HOPKINS MARINE STATION STANFORD UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES PACIFIC GROVE, CALIFORNIA 93950 (408) 373-0464 July 3, 1985 JUL 11 1985 Sey f CE OF tHe pRESIO Prof. J. Lederberg President, Rockefeller Univ. 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 Dear Josh, Jf As you have already learned, C.B. van Niel died March 10, 1985. Since he was one of the outstanding microbiologists of his generation and was a brilliant teacher who taught and inspired a generation of students, we feel it is appropriate to establish an annual C.B. van Niel Memorial Lecture at the Hopkins Marine Station in his memory. In this way van Niel's name will be permanently associated with an institution and with the field to which he contributed so richly. Our goal is to raise funds to endow these Memorial Lectures. Donations are tax exempt and checks should be made out to "Stanford University, C.B. van Niel Memorial Fund", and be sent to the C.B. van Niel Memorial Fund, Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, CA 93950. 2 Sincerely, HAC ark H.A. Barker Po Nhny ate R.E. Hungate Bon Veron, B.E. Volcani ee eee [sg 9 nfm fasten A por —_—, v th Hon oat ane Aare ratty