multipolar meiosis in Elephantulus. Nature, 164, 495 (1949). 10. il. 12, 13. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. Brenner, S. Supravital staining of mitochondria with amethyst violet. Stain Technol., 25, 163 (1950). Brenner, S. Spectrophotometric studies on the combination of trypan blue and related dyes with the plasma albumin of the rat, guinea~ pig and the baboon. S, Afr. J. Med. Sci,, 17, 61 (1952). Brenner, S. and Gillman, J. The structural specificity of dyes prod- ucing reticulo-endothelioses in rats. S. Afr. J. Med. Sci., 17, 81 (1952). Brenner, S. The chromatic nuclear membrane. Exptl, Cell Research, 9, 257 (1953). Brenner, S. Supravital staining of mitochondria with phenosafranin dyes, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 11, 480 (1953). Brenner, S. and Allison, A.C. Catalase inhibition: a possible mech- anism for the production of Heinz bodies in erythrocytes. Experientia, 9, 581 (1953). Brenner, S. The physical chemistry of cell processes. A study of bacteriophage resistance in Escherichia coli., strain B. D. Phil, Thesis, University of Oxford (1954), Brenner, S. The adsorption of bacteriophages by sensitive and resistant cells of Escherichia coli., strain B. Proc. Roy.'Soc., B, 144, 93 (1955). Brenner, S. and Stent, G.S. Bacteriophage growth in protoplasts of Bacillus megaterium. Biochim, Biophys. Acta, 17, 473 (1955). Brenner, S. Tryptophan biosynthesis in Salmonella typhimurium. Proc, Nat, Acad. Sci., Wash., 41, 862 (1955). Brenner, S. The effects of ribonuclease and deoxyribonuclease on bacteriophage formation in protoplasts of Bacillus megaterium. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 18, 531 (1955) 21 22, 23 24 25 26, 27 28, 29, 30. ~3- Brenner, S. and Levy, P.R. Non-conversion of B-hydroxypyruvic acid to serve in auxotrophs of Salmonella typhinurium, S. Afr. J. Med. Sci, 20, 92 (1955). Brenner, S. Genetic control and phenotypic mixing of the adsorp~ tion cofactor requirement in bacteriophages T2 and T4. Virology, 3, 560 (1957). Brenner, S. On the impossibility of all overlapping triplet codes in information transfer from nucleic acid to protein. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., Wash., 43, 687 (1957). Brenner, S., Benzer, S. and Barnett, L. Distribution of proflavin- induced mutation in the genetic fine structure, Nature, 182, 983 (1958). Horne, R.W., Brenner, S., Waterson, A.P. and Wildy, P. The icosahedral form of an adenovirus. J. Mol. Biol,, 1, 84 (1959). Brenner, S., Streisinger, G., Horne, R.W., Champe, S.P., Barnett, L., Benzer, S. and Rees, M.W. Structural com- ponents of bacteriophage. J. Mol, Biol,, 1, 281 (1959). Brenner, S. and Smith, }.D. Induction of mutations in the deoxy~ ribonucleic acid of bacteriophage T2 synthesized in the presence of chloramphenicol. Virology, 8, 124 (1959). Brenner, S. Physiological aspects of bacteriophage genetics. Adv, Virus Research, 6, 137 (1959). Brenner, S. and Horne, R.W. A negative staining technique for high resolution electron microscopy of plant viruses. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 34, 103 (1959). Brenner, S. The mechanism of gene action, CIBA Symp. on Human Biochem, Genetics, 304-317 (1959). 31 32 33 34, 35, 36. 37. 38, 39. 40, -4- Brenner, S., Sanger, F., Barnett, L. and Segall, B. Chemical and genetical studies on the head protein of bacteriophage T2 and T4. Brookhaven Symp. on Biol. (1959). Horne, R.W. and Brenner, S. A negative staining technique for high resolution of viruses. 4th Int. Cong. on Electron Microscopy, (1958). Springer Verlag, (1960) _Brenner, S., Jacob, F. and Meselson, M. An unstable intermediate carrying information from genes to ribosomes for protein synthesis. Nature, 190, 576 (1961). Brenner, S. RNA, ribosomes, and protein synthesis. Cold Spr. Harb. Symp. Quant. Biol., 26, 101 (1961). Brenner, S., Barnett, L., Crick, F.H.C. and Orgel, A, The theory of mutagenesis. J. Mol, Biol,, 3, 121 (1961). Orgel, A. and Brenner, S. Mutagenesis of bacteriophage T4 by acridines. 2 j. Mol, Biol, 3, 762 (1961). Crick, F.H.C., Barnett, L., Brenner, S. and Watts-Tobin, R.J. General nature of the genetic code for proteins. Nature, 192, 1227 (1961). Stent, G.S. and Brenner, S. A genetic locus for the regulation of ribonucleic acid synthesis. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., Wash., 47, 2005 (1961). Shedlovsky, A. and Brenner, Ss. A chemical basis for the host-induced modification of T-even bacteriophages. Proc, Nat. Acad, Sci., Wash., 50, 300 (1963). Jacob, F, and Brenner, S. Génétique Physiologique- sur la regulation de la synthése du DNA chez ies pactdéries: Mhypothése du replicon. C.R. Acad, Sci., 256, 298 (1963). -5- 41, Sarabhai, A.S., Stretton, A.O.W. and Brenner, S. Co-linearity of the gene with the polypeptide chain. Nature, 201, 13 (1964), 42, Brenner, S, and Stretton, A.O.W. The Amber mutation. J. Cell and Comp. Phys. Suppl. 1, Vol. 64, 43 (1964). 43, Kohiyama, M,, Lanfrom, H., Brenner, S. and Jacob, F. Genetique Physiologique~ Modifications de fonctions indispensables chez des mutants thermosensibles d'Escherichia coli. Sur une muta- tion empechant la replication du chromosome bacterien. C.R. Acad, Sc. Paris, 257, 1979 (1963), 44, Jacob, F., Brenner, S. and Cuzin, F. On the regulation of DNA replication in bacteria, Cold Spr, Harb, Symp, Quant. Biol,, 28, 329 (1963). 45, Stretton, A.O.W. and Brenner, S. Molecular consequences of the amber mutation and its suppression. J. Mol, Biol, , 12, 456 (1965). 46, Brenner, S. and Beckwith, J.R. Ochre mutants, a new class of suppres~ sible nonsense mutants, J. Mol. Biol,, 13, 629 (1965). 47, Signer, E.R., Beckwith, J.R. and Brenner, S. Mapping of suppressor loci in Escherichia coli, J. Mol. Biol., 14, 153 (1965), 48, Brenner, S., Stretton, A,O.W. and Kaplan, S. Genetic code: The “nonsense triplets for chain termination and their suppression. Nature, 206, 994 (1965). 49. Kaplan, S., Stretton, A.O.W. and Brenner, S. Amber suppressors: Efficiency of chain propagation and suppressor specific amino acids, J. Mol, Biol., 14, 528 (1965). 50. ol, 52, 53, o4, 95, 56, 57, 58, 29, ~6- Brenner, S. Collinearity and the genetic code. Proc. Roy. Soc. B., 164, 170 (1966), Brenner, S., Kaplan, S. and Stretton, A.O.W. Identity of N2 and ochre nonsense mutants. J. Mol, Biol,, 19, 574 (1966). Crick, F.H.C. and Brenner, S. The absolute sign of certain phase- shift mutants in bacteriophage T4. J. Mol. Biol., 26, 361 (1967). Sarabhai, A. and Brenner, S. Further evidence that UGA does not code for tryptophan. J. Mol, Biol., 26, 141 (1967). Sarabhai, A, and Brenner, S, A mutant which reinitiates the polypep~ tide chain after chain termination. J. Mol, Biol., 27, 145 (1967), smith, J.D., Abelson, J.N., Clark, B.F.C., Goodman, H.M. and Brenner, S. Studies on amber suppressor tRNA. Cold Spr, Harb. Symp. Quant. Biol., 31, 479 (1966), Stretton, A.O.W. and Brenner, S. Spontaneous revertants of amber mutants, J. Mol. Biol,, 26, 137 (1967). Barnett, L., Brenner, S., Crick, F.H. Cc. » Stuiman, R.G. and Watts-Tobin, R.J. Phase-shift and other mutants in the first part of the rlIB cistron of bacteriophage T4, Phil, Trans, Roy. Soc, B., 252, 487 (1967), Brenner, S,, Barnett, L., Katz, E.R. and Crick, F.H.C. UGA: A third nonsense triplet in the genetic code. Nature, 213, 449 (1967). Sambrook, J. F,, Fan, D.P. and Brenner, S. A strong suppressor specific for UGA. Nature, 214, 452 (1967). 60, 61. 62, 63. 64, 65, -7- Abelson, J., Barnett, L,, Brenner, S., Gefter, M., Landy, A., Russell, R, and Smith, J.D. Mutant tyrosine transfer ribo- nucleic acids, FEBS LETTERS, 3, 1 (1969). Russell, R. L., Abelson, J.N., Landy, A., Gefter, M.L., Bremner, S. and Smith, J.D. Duplicate genes for tyrosine transfer RNA in Escherichia coli. J. Mol. Biol. , 47, 1 (1970). Goodman, H.M., Abelson, J., Landy, A., Brenner, S. and Smith, J.D. Amber suppression: a nucleotide change in the anticodon of a tyrosine transfer RNA, Nature, 217, 1019 (1968), Smith, J.D., Barnett, L., Brenner, S. and Russell, R.L. More mutant tyrosine transfer ribonucleic acids. J. Mol, Biol., 54, 1 (1970). Altman, S., Brenner, S, and Smith, J.D, Identification of an ochre-suppressing anticodon. J. Mol, Biol, , 56, 195 (1971), Brenner, S. Nonsense Mutants and the genetic code, J.A.M.A., 218, 1023 (1971).