Comité International pour [‘Universalité de I'UNESCO International Committee for the Universality of UNESCO Président : Ache Safi Aa weaned” Veen x France a7. oy . F v vacant Belgique EArbart Lacan laryar Suisse Gen agin Blin Suede Sars Kaa Sangstel Norvege ‘%. ‘ Kh bi ye ’ Pays Bas % vot Cee Stein République Fédérale d'Atemagne Onesta Sabate Marts Synch Argentine Lf. we? ‘Brove hr . w atts Mtalie unk hae Nauashoye Japon Mirlael Krastow Grande Bretagne Lage . ued . ry . Fleurs Aas rere bn Niallen F Danemark ? 4 . . German . Arresscogres Colombia co ' a fOoos, . Ww Count lan fer are OC fferteva aes rn Etats-Unis d'Amérique af Sorerecvan eS heatany “fs eo at Sotneces ? , Ly Spacial Gammon om Unasco Etats-Unis d'Amérique # Seariante Secréteire Général Paris April 7, 1976 Dear Colleague, The anti-israeli action launched last year in Geneva will be resumed during the next General Assembly (May 1976) of the World Health Organization. If the sanctions requested by the members of the "Automatic Majority" are voted, the W.H.O. membership of Israel will be suspended. Needless to say the request is based on fallacious claims, and the manoeuver is clearly political. It is desirable that the W.H.O. as well as UNESCO, be not involved in the game of power politics. One can easily foresee that such a political action within W.H.O. would trigger reactions from the medical end scientific international community. The victims of this reaction would of course be W.H.O. itself, and as a counterstroke, the countries which benefit mostly from its assistance, that is the developping countries. The Director-General of W.H.O. has of course to apply the decisions of the General Assembly. However, the Director-General can,during the discussion, make the delegates of the member States aware of their responsability, responsability towards W.H.O. itself and towards the community of nations, and especially of developping nations. It seems therefore important that the Director-General has the possibilities to bring up the feelings of the Nobel Laureates in Medicine, of the members of the Advisory Council for Medical Research,and of the Experts who are the main springs of the Organization. If you would agree with this analysis of the situation, would you be willing to write to the Director- General of the W.H.O. (1211 Geneva 27 ) at your earliest convenience, to express your worries and ask him to stave off what would be a regrettable and harmful event. Avrd Ll Andre LWOFF Nobel Laureate in Medicine Honorary Professor, Pasteur Institute President, International Committee against the Politicization in the U.N. Specialized Agencies COMITE FRANCAIS POUR L'UNIVERSALITE DE L'UNESCO c/o Maitre Joseph ROUBACHE - 92, avenue d‘léna, 75016 PARIS