WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION C _ “ 2G ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTE 1211 GENEVA 27 - SWITZERLAND 1211 GENEVE 27 - SUISSE Telegr.: UNISANTE-Geneva Télégr.: UNISANTE-Genéve Tél. 346061 Télex. 27821 In reply please refer to: Priére de rappeler la référence: RPD/B9/83/2 29 April 1976 Dear Josh, Thank you very much for your letter of 16 April. With respect to our Pre-ACMR meeting, I am enclosing copies of letters which are self- explanatory. This, I believe, should answer one of the questions you pose. T am afraid it is out of the question to invite Umezawa to the Pre-ACMR meeting, but he seems like a good candidate for the future ACMR. I am calling this to Howard Goodman's attention. He will deal with this matter after I leave my regular post at WHO in July. Please let me know your travel plans with regard to yourself and your family so that I can take the necessary steps for your stay here. I am sending you under separate cover the report of the CW Workshop held in London a couple of weeks ago. As you will note, it marks quite a step forward in dealing with this problem. Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to see Ambassador Martin, although I tried to make sure that I got a copy of the report into his hands upon my return from London, which was just prior to his departure from Geneva. With best regards. Yours sincerely, Martin Kaplan Professor J. Lederberg Stanford University Medical Center Department of Genetics Stanford California 94305 USA ENCLS: as mentioned