~~ STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER’ DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS aa JUN G 1977 Dear Steve? ; - I wanted to thank you again for your book; the smal} gift of the Copyr and the much Jarger one of your having written it, Your Jast paragraphs were particularly moving, We do not have many We mmbery other contemperaries taking the role that Eddington and Jeans did in conveying the wonder of knowledges which I Join with you {nm apotheosis as an axial religious principle, You may have notjced some remarks about that in the autobiographical section of the draft paper I wrote with Harrfet Zuckerman, At the risk of overextending your time and patience, I am also sending you a few other fragments, But you have been far more eloquant than I knew how to be and all this {s Just by way of encouragement and enthusiastic reinforcement, There are a few cenerete dilemmas that I home we may have some chance to discuss further: please do Jet me know if your travels this way Shoujd make that convenient, I wonder how convinced either of us is that cosmology and particle Physics cam have no tuseful! application, I quess your Jast paragraphs did not touch that as strongly as other physicists! statements have, Even if part (7) fantasy, the Semipalatinsk/ particlesbeam story might illustrate hints to the contrary, and I wonder whether there will be some spread of the anti#DNA philistinis™ back {i,e, from 'the bomb!} to your own tield, In that senser moondust puts us jm the same fold, *%% a Yours, Ene? Soc Res; UCLA Law Revs Sam52; Hippocrates Revis, DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS, STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 * (415) 497-5052. Su am, ) Lan "SATS S