Organic Mass Spectrometry, 1976, Vol. 11, pp. 86 to 100. © Heyden & Son Limited, Printed in Northern Ireland APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR CHEMICAL INFERENCE XIX—COMPUTER GENERATION OF ION STRUCTURES} DENNIS H. SMITH, JosEpH P. KONOPELSKI and CARL DJERASSI Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, Stanford, California, 94305, U.S.A. (Received 18 June 1975; accepted (revised) 10 September 1975) Abstract—The purpose of this paper is to discuss an interactive computer program which can be used to study questions of plausible ion structures. The program can be constrained in a variety of ways by the user, based on information inferred from (i) the structure of the intact molecule which gave rise to the ion, (ii) metastable defocusing experiments to identify progenitors, and (iii) existing knowledge of the fragmentations and rearrangements of related molecules, including deuterium labeled analogs. Implementation of these constraints is discussed primarily with the example of triethylamine, an apparently simple compound whose behavior is examined in detail with the aid of the program because of the complexity of its fragmentation. KNOWLEDGE of the structures of gaseous ions is fundamental to our understanding of the fragmentations and rearrangements of molecules subsequent to ionization in a mass spectrometer. The processes by which molecules decompose frequently involve highly energetic pathways, placing correlations with known structures of ions near or in the ground state (e.g. solution chemistry) on a largely speculative basis. Yet these correlations have contributed a great deal to our rationalization, if not deeper understanding, of many fragmentation processes. Of more value to a deeper under- standing, however, is the knowledge of the actual ion structures. Recent advances in instrumental techniques, e.g. ion cyclotron resonance (i.c.r.)? metastable ion analysis,? collision-induced metastable ions* and field ionization analysis over the course of ion decomposition,® have provided a variety of tools for indirect studies of ion structures. From these studies, structural features of ions can be inferred with much more cer- tainty than in the past. Studies using i.c.r. or metastable ions normally require that two criteria be met. For completeness, one should have available a// plausible structures for an ion of given composition (empirical formula). This ensures that no reasonable alternatives will be overlooked. For each reasonable alternative, one must have a means of pro- ducing the ion in an unambiguous way, so that its behavior under the experimental conditions can be standardized for comparison with unknown ion structures. This requires a search for compounds which on ionization or fragmentation can yield only one reasonable structure for the given decomposition. Using the structure generator,* with constraints ((CONGEN’!) where appropriate, we can now explore questions of possible isomeric ion structures. The availability of the program makes it possible to meet the first criterion mentioned in the previous paragraph. The remainder of this report is devoted to a discussion of how the pro- gram can be used under constraints inferred from a variety of sources, including the structure of the intact molecule, studies of metastable ions and mass spectra of labeled analogs. The example discussed in most detail is that of ion structures from the + See Ref. 1. 86 Applications of artificial intelligence for chemical inference—XIX 87 fragmentation of triethylamine. We had originally intended this as a simple, illustrative example, but the complexities of its fragmentation demanded a more detailed examina- tion. This example provided ample opportunity to exercise CONGEN based on different constraints; the program’s results greatly simplified our consideration of possible structures which might explain the observed data. Programming details are avoided completely; the algorithm is described else- where.’ There exists a mechanism for pursuing examples other than those discussed below (see Experimental). METHOD Tons can be treated by CONGEN" exactly like neutral molecules if we assume, as have other studies,” that the charge can be localized on a given site in the re- presentation of ion structures. The only difference is that now the properties of some atom or atoms in a structure may be different, i.e. they may be assigned a charge or a radical site. One simply defines a new atom (or atoms) with the specified valence and charge and/or radical site, and generates structures with the new atom (atoms) together with the remaining atoms in the empirical formula. This approach can be used for even or odd electron ions. Even electron ions, e.g. [C;H;O]*, [C,H,N]", require only a specification of which type of atom will receive the charge and the attendant valence of that atom. A carbon ™S bearing a positive charge is generally formally trivalent, —C*, as are oxonium ions, ™~ | a —O*. Nitronium ions are formally tetravalent, —N+—. The input to CONGEN for a“ the two example formulae above is summarized in Table 1. TABLE 1, INPUT TO CONGEN FOR THE EVEN ELECTRON IONS [C,H,O]+ anp [C,H,N]* AND THE ODD ELECTRON ION [C,H,O]*: Representation of Atom bearing electron deficient Ton Charge Radical species Generate structures from* [C,H,O}* Oo _— [O]* (valence 3) [C;0+U,] or [C;H,O*] Cc _ [C}* (valence 3) [C.C,+0,U,] or [C,H,C,+O} {C,H,N]* N _— [N]* (valence 4) [C,Ni*U,] or [C,HgN*] Cc — [C}* (valence 3) [C,C,*N,U,] or [(C,H,C*N] [C.H,O}*- oO oO [O}*- (valence 2) {C,0,*'U,] or [C_H,O*'] oO Cc {O]* (valence 3) [C,C,O,*U,] or [C,H,C’O] [C]- (valence 3) Cc Oo [C]* (valence 3) [C,C\*O1U,] or [C;H,C+O'] [O}- (valence 3) Cc Cc [C}*- (valence 4) [CyC,*-0,U,] or [C}H,01Ct] (same carbon atom)?” * The symbol U represents degree of unsaturation or rings plus multiple bonds. » The additional case, using a trivalent C- and a trivalent [C]*, is not possible for [C,H,O]*-, but could be utilized for an ion of higher unsaturation, e.g. [C,H,O}-. + To our knowledge, there have not been reports of [R;C]* gaseous ions, where the carbon is formally pentavalent, with the exception of [H,;C]+, which has been known for some time.’ [IM + H] ions of alkanes, formed in a chemical ionization experiment, may formally be viewed as containing a pentavalent [C]*. Such ion structures can, of course, also be studied. 88 D. H. Smitu, J. P. Konopetski and C. DJERASSI Odd electron ions require specification of both the charge and radical site. Ex- ample distributions of the charge and radical among the atoms for the ion [C,H,O]*- are given in Table 1. Odd electron ions which are molecular ions are generally re- presented as having a single atom bearing both charge and radical, usually the atom of lowest ionization potential (see [O]*-, Table 1). Other distributions (Table 1) are perhaps less likely, but should at least be remembered when considering energetic fragmentations. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Exhaustive generation As will be seen from results presented below, exhaustive generation is frequently neither desirable nor necessary. There are many constraints available from a variety of sources on possible structures of ions. Nevertheless, some examples from small empirical formulae are interesting to consider in their entirety, as they serve to illus- trate the scope of potential ion structures and to suggest structures which would pro- bably not be considered normally. The ion [C,H,O]* (m/e 43) will call to mind generally the acetyl ion [CH;—C=O]* (a) and this structure is a plausible candidate for [C,H,O]* (m/e 43) ions from a variety of sources. However, considering structures formally possessing an oxonium ion, there are five possible structures (a-e). To our knowledge, no systematic study has been undertaken to differentiate among a-e for [C,H,O]* ions from different oxygen- containing molecules. ot [CH,;—Cc=o]* [H,C—c—dH]. nd_tu, a b c + OH /\ . HC=CH [HC=c—6H,] e There are five additional structures for [C,H,;O]* ions with the positive charge formally on carbon (Ct, f-j). Of these five, f, h andi are resonance structures of c, a and b, respectively. (CONGEN normally differentiates between resonance forms unless constraints are applied). CO nel Urt, (H,C-—CH==0] [cH,—¢-£0}] f g h tHc—eL bul [yc-—CH—OH] i j The ion [C,H,NJ* (m/e 44) (see Table 1) is generally represented as an immonium ion (k or!). This ion has been subjected to detailed study by the technique of collisional activation.*® Possible isomers for [C,H,N]*+ were presented,*” including, in addition to structures arising from the two cases in Table 1, structures with a (formally) bi- valent nitrogen atom bearing the positive charge. We obtain from the structure Applications of artificial intelligence for chemical inference—XIX 89 NH, Tetravalent [CH,—CH==NH,] [CH;—NH=CH,] CH,—CH, [H,C=CH—NH,] [IN] k l m n . + + yw: vy + Trivalent [H,C—CH,—NH;] [CH,;—CH-—NH, ] (CH,;—NH~—CH, | tc} o P q + + Bivalent [CH;—N—CH,] {CH,—CH,~—NH] [Ny r s SCHEME 1. generator the possibilities k—-s for the three cases summarized in Scheme 1. Structures m and n represent additional possibilities to those discussed in detail‘? (p and q are resonance forms of k and / respectively), although 7 is mentioned briefly. A similar situation pertains to [CsH,N]* (n/e 58) ions which are formally nitronium ions. There are five possibilities stabilized by electron sharing.*°® However, there are eight other ions which are cyclic or bear a carbon-carbon double bond. Several of these are discussed in a subsequent section. Slightly larger problems quickly become unmanageable without constraints. The number of structural isomers for [C,,H2,,,O]* and [C,H,,_,O]* ions are given in Table 2, considering only oxonium ([OJ]', Table 1) ions. TABLE 2. THE NUMBER OF STRUCTURAL ISOMERS FOR [C,HenzO]t AND [C,,H2,-,0]*+ OxONIUM IONS Empirical formula Number of structural isomers [C,H,O]}+ 12 [C,.H;O]}, 21 [C,H,O]* 35 [C,H,O]* 85 [C;Hy,0]* 100 [C,H,O} 313 Constrained generation Intuitively, we expect these problems (Table 2) to grow very quickly.? With this knowledge, we try to apply as many constraints as possible to focus on the most plausible candidates. Choosing to examine only oxonium or nitronium ions is one such constraint. Although this neglects any carbonium ion structures, it is not un- reasonable based on existing knowledge of ion structures.?-> Constraints based on ground state chemistry are less tenable, Although some may be valid, there is no clear indication of what to expect from ions of higher internal energy. There are other con- straints which are much more reasonable, however, and they are frequently invoked in studies of ion structures. For a known compound, the skeletal constitution of the intact molecule is a powerful constraint on structures of fragment ions if skeletal re- arrangements are forbidden, or unlikely. Fragmentation pathways discerned from studies of metastable ions and normal and metastable ion spectra of deuterated deriva- tives, all tell us more about the fragmentation processes and thus, indirectly, the possible structures of ions which result. Two examples are presented below. 90 D. H. Sir, J. P. KoNopetski and C. DJERASSI [C,H,O}* The mass spectra of 11° and 2" show large contributions corresponding to m/e 69. High resolution spectra show the ion to have the composition [C,H;O]* in both cases. On the basis of this information and additional data obtained from other experiments (e.g. specific deuterium labeling), structure t was proposed?! for this ion. Th. OOS S O Oo” So HC=CH ated c= 1 2 t Unconstrained generation yields 116 structures for the oxonium ion [C,H,O]*, but this number can be lowered significantly by the use of a few simple constraints.1 Initial reduction can be accomplished by retaining only those structures which have an intact methyl group. This requirement is at least reasonable in light of the fact that the mass 69 ion, which is thought to originate via a 1,2-alkyl rearrangement,’ is shifted to m/e 72 in the spectrum of 3. Additionally, 4 shows an intense ion corre- sponding to phenyl incorporation into the ion of interest (m/e 69 > m/e 131). Of the 116 structures, only 38 contain at least one methyl group. CD; Ph ye on Th me oO oO —ry+ : 4 om? Additionally, the mass spectra of both 1 and 2 show a metastable transition corre- sponding to loss of CO from the [C,H;O]* ion (m/e 69 + m/e 41). This implies that the ion should contain the unit [-C=O]*. Only two of the 38 remaining structures meet this constraint, namely t and u. Species ¢ is more plausible as it requires only a 1,2 shift for its formation, whereas u requires a 1,3 shift. It is pertinent to note that structure uw had not even been considered in the earlier literature,10 Note that such a stepwise approach provides a guarantee that no other alternatives are possible under the given constraints (supplied under the control of the chemist). Triethylamine A detailed study of the fragmentation of triethylamine (5) offers an opportunity to illustrate the use of other simple constraints when considering the possible structures of ions. Surprisingly, the mass spectrum’ of such a simple tertiary amine does not seem to have been subjected to detailed mechanistic study. Metastable ions formed during fragmentation of [5]*- have been reported.’ The low resolution spectrum obtained on our instrument is presented in Fig. 1(a). We have recorded the high resolution spectrum of 5; all ions of significant abundance above m/e 30 contain the nitrogen atom. The INTSUM program" has been used to suggest plausible fragmentation processes. Because these processes are represented symbolically, they serve only to suggest the portions of the molecule lost and retained and do not detail the fragmentation. For a more complex example, the INTSUM results represent an important first step to ensure that all possible portions of the molecule which may have given rise to the observed fragment ion have been identified. Applications of artificial intelligence for chemical inference—XIX 91 (b) (0, CHIN (c) (cH,c DN 6 7 RELATIVE ABUNDANCE 3O 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 [20 30 90 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 i00 0 120 M/E M/E M/E Fic. 1. (a) Low resolution mass spectrum of triethylamine (5); (b) low resolution mass spectrum of 2,2,2,2’,2’,2’,2”,2”,2’-nonadeuteriotriethylamine (6); (c) low resolution mass spectrum of 1,1,1’,1’,1*,1’-hexadeuteriotriethylamine (7). Levsen and McLafferty*” have discussed evidence concerning the absence of skeletal rearrangements in the fragmentation of related amines. They have discussed the structure of the abundant mass 58 ion in the spectrum of 5 and assign to it the struc- ture v. A metastable map illustrating detectable precursors (in the first field free region of a double focusing mass spectrometer) for the significant ions above m/e 30 is presented in Scheme 2. (In Schemes 2-5, an asterisk indicates a transition supported (CH,CH,),N > — H,C=NH—CH,CH, [S]*- mle 58 v a-cleavage m/e 101. — >> m/e 100 nd. ——> m/e 85 a> mje 57 [C,H,,NI" (CeHisN]” [C5H,N]" *?""4 [C,H,N]* n.d, . * wine ts +cat | ah “cH mfe 86 mie 72 mie 98 one m/e 70 Ten? mie 42 [CH2NT" [CHioN]* [CHnN]" [c,H,N]* [C,H,N]* *|ea *[poome mie 71 je 58 fe 44 _ mie 31 {C;H;D,N]" ([CH,D,N]° ScHEME 3. Metastable map indicating pathways of fragmentation of [(CD;CH,);N]*- (6). m/e 107 “ =D", mie 105 [C,H,D,N] a-cleavage [C,H,D,N]* power one mie 75 m/e 76 [C,H,D,N]° {C,H.D,NJ° s|-coma, «|-catins a-cleavage ~CH;'|* mie 45 mie 46 [C,H;D,N]" [C;H,D,N] mie 63 —*—> mie 33 [C,H,D,NI’ S22. [CHD,NI* ee We L—___-» m/e 92 . [C;H.D.N] ok -C7H2D CoH mu mje 62 ae mfe 32 (C,H,D,NI [CH,D,NI° ScuemeE 4. Metastable map indicating pathways of fragmentation of [(CH;CD,),;N]*- (7). Applications of artificial intelligence for chemical inference—XIX 93 With these data in hand, the possible structures for ions in the spectrum of 5 can be investigated systematically with the aid of the program. As a first assumption, we will restrict our attention to immonium ions, because all ions contain nitrogen and im- monium ions are more plausible than alternative primary or secondary carbonium ions. A second assumption is that skeletal rearrangements are forbidden;* note that this constraint does not necessarily forbid the formation of cyclic ions which could reopen into formally rearranged species. Results obtained using the constrained structure generator are presented for the ions in Scheme 2. Unless otherwise noted, all fragmentations discussed subsequently are supported by observations of metastable decompositions. [CgHisN]*- (m/e 101). The molecular ion is represented under the above assump- tions in the conventional way as [(CH,CH.)sNJ*-. [CgHiaN]* (m/e 100). The ion of mass 100 represents loss of a hydrogen radical. With no constraints (other than an immonium ion) there are 314 (!) possible structures. The assumption of skeletal integrity and the fact that stepwise loss of two C,H, units must be possible (100 — 72 — 44, Scheme 2) can be partially expressed as a constraint + that every candidate must possess (at least) the substructure C_-C_N—C—C and that the nitrogen atom must be (at least) trisubstituted. In addition to the conventional representation of such an ion (w), there are five other structures (x6) satisfying these criteria, with unrearranged skeletons. Structures x-bb would require internal hydro- [CH,—CH==N(CH,CH)2] [CH,—CH—NH(CH,CH,),] w x Cys CH] NH—CHLCH, cH RicH,cH, — XCHRCHD» CH, y z aa bb gen rearrangements and/or cyclization of w for their formation. There is no evidence that such additional structures (or higher or lower homologs) have ever been con- sidered in the mass spectra of simple amines. Hydrogen rearrangement, coupled with a H CH,CH, CH,—-CH=N* a a ~> H,C==CH—NH(CH,CH:)2 H : x | UH Y¥ CH,— CH—NHCH,CH; CHs— CH: CH:CHs CH,CH—NHCH,CH, CH CH,—CH, CH,—CH; CH, aa bb z newsbondfformation, yields x, bb, z and aa (paths «, 8, y and 6 above), while a more complex process is required for formation of y. Data presented below do not differen- tiate among all these structures. However, we now present evidence for the existence of bb. 94 D. H. Smirx, J. P. Konopersxi and C. Dyerassi Because the spectra of 6 (Fig. 1(b), loss of H: from [M]*-) and 7 (Fig. 1(c), loss of D- from [M]*-) support clean loss of an «-hydrogen in 5, structure w is presumed to be formed initially. Rearrangement to other structures (i.e. x-bb) is possible, subsequent to formation. In fact, some rearrangement prior to fragmentation seems to be occurring. The decomposition m/e 100 — 72 (Scheme 2) is expected to be a hydrogen rearrangement followed by C—N bond cleavage to yield cc.* This portrayal predicts that the B- H YH Oe _ oe eet CH,—cH= A SORE CH, —CH=StH—cH,CH, CH,CH; mle 72 w ce labeled d, analog (6) should display a clean loss of 30 a.m.u. (loss of CH,=CD.,), as should the «-labeled d, analog (7). The spectrum of 6 [Fig. 1(b)], however, indicates loss of 30 and 31 a.m.u. to m/e 79 and 78 (Scheme 3). The spectrum of 7 [Fig. 1(c)] indicates loss of 30 and 29 a.m.u. to m/e 75 and 76 (Scheme 4). These data indicate some loss of positional identity of the hydrogen/deuterium atoms in a rather specific process. The data for 6 and 7 suggest that one of the hydrogen or deuterium atoms on a carbon beta to the nitrogen atom is, in some ions, transferred to a carbon alpha to the nitrogen prior to decomposition of m/e 100 to m/e 72. This process can be formally depicted as follows: fo + crn —cp LRT fa _> cu cH} w + In the case of 6, a grouping CD,—CDH—N< is observed to be lost as C,HD, indicating transfer of a 6-deuterium atom to the «-carbon. In the case of 7, a similar + rearrangement results in a grouping CH; -CDH—N< which can lose C,H;D. These observations, when coupled with the observations of subsequent decomposi- tion of these ions in the m/e 70 region to ions in the m/e 40 region, supports the exis- tence of a structure other than solely w for those ions of [M]‘: — H-, m/e 100, that undergo subsequent decomposition. Considering 5, m/e 72 decomposes via loss of C,H, to m/e 44. The d, analog (6) displays loss of 30 and 31 a.m.u. from mje 79 to yield m/e 49 and 48; m/e 78 undergoes loss of 30 a.m.u. to m/e 48 (Scheme 3); for 7, the analogous decompositions are m/e 76 to m/e 46 and mje 75 to m/e 45 (Scheme 4). The only alternative to species w, which on rearrangement of w undergoes an ex- change of «- and #-hydrogen, is bb. Rearrangement of the analog of w for molecules CD,—CDH CH,CD, CH;—CDH CD,CH, + + CD,— CH, CH;—cCD, dd ee 6 and 7 would yield analogs of bb, ddand ee, respectively. These species on subsequent decomposition, could yield the observed shifts discussed above. Applications of artificial intelligence for chemical inference—XIX 95 [CsHi,N]* Gn/e 86). This ion is the alternate «-cleavage product resulting from 5. All evidence indicates that this ion results from simple loss of a carbon, beta to the nitrogen atom, as a methyl group (see Fig. 1 and Schemes 2-4). This decomposition would yield an ion structure formally represented as ff, which is the one conventionally used in the literature. Other plausible structures suggested by CONGEN are homolo gs of x-bb. Subsequent decomposition of m/e 86, however, indicates some rearrangement of ff ptior to fragmentation. In a situation exactly analogous to that of m/e 100 above, two losses of C,H, are suffered by m/e 86, to m/e 58 and eventually m/e 30 (Scheme 2). The spectrum of 6 [Fig. 1(b)] displays losses of 30 (C,H,D,) and 31 (C,HD,) a.m.u. from m/e 92 to m/e 62 and 61 followed by loss of C,H,D, to m/e 32 and 31 (Scheme 3). The spectrum of 7 [Fig. 1(c)] displays losses from m/e 92 to m/e 63 (—C,H,D) and 62 (—C,H,D,) followed by loss of C,H,D, to m/e 33 and 32, respectively (Scheme 4). Species gg, a homolog of dd, is again a rearrangement (of ff) which makes the necessary a/B-hydrogen exchange. The ion structure gg, however, only explains all the data if it can lose two molecules of C,H,. CH, CH,CH; + [H,C—=N(CH,CH;),] ff 8&8 [CsH,oN]* (m/e 72). A precursor of m/e 72 is m/e 100 (Scheme 2, and above dis- cussion), The shifts of m/e 72 in the spectra of 6 and 7 [Figs. 1(b), 1(c)] were also mentioned above. Assuming that C,H, must have been lost as an intact unit from m/e 100, there are six structures which maintain structural integrity (hh-mm). Species hh is the conventional structure expected to represent m/e 72. Evidence presented previously in this paper points to 4A and I! as the structures which participate in [(CH,;—CH,—NH=CH—CH,] — [(CH;—CH,—NH,—CH=cH,] hh ii + + HN CH, NH, NH—C.H; CH; NH, i> BO x CY ji kk u mm subsequent decomposition to m/e 44. Species kk would be expected to decompose analogous to hh; however, available data cannot differentiate between them. CH. NH, - 3 B 2 C24 CH,—CH=NH, kk mie 44 [CsHsN]* (m/e 58). Although the subsequent decomposition of m/e 58 may in- dicate that structure v is an important contributor to m/e 58,*” evidence presented above indicates contributions to m/e 58 from more complex processes. Thus, it is reasonable to expect some ions of alternative structure to v. Those ions which 96 D. H. SmirH, J. P. KONOPELSKI and C. DyJerasst decompose further to m/e 30 (—C,H,) must have an intact C—C unit. Plausible struc- tures, in addition to v, are nn—pp. The peak shifts on the spectra of 6 and 7 discussed + + NH) *NH—CH, CH; NH, [ LN V nn oo pp previously are difficult to rationalize solely in terms of a structure v which arises from the process m/e 86—> m/e 58 as normally depicted. Although mn can be visualized to eliminate C,H,, its formation formally involves no hydrogen rearrangements which would allow differentiation between v and nn. Elimination of C,H, from gg would H + + H,CS=NCH,CH; HN—“on CH, - NH; _ . a > [| 2 2 CHa, yf CoH, H,C=NH, H-——CH,—CH, m/e 30 ff nn m/e 86 m/e 58 yield 00; this ion may be involved in the abnormal transitions (involving «/f-hydrogen exchange) of m/e 92 — 61 > 31 for 6 and m/e 92 + 63 — 33 for 7. [C,HgN]* (m/e 44). Possible structures for [C,H,N]* were presented above (k-7), together with a discussion of the precursors for these ions in compounds 5, 6 and 7. Although the shifts of m/e 44 of 5 (see Fig. 1) in the spectra of 6 and 7 present a com- plex pattern, there is evidence for the existence of both k and m. The former retains one «-carbon and one «-hydrogen (shifts to m/e 45 in 6, m/e 49 in 7); the latter retains one a-carbon and two a-hydrogens (shifts to m/e 46 in 6, m/e 48 in 7). There is no obvious evidence for the existence of /; species n cannot be differentiated from k if it is a simple rearrangement product of k. Other ions. Other important ions in the spectrum of 5 [Fig. 1(a)] are summarized in Scheme 2. In the subsequent section we discuss briefly some aspects of possible structures of the even electron ions of m/e 70, 56 and 42, each of which formally pos- sesses two degrees of unsaturation. Ion m/e 70, [CyHsN]* has a complex history. The sensitivity of the metastable defocusing technique allows detection of a precursor at m/e 98 in the spectrum of 5 and related precursors in the spectra of 6 and 7, even though such precursors are insignificant in the normal spectra. The pattern of peak shifts in the spectra of 6 and 7 [Figs. 1(b), 1(c)] indicates a significant amount of hydrogen rearrangement (in 6, m/e 70 is shifted to m/e 73, 74, 75 and 76; in 7, m/e 70 is shifted to m/e 72, 73 and 74). Metastable defocusing reveals, however, that these ions decompose further by loss of C,H, in the unlabeled compound (5) and by loss of CH,D, in the labeled compounds 6 and 7. These decompositions yield the complex patterns from m/e 41 to 46 in Fig. 1(b) and m/e 41 to 44 in Fig. I(c). There is some evidence for transitions involving loss of C,HD; and C,H;D also, supporting prior hydrogen/deuterium re- arrangements. With the assumption of skeletal integrity and an intact C—C unit (for subsequent loss of C,H,), there are 23 possible structures, two with a triple bond, gq and rr, fourteen with one double bond, e.g. ss-uu and seven with no multiple bonds, e.g. vv, ww. If the loss of C,H, can occur from a species [H,C—-CH—R], then struc- tures such as xx and yy must also be considered. Applications of artificial intelligence for chemical inference—XIX 97 [CH,—CH,—NH,—C==CH] [CH,—CH,—N==C—CH,] q4 rr N=CH \ = + [| 2 (Su Dwu—cw SS tt uu Dx] NH, H,C=CHNH,—CH=CH, H.C—CH==NH—~-CH=CH, vv ww xXx vyV Ton mje 56 [CsH,N]' arises from at least m/e 71 and 84 (Scheme 2). There are probably several ion structures involved, as revealed by the peak shifts of m/e 56 to m/e 57, 58 and 59 in the spectrum of 6 and to m/e 59, 60 and 61 in the spectrum of 7. The observed precursors for these ions are summarized in Scheme 5. These data are [(c,H.NI]”" mie 71 . ae ee [(CH;CH,);N]™ [C;H.N]* 35 \ mie 56 * \ —CoH4 [C5H,oNI° mie 84 . ~CDY [C,H;D,N]"” ——> [C,H,D,N]* mie 75 mie 57 - . 4. “CDS + (CD;CH;);N]"—> —> [C,H;D,N]"— > [C,H,D,NI 6 NS mfe 77 mie 59 a Gu; [C.H;D,N]° mfe 89 (C,H,D,NI*” m/e 74 . “¥ Hs “a [(CH,CD,),N]" —> — [C,H,D,N]* Tos [C,H,D,N}° 7 Ny mie 89 mie 59 “Sa ~C,H,D [C,H.D.N]’ > [C,H,D,NT* m/e 90 m/e 60 SCHEME 5 98 D. H. Smiry, J. P. Konopersxi and C. Dyerassi evidence for one ion of mass 56 which retains the three «-carbon atoms (shift of m/e 56 to 57 in 6, and to 61 in 7). This ion has lost one «-hydrogen and gained a £-hydrogen. Structures zz-ccc are possible contributors. The ion of mass 59 in both 6 and 7 is NH : + NCH. +NHCH DN=cu, = =<> LX? A? ZZ aaa bbb cece evidence for a structure which has retained two a-carbons and one f-carbon, having exchanged one «-hydrogen for a f-hydrogen. (The occurrence of such exchanges indicates that these ions may have been involved in processes similar to those discussed above in connection with decomposition of m/e 100 and 86.) Structures zz~ccc could also be involved here; ddd—f/f represent additional structures. The ions of mass 58 in + HN= + NH, |_| [(CH,—CH==N—=CH)] ddd eee fff 6 and 60 in 7 suggest a third contribution to the mass 56 fragment ion of triethylamine, where two «-carbons and one f-carbon have been retained with no hydrogen/deuterium exchange. The structures mentioned previously (zz—f/f) would not be differentiated by these data. Ton m/e 42 [C,H,N]* displays complex shifts in the spectra of 6 and 7 [Figs. 1(b), (Ic)]. Metastable defocusing does little to point to probable structures for this ion; these ions arise from the complex m/e 70’s region and result from loss of ethylene with (generally) two deuterium atoms. There is evidence for between zero to four deuterium atoms in the [C,H,D,,N]* ions (7 + m = 4) for both 6 and 7. In the absence of additional data, the seven possibilities (ggg-mmm) must be considered. [H,C==N==CH,] (HN C=CH,] [SNH [DNH, [H;N—C==CH] 88g hhh iii ii kkk [CH,;——-C==NH] [(CH,;—N==CH] Ul mmm CONCLUSIONS We have presented an approach to defining the scope of isomerism of gaseous ions. As we have illustrated with examples, a variety of constraints can be applied to define sets of plausible structures. This information should serve to assist those who are actively engaged in work on determination of the structures of ions, because all al- ternatives can be determined and examined quickly prior to the more time-consuming aspects of differentiating among the various alternatives. Frequently, a list of ion structures suggests the necessity of certain deuterated analogs which can then be em- ployed to differentiate among various possibilities. The simple example of triethyl- amine discussed in detail in this paper offers a striking illustration of how many plau- sible structures have really been ignored in the past and how convenient can be a computer generated list of candidates, generated with appropriate constraints. In principle, one could envision a system which would determine structural possi- bilities for an intact molecule based on the possible structures of all the fragment ions Applications of artificial intelligence for chemical inference-—-XIX 99 observed. In fact, some structure elucidation by mass spectrometry proceeds by this model in instances where knowledge of chemistry and mass spectrometry point to a single structure for an ion or ions representing a significant portion of the molecule. In practice, we do not have sufficient constraints for most problems to avoid having to deal with large numbers of possibilities for every ion, which yields vast numbers of possible structures. Hopefully, the future will bring improved techniques for rapid determination of ion structures. At that time, such a model of structure elucidation would be more amenable to systematic treatment. EXPERIMENTAL Mass spectral data were determined on a Varian MAT 711 mass spectrometer. All spectra were recorded at 70 eV ionizing voltage. Data on metastable ions were obtained by analysis of decomposi- tions occurring in the first field free region of this double focusing mass spectrometer. The n.m.r. spectra were obtained on a Varian T-60 spectrometer with deuteriochloroform as the solvent and tetramethylsilane as an internal reference. Preparative g.c. was performed on a Hewlett-Packard 402 gas chromatograph at a temperature of 180°C using a 6 ft x 3 in. glass column packed with Porapak Q. Triethylamine (5), reagent grade, was further purified by preparative g.c. 1,1,1’,1',1,1".-Hexadeuteriotriethylamine (7). Ethanol-1,1-d, was obtained from the reaction of acetic acid and lithium aluminum deuteride (99 atom % D) according to the method of Friedman and Jurewicz.* Ethyl bromide-1,1-d, was prepared from the alcohol by the action of hydrobromic + sulfuric acid solution.” Overall yield for the two steps from acetic was 60%. The n.m.r. spectrum of the alkyl halide showed no absorption in the region of 3-4 6, which would correspond to a proton at C-1. Through a solution of dry ethyl bromide-1,1-d, (1 ml, 13 mmol) in 3-5 ml absolute ethanol was bubbled ammonia gas for 5 min, after which the reaction vessel was sealed and allowed to stand for 48h. Crystals (presumably ammonium bromide!*) could be seen in the solution after 24h. Sodium hydroxide (1-5 g) in a minimum of water was added and the resulting solution was extracted with ether. Samples of 1,1,1’,1,1°,1’-hexadeuteriotriethyl amine were obtained by preparative g.c. of the ether solution. 2,2,2,2',2’,2’,2”,2” ,2”-Nonadeuteriotriethylamine (6). The reduction of acetic acid-d, (99-5 °% atom D) with lithium aluminum hydride in diglyme'* gave ethanol-2,2,2-d,, which was transformed without purification to ethyl bromide-2,2,2-d,” in 63% yield from the starting acid. The n.m.r. spectrum showed no absorption in the region of 1:7 5, demonstrating the absence of protons at C-2. The synthesis of the nonadeuteriotriethylamine was accomplished in an analogous fashion to the synthesis of the hexadeuteriotriethylamine presented above. Samples for mass spectral analysis were obtained by preparative g.c. The CONGEN program is mounted on the Stanford University Medical Experimental (SUMEX) computer facility. It is accessible via a nationwide computer network to an outside community of users, to the limits of available resources. For additional information on access to SUMEX, to CONGEN, or to more details on the structures described in this work, contact the authors, or Pro- fessor J. Lederberg, SUMEX, Department of Genetics, Stanford University Medical School, Stan- ford, Ca 94305, U.S.A. Acknowledgement—We wish to thank the National Institutes of Health for their financial support (RR 00612-0541) and for their support of the SUMEX computer facility (RR 00785-02). REFERENCES 1. For Part XVII see R. E. Carhart, D. H. Smith, H. Brown and C. Djerassi, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 97, 5755 (1975). 2. (a) J. Diekman, J. K. MacLeod, C. Djerassi and J. D. Baldeschwieler, J. Ant. Chem, Soc. 91, 2069 (1969); (b) J. L. Beauchamp and R. C. Dunbar, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 92, 1477 (1970); (c) J. D, Baldeschwieler and S. S. Woodgate, Acc. Chem. Res, 4, 114 (1971). 100 3. 4, on an ‘oO 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. D. H. Smiru, J. P. KoNopetski and C. DJerassi T. W. Shannon and F, W. McLafferty, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 88, 5021 (1966); C. W. 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