scans 28, 291-300 (1976) og pp 236 The Prospects for Life on Mars: A Pre-Viking Assessment CARL SAGAN Laboratory for Planetary Sturlies, Cornell University, ithaca, New York 14253 AND JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Medical Genetics, Stanford University Medical School, Stanford, California 94305 Received February 2, 1974; revised December 21, 1375 Mariner 9 has provided a refutation or reinterpretation of several historical claims for Martian biology, and has permitted an important further characteriza- tion of the environmental constraints on possible Martian organisms. Four classes of conceivable Martian organisms are identified, depending on the environ- mental temperature, 7’, and water activity, a,: Class I, high 7’, high a,,; Class IT, low 7, high a,,; Class III, high 7, low a,; and Class IV, low 7, low a,. The Viking lander biology experiments are essentially oriented toward Class I organisms, although arguments are given for the conceivable presence on Mars of organisms in any of the four classes. Organisms which extract their water requirements from hydrated minerals or from ice are considered possible on Mars, and the high ultra- violet flux and low oxygen partial pressure are considered to be negligible impediments to Martian biology. Large organisms, possibly detectable by the Viking lander cameras, are not only possible on Mars; they may be favored. The surface distribution of Martian organisms and future search strategies for life on Mars are discussed. INTRODUCTION tribution to biological studies was rather in refining our knowledge of Martian habitats and thereby in specifying boundary con- ditions that any organisms would have to meet in order to survive on Mars at the pre- sent time. In addition, the history of Mars is now perceived to be one of surprising complexity, relieving some of the pre- viously held constraints on the evolution of life on that planet. Finally, some his- torical ground-based observations that had laid claims for relevance to the problem have now been refuted or drastically re- interpreted. The Mariner 9 orbital mission to Mars obtained 7200 photographs of the entire planetary surface, hundreds of occultation profiles and infrared radiometric observa- tions, and tens of thousands of ultraviolet and infrared spectra. Many of these data and a wide range of interpretations of geo- logical and atmospheric phenomena on Mars have already been published. Our present task is to survey the further impli- cations of these findings for the investiga- tion of Martian biology in the next decade, beginning with the Viking mission. Mariner 9 was not designed to detect life - on Mars, nor did it. Only the most extra- ordinary contingencies would have allowed direct evidence of life to be sensed by the Mariner 9 anpd HistoricaL CLAIMS FOR OBSERVATIONS OF MARTIAN BioLocy photographic and other instrumentation These historical claims, and their refuta- of this mission. The most important con- tion or reinterpretation, are now. briefly Copyright © 1976 by Academic Press, Inc. 391 All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. Printed in Great Britain 29% SAGAN AND LEDERBERKU summarized, A network of fine rectilinear - markings reported on Mars by Schiaparelli and Lowell initiated one tradition of “evidence” for engineering constructions and an advanced civilization on the Martian surface. However, the reality of many of these markings has long been sus- pect (see, e.g., Antoniadi, 1930). No sign of their presence was obtained: in the Mariner 4, 6, and 7 missions (Leighton et al., 1969). Some smaller rectilinear features of probable tectonic origin, the long rift valley Vallis Marineris, and a few crater chains were uncovered by the Mariner 9 mission; but no Lowellian canals were found, and the locales of many of the classical rectilinear features show no hint of anomalous linear or other features (Sagan and Fox, 1975). The Martian bright and dark areas vary their relative contrast both annually and irregularly; a biological interpretation of these changes also dates back to the 19th century and has had recent supporters (see, e.g., Slipher, 1962). The high spatial resolution and long time base of Mariner 9 have shown that such changes are almost certainly due to wind-transportable fine particulates, and no biological interpreta- tion is required (Sagan et al., 1972, 1973. Veverka e¢ al., 1974). , The apparent secular acceleration of Phobos, the innermost moon of Mars, inter- preted as due to drag in the Martian atmos- phere, led Shklovskii to propose an origin of Phobos as a hollow artifact of an advanced Martian civilization (Shklovskii and Sagan, 1966). High-resolution photo- graphy of Phobos by Mariner 9 has shown conclusively that it is an entirely natural and ancient satellite (Pollack et al., 1972). In addition, the most recent reduction of the celestial mechanical data shows that there may be no large secular acceleration; and what secular acceleration there is can be understood in terms of body tides (Smith and Born, 1976; Pollack, 1976). At 100m surface resolution, the Earth displays a remarkable checkerboard pat- tern due to human agricultural and urban constructs. Mariner 9 provided the first opportunity to examine Mars at adequate coverage and resolution to detect such a pattern on that planet, should it exist (Sagan and Wallace, 1971). No such features were found. Some peculiar geo- metric features were uncovered, but they are amenable to abiological interpretations, particularly when account is taken of the high Martian winds (ef. Sagan, 1975). Thus, Mariner 9 was able to exclude four previous hypotheses on Martian biological activity. These negative results, however, leave the question of life on Mars open, as it was before the Mariner 9 mission. Some prejudgments and simple hypotheses have been excluded, but no critical tests have yet, been performed. WatTER The availability of liquid water as a sol- vent for indigenous molecular biology ap- pears to be the most stringent limiting factor for possible Martian biology. How- ever, the water need be liquid only within the organism. Even on Earth, organisms are known which acquire water in the vapor phase under high humidities from the air (e.g., spanish moss, lichens), or metabolic- ally from foodstuffs (e.g., desert rodents). Growth of terrestrial microorganisms is known at least down to —15°C and the germination of spores down to ~25°C: (see, e.g., Packer et al., 1963). The corresponding water activities a, (numericall ¥ equivalent to relative humidities) are about 0.85 to 0.70. Unfortunately, there has been no systematic search for ultimate limits on @y, nor any real understanding of the mechanisms that determine such limits. Less well-documented claims of growth down to —20 and —25° appear in the literature, but they cannot be accepted without critical reexamination. From time to time, brines are invoked as possible eutectic point depressors below 0°C, but many other factors may influence the microenvironment of an organism to permit it to flourish in or on bulk ice. For example, many bacteria do not have a well: defined outer boundary. They secrete a mucopolysaccharide gum or capsule in which water should dissolve even from an ice interface, and allow the absorption of ke be ahi encanta neta eniadl Sohn mes att OA te tanetenatmntnas Ds aisteries’s « + PO mmm sane. 1 Ww hw n n LIFE ON MARS 293 water at subzero temperatures: a kind of portable tethered antifreeze. These gummy layers on microbes are sometimes microns thick, often exceeding the diameter of the bacterium itself. Similar substances are employed by antarctic fish to maintain the fluidity of their circulatory fluids. In addition to hypothesized environ- ments for liquid water on Mars, discussed below, there is direct evidence for water vapor in the Martian atmosphere, water ice in the Martian polar caps, and water of crystallization in the Martian surface materials. Subsurface permafrost must also exist because the planet is outgassed and the mean temperatures are below the freezing point of water. The distribution of these various forms of water substance may be heterogeneous both in space and in time. Thus, under rather parochial assumptions about the indigenous biochemistry, the question is whether there are (7', @,) pairs suitable for a conceivable Martian biology. Frost Now that extensive vulcanism is known to exist on Mars, as well as probable thermokarst terrains (Sharp et al., 1971; Belcher et al., 1971) a previous suggestion (Lederberg and Sagan, 1962) that there may be locales of geothermal penetration of the subsurface permafrost layer and consequent patches of subterranean liquid water appears somewhat more plausible. It has also been suggested (Sagan ¢t al., 1968; Farmer, 1976) that ice, deposited in soil interstices, may enter a temporary liquid phase due to the soil diffusion barrier. Tf the soil can hincer evaporation long enough for the ice to reach —10°C, that would be enough for many terrestrial microbes. And it is of course plausible that Mars-adapted microbes would extend those boundaries further (e.g., by creating low-albedo microenvironments), especially as they would not simultaneously have to be armed against drowning in higher water activities at above-zero temperatures. Heterogeneities of water abundance with time occur on diurnal, annual, and long- term climatic change time scales. Even at equatorial latitudes, the surface tempera- ture drops below the frost point of the atmospheric water-vapor partial pressure before dawn each Martian day. The amount of water that is actually deposited on the ground is still uncertain, but a few micro- meters per night might support a steady- ‘state biomass as thick as a cover of moss or lichens. The problem is to estimate the frost thickness that will survive tempera- tures up to the —10°C range; and to seek means by which colder frost can be sequestered by the postulated frost eaters, described below. The Martian polar caps vary in extent with the seasons, reaching in winter down to about 60° latitude. This annually vary- ing component is probably mostly frozen carbon dioxide, although some frozen water will partake of the annual cycle. Temperatures low enough to freeze carbon dioxide are certainly low enough to freeze water. The permanent polar cap is thought to have considerably larger amounts of frozen water (Murray ef al., 1972). A local slope of X° at low latitudes is the tempera- ture equivalent of an increment of X° latitude on a smooth surface (see, e.g, Balsamo and Salisbury, 1973). Thus, a boulder at 30° latitude with a 30° slope will have the same temperature for half a Martian year as a smooth surface at 60° latitude. In addition, the temperatures within the boulder shadow are determined largely by radiation; convective heat ex- change with the atmosphere and conduc- tive heat transport in the porous surface are both very low. Permanent shadows can be significantly colder than their sur- roundings and the progressive buildup of frost in such shadows can be expected. At polar latitudes, much larger quantities of water substance change phase. A vertical polar organism might manage high T and high ay simultaneously. Because the Martian year is twice as long as the terres- trial, very high temperatures can be achieved in midsummer at: Martian polar latitudes, including temperatures above the freezing point of water. Thus the edge of either polar cap in midsummer is another potential habitat of interest for conceivable Martian organisms. I wean Re RE OREO EERE, Or 294 SAGAN AND LEDERBERG PossIRLE CLEMENT EARLIER ENVIRONMENTS The Martian polar laminae (Murray et al., 1972) and particularly the sinuous dendritic channels (Sagan ef al., 1973; Milton, 1973; Carr, 1974; Pieri, 1976) suggest a significant climatic variability of the Martian environment. For many of ' the channels no plausible alternative to flowing surface liquid water has been offered; although some investigators be- lieve that extensive surface liquid water on Mars is so unlikely that they would wish to reserve judgment on the matter. At least one specific numerical model giving cli- matic variations from environments more severe than the present Martian environ- ment to Martian climates rather close to the present terrestrial climate has been proposed (Sagan ef al., 1973). The period for such climatic variation is of course not well determined; but the shortest of the climatic time scales calculated in the pre- ceding reference are ~10° yr; the ages of some channels of intermediate size (Pieri, 1976) suggest the longest of these time scales to be ~10° yr. The time scale for the origin of life on Earth may have been significantly shorter than the earliest clement epoch on Mars. If such more- clement epochs existed in past Martian history, extensive liquid water would be available episodically; and it has been suggested that some subset of Martian organisms may be in cryptobiotic repose awaiting the return of wetter and warmer conditions (Sagan, 1971). A CLASSIFICATION OF POSSIBLE Martian BIoLoOGres From the standpoint of an unrecon- structed Earth chauvinist, we must strain at improbabilities in searching for con- genial habitats on Mars. But to surrender the search is to give too little credit to the adaptive versatility of living organisms, a, versatility whose boundaries are under- stood very poorly. Biological evolution has a major stochastic component, which makes biology more akin to history than to planetary physics. We will never be able to make precise predictive models in biology that will approach even the most difficult models of, e.g., planetary differen- tiation. We do not know, for example, how many alternative self-replicating mole- cular systems there might be other than nucleic acids. In this spirit of seeking possible alterna- tive ecological niches, we wish to offer four possible classes of Martian organisms associated with temperature/water eco- logical niches in the external environment (ef. Fig. 1): Class I organisms. Organisms requiring high temperatures (JT > 240K) and high water activities (a, > 0.7). These require- ments correspond to those of many known terrestrial organisms. Such organisms may flourish only during the presumed high water phase of Martian climatic varia- tions; or they may inhabit soil interstices, which have temporary accumulations of liquid water arising from the diurnal cycle; or they may inhabit locales where the permafrost has been breached by geo- thermal activity, but the soil overburden keeps the vapor pressure high enough to cross the liquidus. Class II organisms. Organisms inhabiting niches with low temperatures (7 < 240K) and high water activities (a, > 0.7). The low abundance of water vapor on Mars forces high humidities to occur at typical nighttime temperatures. It is known (Pollack et al., 1970) that the hydration water of ferric oxide polyhydrates or otLer minerals can be in gas-mineral equilibrium with water vapor in the Martian atmos- phere. The water vapor pressure must be very high within a few mean free paths of the surface. The Martian regolith can be regarded as a chemical as well as a physical buffer for water activity, which allows the kinetic persistance of favorable (T, a,) microenvironments with appreciable de- partures from thermodynamic equilibrium. (See the cross-hatched region in Fig. 1.) Class III organisms. Organisms inhabit- ing ecological niches of high temperature and low water activity. Such organisms are unknown on Earth, but there are no obvious physical impediments to their existence. Very deliquescent organisms se asadad dakiibdebas Pe psa times be Tent des aloadal oe eid ME at LIFE ON MARS . 295 a T T disequilibrium t g 80\- 60}—- Water Activity , Ow + in percent 7 77 A Region of possible water vopor n Martian surface 1 ' ‘ { Typical terre strial regime imits of possibl inetic extension n Martion surfac moterial (scheme: 0 1590 470 190 210 230 250 2? 290 310 Temperature T, in °K Fic. 1. A highly schematic representation of water activity/temperature space for Earth and Mars. The general provinces of Class I, II, IIT, and IV organisms, described in the text, are shown, as is the province of the bulk of the Viking biology experiments. The cross-hatched region shows & possible kinetic extension of the provinces of Mars on this diagram, due to departures from thermodynamic equilibrium near soil/atmosphere interfaces (ef. Farmer, 1976). The Martian province continues at high water activities to very low temperatures. P ossible Martian excursion to high temperature/high water activity provinces, as, for example, in subsurface permafrost melted by internal heating, are not shown. The curve for Mars “dry” atmosphere corresponds to ~1t precipitable zm of water vapor; Mars ‘‘wet”’ atmosphere, to 100 pm; and Furth “normal” atmosphere, to 1 precipitable em. are one possibility. The metabolic concel- tration of rare materials, such as phospho- rous or vanadium or niobium is well known among terrestrial organisms. Water substance is relatively much more avail- able on Mars than these elements are on Earth, and concentration mechanisms are also known to exist. Indeed, the kidney function of mammals compared to fish is. testimony to the remarkable evolutionary adaptations to water scarcity which are possible. Class IV organisms. Organisms inhabit- ing low temperature and low water activity ecological niches. They are, by ordinary terrestrial standards, the most exotic. But technological H. sapiens is on occasion & Class IV organism. Martian surface miner- als are known to have 2 bound water con- tent ~1% (Houck et al., 1973). This is probably some combination of physically and chemically bound water. The hydra- tion bond energy corresponds to a few elec- tron volts, or the mean energy of a solar near-ultraviolet photon which penetrates the Martian atmosphere. Class IV orga- nisms would have to heat themselves meta- bolically as well as employ metabolic energy to extract moisture from surface minerals or ice. The lifetime for which such metabolic heating can be maintained varies directly with the size of the organism. Because of this argument concerning the area-to-volume ratio, there may be a strong selection pressure for Class IV Martian organisms to have large climensions. Class III and Class IV organisms may extract water from minerals or from ice in the arid Martian environment. Neither adaptation is known on Earth, but there has not been strong selection pressure for, and indeed there may have been evolu- tionary potential barriers against, their development on a wet planet. For future convenience, we propose calling orga- nisms with such adaptations petrophages 296 SAGAN AND LEDERBERG (Greek, rock eaters) and crystophages (Greek, frost eaters), respectively. Finally, we note that the internal en- vironment of Class IT, III, or IV organisms may be a Class I environment for para- sites or commensual organisms. ULTRAVIOLET FLUX Except during a global dust storm, the ultraviolet flux at the surface of Mars in the 2000-3000A range is lethal to all terrestrial organisms. Nevertheless, this does not strike us as a significant hazard, and there are three conceivable adapta- tions, which have recently been discussed by Sagan and Pollack (1974). First, the organisms may carry many redundant copies, as do some terrestrial radiation- resistant species; or they may. contain a genetic material which is not photolabile in near-ultraviolet light. Their genetic material might be simply nonabsorbing at these wavelengths or—if, for example, composed of many aromatic compounds— it may absorb but no bonds may be broken. Second, the efficiency of repair of ultra-° violet damage to Martian genetic material may be more efficient than ours. Less than 107? of uv lesions escape terrestrial repair mechanisms (Jaggar, 1967). We cannot exclude the possibility that on Mars the number is 107-5 or 107’. Third, Martian organisms may be shielded from ultra- violet damage. Significant protection can be provided by tens of microns of nitro- geneous bases (Sagan, 1973a); or by a lem depth of Martian surface particulates (Sagan and Pollack, 1974), a depth at which there may still be enough visible light for photosynthesis. Thus, Martian organisms may live in a surface habitat or may carry ultraviolet-absorbing shields around with them, like the exoskeletons of shellfish and insects. Such shields might also be useful for water conservation. If the shields are inorganic, they may provide an abun- dant fossil trace. ATMOSPHERIC COMPOSITION The primary constituents of the Earth’s atmosphere are the products of biological activity. Oxygen is produced by green plant photosynthesis, and nitrogen by denitrifying bacteria. Even minor consti- tuents such as carbon dioxide and methane are deeply involved in biological activities on Earth. The major constituent of the Martian atmosphere is CO;, present in absolute abundance about 20 times the abundance of CO, in the terrestrial atmos- phere. The carbon dioxide equivalent of the carbonates in the terrestrial sedimen- tary column is some 50 to 100 bars. The carbonate content of the Martian litho- sphere is unknown. An upper limit to the N, abundance in the Martian atmosphere is ~10-? (Dalgarno and McElroy, 1970). Thus, the ratio of atmospheric N, to sedi- mentary CO, on the Earth is not inconsis- tent with the ratio of atmospheric N. to atmospheric CO, on Mars. The detectivity of N, in the Martian atmosphere should be greatly improved in the near future by mass spectrometers on Mars atmosphere entry probes. Let us consider the case that the atmos- pheric N, abundance on Mars proves to be <107?, or that the crustal carbonate con- tent proves to be large. Then the N,/CO, ratio would be significantly below the com- parable value for the Earth. In the absence of denitrifying bacteria, nitrate nitrogen atoms would not be returned to the atmos- phere as N,. Thus a low N,/CO, ratio on Mars may only indicate that denitrifying ‘bacteria are not preeminent. This by no means excludes Martian biology, and bio- logical exchange processes between nitrates and ammonia which do not involve gas phase N, can easily be envisioned. Indeed, because of the stricture for water conserva- tion on Mars, Martian organisms may have major barriers to gas exchange, and the rarity of nitrogenous gases in the Martian atmosphere may be only a biological reflec- tion of the underabundance of gaseous water in the present Martian atmosphere. The mixing ratio [0,]/(CO,] is ~10~ in the Martian atmosphere. Molecular oxygen is of course not necessary for even rather complex forms of life, as both obligate and facultative anaerobes on the Earth demon- strate. Conceivable electron transfer pro- cesses feasible for Mars, which do not cee enone ete ate bien eee ne cu M: mi: alt ex wi at Mc or tel we “ one ceee ttl ee ae LIFE ON MARS - 297 involve molecular oxygen, have been dis- cussed elsewhere (Vishniac et al., 1966). Martian animals may metabolize organic material produced by Martian plants; or alternatively may live out a heterotrophic existence off carbohydrates produced by ultraviolet irradiation of the Martian atmosphere (see Hubbard eé al., 1971). Molecular oxygen does provide almost an order-of-magnitude improvement in the efficiency of the glycolytic pathways in terrestrial metabolism. Even if the mole- cular oxygen in the Martian atmosphere is not utilized for metabolism, we do not believe that the absence of aerobic metabo- lism on Mars excludes the presence of larger organisms. The Viking biology experiments, with a terminal heating stage, can test the idea of Martian biological gas exchange barriers or directionally selective gas flow inter- faces. Significant departures from thermo- dynamic equilibrium in a planetary atmos- phere may be a strong indication of bio- logical activity (Lovelock and Hitchcock, 1967; Lippincott ef al., 1967). However, the observed upper limits on minor consti- tuents in the Martian atmosphere (Owen and Sagan, 1972) are far above the values required to make a significant test of departures from thermodynamic equili- brium (Lippincott et al., 1967). The Viking atmospheric experiments might just con- ceivably perform such a confrontation. Micropes AND MACROBES The widespread impression that if there is life on Mars it must be confined to micro- organisms is a misunderstanding. Not all Martian ecological niches may be filled by primary photoautotrophs or chemoauto- trophs: we saw earlier that the heat and water budgets at low Martian tempera tures provide a premium for low area-to- volume ratios, and therefore a selective advantage for large organisms, which we here call macrobes. There may be other vicissitudes of the Martian environments which can be better managed by macrobes than by microbes. Martian macrobes have the advantage that they can be detected without assump- tions on their biochemistry. A lander imaging experiment, for example, can detect an unusual biogeometry even if the macrobe’s metabolism is very exotic. These considerations also suggest that macrofossils may be a suitable objective of Martian landed imagery experiments, especially on a rover. Living and dead fossils are possible: living fossils being the dormant forms of macrobes which flourish during the favorable segment of the pre- sumed Martian climatic cycle; and dead fossils being of the usual sort, of organisms which flourish at any time in these cycles. We have already mentioned the possibility of ultraviolet shields as a dominant fossil form. The hint of geological stratification in the Martian polar laminae and, for ex- ample, in the interior cliffs of Vallis Mari- -neris suggests particular sorts of locales in searches for fossils. DIsTRIBUTION OF ORGANISMS All categories of Martian organisms dis- cussed above, Classes I through IV, may have an essentially global distribution. Even Class I organisms, which require high temperatures and high water activities, are conceivable in the summer circumpolar regions. However, some habitats, such as underground thermal springs, may have a very limited distribution. Tf the only life on Mars lives in such habitats, then Mar- tian biology is restricted to microenviron- ments. However, there is observational evidence that even underground springs may have a substantial distribution. The so-called chaotic terrain is most likely thermokarst produced by melting and lateral flow of subsurface permafrost (Sharp ef al., 1971; Belcher e¢ al., 1971). Chaotic terrain covers more than 1% of the Martian surface. Indeed, several of the major sinuous channels are discovered emanating from chaotic terrain, and there seems to be a substantial possibility of extensive underground river systems on contemporary as well as on ancient Mars. If Martian biology is ubiquitous (Class IV organisms, for example), reproduction in place may be expected. However, there are many cases where aeolian transport of tae (eee ORE EET MERE NE NEE cere creer 298 SAGAN AND LEDERBERG dispersules would have a high selective advantage on as windy a planet as we know Mars to be—including isolated micro- environments, and habitats which are un- stable or unpredictable for relatively short periods of time. Especially to the extent that unoccupied ecological niches appear, due to climatic or tectonic activity, such aeolian dispersion may be expected. Dis- persules carried easily by high Martian winds can have diameters of at least hundreds of microns (see, e.g., Sagan et al., 1972). This permits aeolian transport of macrobial as well as microbial dispersules (cf., e.g., fern spores or pine tree pollen). As on Earth, macrobial dispersules can be generated in apparent extravagance and still not be a significant fraction of the biomass. SPACECRAFT STRATEGIES Such considerations of course affect choices of landing sites on Mars in searches for indigenous biology. If Class IV orga- nisms exist, or if airborne dispersules are common, all places on Mars may be of almost equal value in the search for life. Alternatively, on the microenvironment hypothesis, only certain locales, occupying a small fraction of the Martian surface area, are suitable for exobiological in- vestigations, Apart from engineering con- siderations, Viking landing site selection attempted to optimize these strategies. A latitude of 21° was selected for the prime and backup sites of the A mission; and a latitude of 44° was selected for the prime and backup sites of the B mission. A low- latitude site may optimize the chances of discovering Class JII organisms; and a high-latitude site, the chances of finding Class IT organisms. A latitude of 44° is of course not polar, and it represents a com- promise which, however, hopes to take advantage of the yearly accumulation of frost. There is some observational evidence for ‘higher water vapor abundances at such middle latitudes (Farmer, 1976; Barker, 1976). However, any Martian latitude poleward of 23° is inaccessible to quasi- specular radar reflectivity studies. A significant fraction of potential Viking landing sites at low latitudes which appear suitable to Mariner 9 B-frame photo- graphy have distressingly low radar re- flectivities (cf. Lipa and Tyler, 1976), due either to high roughness or to high porosity and consequent low bearing strength, either contingency posing serious potential prob- lems for the Viking landings. Thus, the B-site landing decision depends on whether the arguments for liquid water at 44°N are sufficiently persuasive in a biological context to offset the additional dangers of the landing site in an engineering context, The authors of the present paper find them- selves in disagreement on this vexing issue. The prime site of the A mission is in Chryse near the confluence of several sinuous channels, where it may be possible to find dormant or possibly even contem- porary Class I organisms. However, even a simple comparison with comparable land- ing sites on the Earth shows that more than a few landers are necessary to perform an adequate characterization of planetary biology (Sagan, 1973b). The explicit biology experiments on the Viking 1976 landers (Klein e¢ al., 1972; Horowitz et al., 1972; Levin, 1972; Oyama, 1972) are, largely for engineering reasons, mainly directed to searches for Class I microbes, either active or dormant; the one exception, which will search for Class T1I and IV microbes, is the pyrolytic fixation option, but this has the disadvantage of a reiatively short time base. It is conceivable but unlikely that the range of conditions in these experiments will overlap the active range of organisms primarily adapted to Classes IT, III, or IV. The lander cameras can detect life of any class; but only if it is macrobial, nearby, and slow-moving (Mutch et al., 1972)—or leaves footprints. Thus, while Viking 1976 represents a significant first step in the in situ search for a Martian biology, negative results would exclude an important subset, but only a subset, of the possible classes of Martian organisms. Whether Viking 1976 succeeds or fails, however, subsequent landed spacecraft on Mars should have a wider range of biology experiments, able to search for a broader spectrum of con- 4 eee ef te el oe ees — i (po li LIFE ON MARS ceivable Martian organisms. The design of instrumentation and mission strategies to search for Martian microbiota of Classes If, IIL, and LV could begin even before results from Viking 1976 on microbes of Class U are fully analyzed. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was supported in part by NASA Grants NGR 33-010-101, NAS 1-9683, and NGR 05-020-004517. We are grateful to N. H. Horo- witz for a helpful critique of an earlier draft. REFERENCES Awronrapi, E.-M. (1930). La planéte Mars. Hermann, Paris. Barsamo, 8. R., anp Sarissury, J. W. (1973). Slope angle and frost formation on Mars. Iearus 18, 156-163. Barker, E.S. (1976). Martian atmospheric water vapor observations: 1972-74 apparition. Icarus 28, 247-268. Bevcuer, D., VeverKa, J., AND Sacan, C. (1971). 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National Academy of Sciences-National Re- search Council, Washington, D.C. a ted ei ee ete te te eee we ode et oe eee nets ey ee fee te ene ee foe