THE CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION ELLAND AVE.AND BETHESDA CINCINNATI 29, OHIO DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRICS COLLEGE OF MEDICINE UNIVERSITY OF CINGINNAT! January 10, 1968 Dear Pr ssor Le sere, r Lsderbe ee At the meeting of the Board of Governors of ty Weizmann » Institute that was held on October 28 - 30, 1967, it wa arly ee established that the recent as well as ongoing struggle for Israel's survival, which has the first call on the resources of world Jewry, has deprived the institute of a major source of financial support for its normal operating expenses and for the natural growth rate that is essential for its ongoing existence as a great institute. The scientific members of the Board who attended this meeting, desirous of doing something that might help in this critical situation, proposed that an appeal be made predominantly to non-Jewish foundations in various countries by the scientific members of the Board as a group as well as by personal visits to those foundations. This letter is to inquire whether you are willing a) to lend your name to the enclosed appeal (in its present form or with modifi- cations you may wish to suggest), and b) personally to visit or other- wise approach one or more foundations to present this appeal for support, : It is hoped that commitments for general support may be obtained for a minimum period of five years. The Weizmann Institute has drawn up a list of foundations in various countries that might be approached by this appeal. This list will be sent to those scientific members of the Board who volunteer to make a personal appeal with the request that they indicate the foundation or foundations that might be particularly suitable for them to approach, The whole operation will be coordinated by Professor Amos de-Shalit, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovoth, Israel. ‘An early reply on the enclosed, self-addressed post card would be greatly appreciated. Cordially yours, _ RS face qou dd nt Wott AG Zz Albert B. Sabin, M. D Ne . . . SW? ws 7 J 28, Distinguished Service Professor aenue aon Kad me an of Research Pediaveies He Drtend * charges orga te, Toa ote Mh (pee APPEAL OF SCIENTIFIG MEMBERS OF BOARD OF GOVERNORS FOR INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT OF THE WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE The Weizmann Institute of Science at Rehovoth, Israel has become one of the foremost institutes of fundamental research in the world. The range of scientific disciplines in which it engages is most impressive. Its 300 fulltime scientists, supported by hundreds of fully qualified assistants, have won considerable recog- nition for the quality of their work. In our judgment the Weizmann Institute is not only one of the great resources of Israel and of world Jewry which helped to create it, but also a most significant world resource, Today its existence is gravely threatened by critical lack of funds for normal operation, This is due to the continuing struggle of the State of Israel for its survival which has greatly limited the amount of money that can be obtained for the Institute's continuing operation, We therefore appeal to all foundations, whose mission includes the advancement of science throughout the world to ensure the life and support the further growth and development of this important international scientific center. (Appended here will be list of scientific members of the Board of Governors subscribing to this appeal, their academic titles 1 and affiliations, ) P. S. This letter is being sent to the following scientific members of the Board of Governors: Anfinsen (U. S. A.) Rabi (U. S. A.) Bloch (Felix), (U. S. A.- now Rittenberg (U.S. A.) in England) Chain (England) Feigl (Brazil) Fieser (U. S, A.) Fine " Goldhaber " Hofstadter " Horsfall " Kaplan " Kendrew (f£ngland) Kornberg (U. S. A.) Lederberg " Mark " Robinson (England) Rothschild (ngland) Sheba (Israel) Sporn (U.S. A.) Tishler " Tréfouel (France) Weisskopf (U. S. A.) Wiesner " Zacharias " Zondek, Herman (Israel) 7 , os. G, (Israel) Zuckerman (England)