STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 © (415) 821-1200 Sranrorp University ScHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics Professor Joshua Lederberg To: Win Tutner MAY 2¢ 1959 I would be grateful to you for further information on: Congressional hearings of the last few years on ‘*AI POLLUTION; particularly auto exhausts . *lestimony relating to enactment and implementation of the Air Quality Control Act 1967. Did you see my piece on Nickel in Saturday's bashéngton Post? How serious this is really depends very much on the chemical form of the nickel emitted. The people at Sinclair Oil Co. are themselves concerned about this, but it @s odd that the product should be widely distributed before the appropriate biological and chemical research is done. Nickel may already be a serious pollutant in New York City and other urban centers; once again we don't know enough about the chemical form of it to bé sure of the consequences. A lot of it may come from burning coal. It also comes from spark plugs, the ignition points being rich in nickel, and gradually eroding away. Thank you Jo Lederberg erest in thi erial relates n part to background for a weekl column on "Science and Man" which ap- pears weekly in the Washington POST. ‘ el INNA