STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 © (415) 321-1200 orp UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE wepariment of ucnetics Professor Joshua Lederberg Sep 14 ‘Fa Dear Kees-= I regret it has been so long since I have seen you. This writing is a simple request. Do you recall having written a sardonic piece quite some yours ago about confusing the title of a publication in the Czech language with its author? It was something like U Plavici, but my memory is not good enough to retrieve a sufficient approximation to track it down. The matter is of no great importance; I am just trying to add to the repertoire of examples that Merton has -in his delightful book, "On the Shoulders ’ of Giants". (Attached is another example.) If you can recall the example, or assure me that I am hallucinating about it, I would appreciate your jotting down the reference. Best. wishes, Sincerely, yy’ Joshua — Boa . - 7 VW/S-6 Lt. Josep P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE dedicated to the study of mental retardation Molecular Biology Heredity Neurobiology Developmental Medicine