May 9, 1975 Dr. Martin Kaplan World Health Organization 1211 Geneva 27 SWITZERLAND Dear Martin, Further with respect to the ACMR agenda. I know there {fs not much free time available and perhaps the issue I have in mind can at best be added to item 8. I am very much concerned that there should be a critical review of the implications of the objective of “eradication of smallpox". My concern is, of course, that the apparent eventual success of this program has already led to a slackening of interest in vaccination programs in more developed countries and that there may eventually be a catastrophic reincandescence of the disease pandemic in a sensitive and older population. I would be interested to know what anticipation WHO has made for that contingency as part of ita eradication program. This problem is, as you know better than I, compounded by the possibilities posed by socalled “monkey pox". I had a good talk last night with Norman Sator ius and he has indicated that he may try to get some time together for a separate small discussion about system analysis of the sources of health. I had particularly suggested Bill Gorham, President of the Urban Institute in Washington, as an important resource person for this. I would like also to add the name of Victor Fuchs who is here at Stanford in the Department of ‘Fconomics and also Vice~President of the National Bureau of Economic Research. You should also know about his recent book ?Who Shall Live?" which is an excellent presentation of fundamental dilemmas of health. One final note, I certainly hope it will not come to that but I am disturbed by the news that there will again be a campaign to exclude Israel from the WHO. I do not want to make a public fuss about it before it appears to be a reality, but I do not think you will be surprised to know that I would not be interested in working with an organization that had been contaminated so deeply by being made into a political weapon of this kind. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL/rr