THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF COMMERCE Washington, D.C. 20230 FEB 3 1970 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford, California 94305 Dear Professor Lederberg: I was unaware that you are so close to my good friend Ron Howard. Is it fair to infer that your writings reflect some contact with his group of decision analysts? If so, that would go far towards explaining why I found your writings so close in spirit to some of my own views. These are most thoroughly set out in my book "Rational Descriptions, Deci- sions and Designs," which Pergamon has just released. A former student of mine, Fred Offensend, now at Stanford, has been trying to apply these ideas in the analysis of résk at a hospital. Perhaps you know him, too. Starr's work is really only a first step, and as such it is an oversimplified treatment of much more complex issues than appear in the paper. At my request the National Academy is trying to generate more interest in this field. The confer- ence to which Starr refers in his letter to you is part of their response. I have tried to analyze in a simple but formal way, the set- ting of flammable fabric standards. In due course a paper on that subject will be sent you. I hope you will let me know when you visit Washington. Mean- while, thanks for the columns. My staff and I will be studying your suggestions. Sincerely, ystant Secretary Science and Technology