* UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO oun MAY 9 1960 ATridule ta the People of Catilorna DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY POST OFFICE BOX 109 REVELLE COLLEGE LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA 92037 May 8, 1968 Professor Joshua Lederberg Medical Center Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Dear Fellow Nobel Laureate: I have now received replies from 36 persons and the contribu- tion total is nearly $6000. <= After considerable criticisms from various people I am enclosing =D another proposed statement which I hope you will all be able to sub- scribe to. It is very difficult to make a complicated statement and _ have many agree to it. I should like to get this matter settled in the near future, and I hope that those of you who have indicated in one way or another that you would be willing to sign the statement will immediately contact me if you have serious objections to the present one. I am also sending this letter to those who did not reply. I do not wish to pressure anyone into action of this kind, but if you have merely overlooked the matter I should be glad to hear from you. Sincerely yours, Marvell € Mey Harold C. Urey j encl (36 people replied; 35 agreed, though 3 did not wish to sign, and one disagreed in principle.) May 8, 1968 Suggested statement: We abhor the circumstances of the death of Martin Luther King, Jr., and grieve at the silencing of his eloquent humanitarian voice. We honor him as one who attempted to increase the brotherhood of man, and as one of those who in . the words of Alfred Nobel “have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind." We jointly make a gift to the Southern Christian Leadership Foundation as a tangible expression of our hope and belief that America's besetting problem can be solved by following paths such as that charted by Dr. King.