ALG oO 21975 THE WALTER AND ELIZA HALL INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL RESEARCH POSTAL ADDRESS: POST OFFICE, ROYAL MELBOURNE HOSPITAL, VICTORIA, 3050, AUSTRALIA. TELEPHONE 347.1811 AFFILIATED WITH THE UNIVERGITY OF MELBOURNE BIOLOGY AND DIRECTOR: F JV. CBE. FAA. DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL THE ROYAL MELBOURNE HOSPITAL er PROFESSOR G. J. V. NossAL BE THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE 6th August, 1976. Professor Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics, Stanford University, School of Medicine, STANFORD, California 94305 Dear Josh, Many thanks for your note of 20th July. As regards the Peace Prize for W.H.O., perhaps I did not make my letter sufficiently clear. The move for the nomination is already well under way. The chief sponsors will include Willy Brandt; Roy Jenkins from the U.K. and several medical people associated with the public health aspects of W.H.O. - e.g. previous presidents of the World Health Assembly. The idea of these letters is simply to show that there is a wide base of support for the Crganization in the biomedical research community. Your counter proposal is, of course, a very interesting one but there would simply not be time to reverse all of the moves that have already gone on, at least not this year. Therefore, as I see it, your choice is either one, to write in support of the nomination; or two to tell me that you feel you cannot do this, and suggest another American Nobel Laureate who might be prepared to help. In fact, if you find you cannot write the letter of support, you might be able to get on to the telephone to the person you consider would be the best supporter from the United States, as I will be travelling around extensively over the next three or four weeks and communications will be difficult. As we have Nobel Laureates from Australia, France, the United Kingdom and Sweden as Signatories of various letters, the absence of a Nobel Laureate from the United States might occasion some comment. With warm good wishes. Yours as every ~ 4°! i 4 hy oh &, ‘ G.J.V. Nossal, Director.