MEMO FROM TO: TX J. LEDERBERG Gus Nossal RC GENETICS DEPARTMENT RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA JUL 20 1Q76 Peace Prize for WHO I certainly associate myself with the sentiment . However, the political situation at and of WHO is so precarious, that this 1) might entangle the prospects of getting the prize, or 2) the uses to which it might be put. It is hard to foresee all that might happen between the time that any of us commits to the proposal, and the time it might happen. My con ao Poeet is to focus on one concrete unmistadble achievment , namely the smallpox eradication project, and DA Henderson in particular, and single on that for the award rather than for the problematical contributions of WHO as a whole (which even Dr Mahler feels ambivalent about under his own stewardship). ct: /&