OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM @ STANFORD UNIVERSITY @ OFFICE MEMORANDUM To FROM SuBJEcT: AUG 13 j9¢5 Date: August 12, 1965 J. Lederberg E. Levinthal Letter of Urey Concerning Visit of Timofeyev. Dick Youngsays that there is real interest at Ames in having him speak. Klaus Keil and William Quaide of the Space Science Div- ision have ans work on meteorites, Keil in particular would be glad to chair a meeting at which Timofeyev would speak. He however would not like m do this under circumstances which would prevent him from inviting Timofeyev to visit his labs at Ames. He therefore requires that Timofeyev would be cleared to visit Ames. This can best be done by having Harold Urey contact Walter Peterson of the Ames Research Center, extension 2498, directly. If this can be done, I suggest that the meeting be held at Ames with Keil as host. We could jointly sponsor it if this is a help for any reason - such as expenses or honorarium. WNGNVYOWIW 351ddO © ALISYTAINN GYOINVILS © WNONVYOWAW 391ad0 © ALISYZAINN GYOINVIS @¢ WNGONVYOWSW Jd1ddO ¢@ ALISYJAINN AYOANVIS