NOV ¢ 1972 JAMES 0. EASTLAND, MISS., CHAIRMAN @OHN Lt. MC CLELLAN, ARK. ROMAN L, HRUSKA, NEBR. SAM J. ERVIN, JR., N.C. HIRAM L. FONG, HAWAII PHILIP A. HART, MICH. HUGH SCOTT, PA. EDWARD M. KENNEDY, MASS. STROM THURMOND, 8.C, cummnnsnoicr,N-pax, cunesnccuarnns nue. Martlon DBlafos Benate ROBERT C. BYRD, W. VA. JOHN ¥. TUNNEY, CALIF. COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY JOHN H. HOLLOMAN HI CHIEF COUNSEL AND STAFF DIRECTOR WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 November 3, 1972 Joshua Lederberg, M.D. Professor Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, California 94305 Dear Josh: Thank you very much for your kind letter of October 4, 1972. I appreciate very much your comments and I hope we have the chance to sit down some time and talk about the article. With respect to your comments about the use of academic resources, I am in full agreement. Now that we have completed the shake down cruise, I am hopeful that we will be able to make much greater use of the expertise that is available in the great funiversities in California. JVT/tgw