Wealhon ation! Karras Ope AGU] COMBINATORIAL ANALYSIS | to j.) The unique polynomial of least degree satisfying cycles; if there are no cycles or if all cycles have pseudo- length 0, then the index is taken to be 0. Typical results: - (1) Ifin the graph G each connected component has a cycle whose pseudolength is not 0, then the set of all stable equivalences on G forms a lattice. (2) If G and H are con- nected graphs each of whose vertices is the endpoint of some clirected edge, then the number of connected com- ponents of the graph @ x H is the greatest common divisor of the index of G and the index of H. The seconc result was obtained earlier for strongly connected oriented graphs by McAndrew [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 14 (1963), 600-606; MR 27 #1932]. G. N. Raney (Storrs, Conn.) Halin, Rudolf 65 Graphen ohne unendliche Wege. Math. Nachr. 31 (1966), 111-123. The author characterizes the graphs having no infinite paths. He finds that for a graph to be of this kind it must be decomposable into finite graphs whose intersections | satisfy certain specified conditions. Moreover, these con- ditions exhibit the finite graphs as the vertices of a tree, and this tree must itself have no infinite path. W. 7. Tutte (Waterloo, Ont.) Harary, Frank; Nash-Williams, C. St. J. A. 66 On eulerian and hamiltonian graphs and line graphs. Canad. Math. Bull. 8 (1965), 701-709. The line graph L(G) is the incidence graph of the edges of G, Additional graphs Z,(@) (n2 2) are defined, and some relationships between Eulerian and Hamiltonian proper- ties of G, L(G), and the graphs Z,(@) are found. {The reader may find it helpful to note that L,(@)= L(M,(G@)), where 4,(@) is the graph obtained from G by replacing each edge of G by a path consisting of n edges; thus L, is not the ath iterate of Z.} D. W. Walkup (Seattle, Wash.) Havel, ivan 67 Cn the completeness-number of a finite graph. (Czech and Russian summaries) Casopis Pést. Mat. 90 (1965), 191-193. The author calls two distinct edges of a graph G quasi- neighbours if they both belong to some complete subgraph of G. He defines a graph G’ in which the vertices correspond to the edges of G, and two vertices of @’ are joined if and | only if the corresponding edges of G are not quasi-neigh- bours. He shows that the minimum number of complete subgraphs of G whose union is G is equal to the chromatic number of @"’. W. T. Tutte (Waterloo, Ont.) Hoffman, A. J.; McAndrew, M. H. 68 Tne polynomial of a directed graph. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 16 (1965), 303-309. Let G be a directed graph and A the adjacency matrix of G. It is proved that there exists a polynomial P(x) such that P(A)=J (when J is the matrix consisting entirely of l’s) if and only if @ is strongly connected and strongly } regular. (G is strongly regular if for each vertex 7 the number of edges with initial vertex 7 equais the number of edges with terminal vertex 7; @ is strongly connected if for any vertices 1,7 (¢#j), there is a directed path from 7 65-72 P(A) =Jd (called the polynomial belonging to G) is charac- terized in terms of the minimum polynomial of A. Does the polynomial belonging to G determine G up to isomorphism? This problem is studied for a particular class of directed graphs. Let ¢ be a positive integer and let G, be the graph whose vertices are all ordered pairs (1, 7) of residues mod ¢ and whose edges go from (#, j) to (t, j +1) and (i+1,j) for all i,j. Let P,(z) be the polynomial belonging to G,. The following theorem is proved: If¢ is a prime or {= 4 and if H is a graph with ¢? vertices such that P,(x) belongs to H, then H = G,. . J. K. Goldhaber (College Park, Md.) Troy, D. J. 69 On traversing graphs. Amer. Math. Monthly 73 (1966), 497-499. A covering of a graph G is a eyclic edge sequence S such that consecutive edges in S are different and each edge in G appears exactly twice in S, once in each direction. The main result is that a graph in which all valences satisfy p <3, and the number of valences with p=3 is divisible by 4, can have no covering. O. Ore (New Haven, Conn.) Waither, H. 70 Ein kubischer, planarer, zyklisch fiinffach zusammen- hingender Graph, der keinen Hamiltonkreis besitzt. Wiss. Z. Techn. Hochsch. Ilmenau 11 (1965), 163-166. A graph is called cyclically n-connected if at least n edges must be deleted in order to separate it into two disjoint parts each of which contains a polygon. It is known that there exist cyclically 3-connected and cyclically 4-con- nected planar trivalent graphs which are non-Hamiltonian. The author constructs a cyclically 5-connected non- Hamiltonian planar trivalent graph. W. T. Tutte (Waterloo, Ont.) — Harary, Frank; Palmer, Ed 71 The number of graphs rooted at an oriented line. ICC Bull. 4 (1965), 91-98. Let G be a graph with p points and let H be an induced (possibly oriented) subgraph of G with x points (i.e., a (possibly oriented) subgraph which contains all lines of G joining a pair of points in H). None of the lines in the graph G—H is oriented. Let 4,, be the number (up to isomorphism) of such graphs G with p points and q unoriented lines. The generating function for these graphs is defined as H,(x)= >, hygt?, where g goes from 0 to (pg—n)+n(p—n). The main result of the paper is a formula for computing H,(z). Specifically, H,(x)=Z(I'(H) ° S,-,,1+), where P(H) is the automorphism group of the oriented graph 4H, S,-, is the symmetric group of degree p—n, and Z(-) is the cycle index of (-). Leonard Weiss (Providence, R.I.) Harary, Frank; Palmer, Ed 72 Enumeration of mixec graphs. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 27 (1968), 682-687. A mixed graph is defined as a graph whose edges may be oriented or nonoriented. The problem is to derive an expression for the number m,,, of mixed graphs on p tt