N 2 1969 JOHN L. MCCLELLAN, ARK,, CHAIRMAN cuscowmrrree Ut w HENRY M. JACKSON, WASH. KARL E. MUNDT, S. DAK, EDMUND S. MUSKIE, MAINE, CHAIRMAN SAM J, ERVIN, JR, N.C. JACOB K, JAVITS, N.Y, SAM J, ERVIN, JR., N.C. KARL E. MUNDT, S. DAK. EDMUND 8. MUSKIE, MAINE CHARLES H. PERCY, ILL. ABRAHAM RIBICOFF, CONN. CHARLES H. PERCY, ILL. ABRAHAM RIBICOFF, CONN. ROBERT P, GRIFFIN, MICH. LEE METCALF, MONT TED STEVENS, ALASKA : . . FRED R. HARRIS, OKLA. TED STEVENS, ALASKA LEE METCALF, MONT. EDWARD J. GURNEY, FLA. EUGENE J. MCCARTHY, MINN. JAMES B. ALLEN, ALA, JAMES R. CALLOWAY JAMES B. ALLEN, ALA. EDWARD J. GURNEY, FLA. EDWIN W, WEBBER, STAFF DIRECTOR CHIEF COUNSEL AND STAFF DIRECTOR ‘Mnifea States Henate COMMITTEE ON . GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS (PURSUANT TO S. RES. 27, 91ST CONGRESS) WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 May 29, 1969 Professor Joshua Lederberg Stanford University Medical Center Department of Genetics Stanford, California 94305 Dear Josh: In answer to your letter of May 20, I am sending you under separate cover the following materials: 1. 2. Air Pollution Hearings (1967) Parts I - IV. Air Pollution Hearings (1968) Parts II and III. Waste Management Research and Environmental Quality Management (1968). Automobile Steam Engine and Other External Combustion Engines Hearings (1968). Electric Vehicles and Other Alternatives to to the Internal Combustion Engine (1967). Eleven reports relating to automobile and other aspects of air pollution. A copy of P.L. 90-148, the Air Control Act of 1967. Our latest copy on S. Res. 78, to establish a Select Senate Committee on Technology and the Human Environment. The final report of the President's Task Force on Communications Policy Established Pursuant to the President's Message on Communications Policy, August 14, 1967, which you refer to in your previous correspondence. Professor Joshua Lederberg Page 2 May 29, 1969 10. Parts I and II of the report of the Panel on Electrically Powered Vehicles, "The Automobile and Air Pollution” distributed by the Depart- ment of Commerce (1967). ll. A copy of the remarks of Senator Muskie in the New England Conference on Air Pollution in December of 1968 at Colby College. This should provide you with most of the factual materials which the Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution and our own Subcommittee have been able to develop in the field of pollution during the past several years. S. Res. 78 is presently being considered by the Subcom- mittee and hopefully will be reported to the full Committee for action within the next month. I have shown your comments with respect to the emission of nickel substances to Mr. Richard Grundy of the Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution staff, and he indicates that he is developing further information in this area and that he feels this is an important problem. You may wish to communicate directly with him if you develop anything new, or if you wish any further information relating to the auto exhaust problem. As always, if I can be of any further assistance, please let me know; and I want you to know that I thoroughly enjoyed your two articles, the piece on nickel and the one with respect to chlorine. Unfortunately, they came too late to be included in our record of the hearings. I hope you will find an opportunity to mention the work we have been doing in promoting the idea of a Select Committee in Technology and the Human Environment, because this is becoming a timely subject of discussion here on the Hill. With best regards, LA E. Winslow Turner General Counsel Under Separate Cover