Naw "STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER 300 PASTEUR DRIVE, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Professor Joshua Lederberg ITEM 3. Purchasing-Power Bond I hear that the White House is toying with some encouragement of variable-interest mortgages. That reminded me of some ancient discussions about purchasing-power bonds, but my assistant was unable to uncover anything better than the attached. Can you point me to any critical analyses of the idea? Experiments where it has been tried (other than in the guise of the gold-bond?) I could also see a version that applied a dis- count for augmented services furnished by the govt. I would also see it as applying mainly to a non- transferable annuity investment. Lr. Josepn P, Kennepy, Jr. Laporarorres FoR MoLecuLar MEDICINE dedicated to the study of mental retardation Molecular Biology Heredity Neurobiology Developmental Medicine MEMO FROM J. LEDERBERG GENETICS DEPARTMENT STANFORD UNIVERSITY _ STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 1) Slip of the pen -- or a partial solution to the world population excess (wipe out the unfree world?) 2) I don't understand the purpose of quoting unreliable figures that you don't trust, except to document and rebut them. Someone has surely estimated that we're consuming 110% of the World's resources. You won't en- hance your credibility by wild attributions. 3) Do you happen to know what fraction of the total consumption is 4) fuels; 8) of domestic origin. 4) Have you consideredi what y¥would happen to the ecenomy of the LUC's if we did not purchase their raw materials? My own stress would be to seek out the ways in which we - exploit the LDC's through direct and indirect, manipulations of commodity prices. We have a dilemma-- how to reestablish fair prices ™® without an éncredible enrichment of the "mining interests" in the US. “be more profitably. left in the mine. _ expense, impaired « De “Spent etl wagyetad radeentires ; (A. ‘free market would allow a balance of interests. so that a resource awk about-to-be- depleted would With large fixed overhead in other levels of the indussry there is likely to be a misallocation of costs to optimize tataixpesfitx instant profit at posterity | But: present efficiemcy might indeed be. by suak a separation of interests in ex- versus exploitation of a mineral.) traction 0,(- de eWay FS EE ie cg aah Yat pevsevioky.