November 11, 1965 Mrs. Margaret Wightman 443 Echo Drive Ottawa, Ontario Canada Dear Peggy: I had a gote about your possible job as a programmer at Ottava and hope this worked out to your satisfaction. Julie and Bill have a pretty good hold on the programs you started and there is no loss of continuity. The main challenges may come when the programs are translated into PL-I for the /360 system. (You might be interested to hear what we are planning on this - per enclosure. Dr. McCarthy's PDP-6 is not coming to the medical school, but after some more delay ACME will more than take its place.) I did want to tell you that the list of 8 triangle-face polyhedra you generated matches Grace's test perfectly, after the gauche figures are ex- tracted. Bill put up a good program to do this. But your generator did let through some 2-connected forms, not with any serious consequences. (These were the unions of triangle-free polyhedra. ) Do you remember all the combinatorial tricks for generating permitations systematically? Finally there is a coherent treatment of them, Lehmer's chapter in a book you definitely should know about: Beckenback, E. E. (ed.) "Applied Combinatorial Mathematics", Wiley, 1964. Best regards, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics