February 13, 1967 Dr. Rudolf F. Voliman Head, Section on Obstetrics Perinatal Research Branch National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Dear Dr. Vollman: I have been deeply distressed to learn of the difficulties in the collaborative program with Syntex that have made it necessary to terminate that project. The information you have so laboriously collected for many years is obviously of very great research value, and certainly some means should be found to permit your efforts to be brought to a creative conclusion. I don't know if there is very much hope of overriding the problems that may have come up, but I wonder if 1t would be possible for me to talk to you about this. I will be in Wash- ington February 26 and March 1, and if you could save some time on the ist I hope I might have a chance to see you. I will call you when I get into town to see if this is possible. Yours cordially, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics