Memo from To: JOSHUA LEDERBERG Tom Gallagher Thank you FEB i 7 S72 _for the committee publications you had. gathered up for me. | ~The pile did inetude the sickle-cell anemia hearings. Itm sorry I made- you ‘think it was the’ fault of “your: staff. I was. glad. also to. get “the ‘Technology Assessment series, but this went just through 1970. Were there no hearings in 1971? _{RePr Davis). _ You. “will be. heering. from_us_ soon about - . setting up better efforts in health systems @. research oo ne. _You_should not. neglect. ‘to contact Dr. Howard - _Hiatt, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston (Harvard nw Med). who is a first-rate scientist now deeply \ _ involved in these questions. . I hope the Senator can stay out of prisons, ~*-and conéentrate his energies on tese hopeless segments of the pétial system. As far as TIT know the only” penal systems that ever worked “Cin any sense) were capital punishment for ~ even trivial trimes, and traneportation (t.e. ~€6 Atistralia in the early” T8th century). — - ~We-lack the tnhunahtty and the-geography;ree- ~~ pettively “to emulate these today; so we had - better find some new kinds of tngenuity. Para- ~-dextcalty, tf the poitce could be more effi- ~—~efent@without sacrificing fairness) we would —-~have to rely much less on the penal system. But we might have to trade some of our tradi- tional privacies for the bargain. PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Gy pts Stanford, California 94305