EB 50065 / DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE HEALTH RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 20852 BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH August 19, 1974 Elliott C. Levinthal, Ph.D. Department of Genetics Director of the Instrumentation Research Lab. Stanford University Medical School Stanford, California 94305 Dear Elliott: As I promised, I am following up our telephone conversation of Friday with this letter and the attachment, Public Law 93-353. As you can see, we are mandated to create, among other things, a Care Technolo Center We are very interested in discus- sing with various groups around the country issues having to do with the form, content, size, directorship, etc. of such an entity. It would be most helpful if you could assemble a small group of your colleagues, hopefully including Josh Lederberg, to review these issues with us. As I indicated, it would be convenient for me to be in California either early in the week of September 16 or early in the week of September 23. Could you arrange a meeting around one of those periods? Dr. Daniel Fox, Associate Director for Academic and Inter-Governmental Affairs, BHSR, has principal responsibility in our organization for the development of these programs and I am going to make every effort to bring him or one of his staff people with me. s I am very much looking forward to seeing you. Yours Sincerely, “a 2 f OO ee. Bruce D. Waxman @& cting Director Division of Health Care Information Systems and Technology Attachment