N T. Amano r 4 Cell Designation... 1. Je.eeee Ampole designation... Geeees | Box Bojer eee. . Total # of vials date of freezing..12..29761.-: | Passage Hove Frees weeee 7 | | 1) date of primary culture | | “ : ! 7 | ' I 2) origin of cells ! ! \ { i : : : . 3) date of last subculture | cell # per flask ml of media! type of flsk / | ! : ! | : Media itr (671025 ) Horse serum ; Fes (¢ 1s p dB sg /6_ ml 7 : C3) | ! date of freezing | {co % confluent color of media © | Trypsin used ( sol # — |) ~ % in media....... | sol.# ) i ¥ i FES A i , | oe , Centrifugation | foeerpe. fo | ' Suspended in. — {.O. ml of Media ( iy Freezing media media i % of serum [ [oh DMSO ( lot# ) Fite. AHS of | | oa af | ; : ' argoules: _ type bmxX/o approximate number of cells/ml/vial | ak. : , ; ne te ce ee aoe - Loe Le te - i —_ Freezin g method | | | woe ee r ee ee ee pov tte eee ee *. 4c i [eee hours) a.m. ; i a a.m. o : | P.m p.m. e200 f AG hours | asm. pom. \- _ a.m., pom -170 C pO bees .. hours 2M) Dem 4 a.m, p.m , | : Pd | | ; Peak _ | . Remarks; | 4 , ‘ . | | ‘ : 1 Numbe =~ of vials taken......; we DYsccccdeccects GMOs cceeccebevecseceee | Cells In Freezer 7) Cell designation... VAG becececeeeees 2)date of primary culture ) origin of COLLIS. sesceeseesoous eeee 2) date of the last subculture. .i/%Vecscres 5) date of last medium CNANZGcccccsccccecece 6) Media Fiz % lot# ( o4te2s ) j2f3e [64 Date.crcscece ES lot# FCS % lot# cell morphology € confluency pH color 7) Trypsin used Oe | ~ in. Rt lot# MAGC.cccccscceccece BOls#ecccccscccecces 8) Centrifugation owe rpm of min. . > (© @ pxso 9) suspended fe in media Fi % lot Lot#esveccoee HS YY S £ lot# FCS c # lot# % Glycerin lot eeeeeeoeaeee cell count /al. total..../,? Co 7 11) Freezing method eoeoe M1. Of ampoules a d. freezing rate C/fmin. 12) h ampoule # / “eq aw eecveceels PeMe / -20 C a.m eovvceeehle Pelle o / -170 Cc ae. eoecvceeNhs Pem. Remarks: YE 13) Box#ecesccbeccccceeee date of steril autoclaved, in freezer or in freezer in freezer