THE WILLIAM ALANSON WHITE INSTITUTE OF PSYCHIATRY, PSYCHOANALYSIS AND PSYCHOLOGY §@ EARL G. WITENBERG, M. D. 20 WEST 74TH ST. /NEW YORK, N. Y. 10023 —f DIRECTOR 873-0725 February 19, 1969 Dr. Josuah Lederberg Professor of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Dr. Maurice R. Green was kind enough to show me a copy of your letter to him concerning Clara Thompson's work. For all of us here who try to make psychoanalysis meaningful within thie same frame of reference your letter is most heartening. Would you be interested in having coptes of other papers within the same framework? We have long been concerned with effecting a working relationship with professionals who are interested in, tf you will, the sciences of man or the sciences of men. I wonder if you would be willing to have some informal talks with ue when and if you ever get to New York. Sincerely yours, Al 9. Wtenboanc Earl G. Witenberg, M.D. Director EGW/sw