29 May, 1963 Professor Igor Tamm Lebedev's Physical Institute Academy of Sciences MOSCOW B-134, USSR Dear Professor Tamm: It was a pleasure to see you again - a few days ago on the television screen. Your message wes a moving one: it reminded me of the first speeches we ex- changed at Stockholm when we first met, What a sense of frustration when every gesture of common humanity must be entangled with the hard bargaining and suspicion you refer to. So I fully agree that it is hard to see how “negotiations” can really get very far without some basis of common purpose and understanding. The trouble is that even the humblest proposals to do something for this again becomes entangled in negotiations and parrying for advantage, real or imagined, It really would be a remarkable step forward if private individuals, I hope Soviet as well as American and others, could take some feeble, tangible initiatives at reinstating human communication, I certainly share your feelings in this matter - as do most of the scientists I know, no matter who is quoted in the newspapers; but I have little to offer by way of constructive suggestions. At nearer hand, we might find some more useful thoughts out of the inspiration of informal conversation. But I see no occasion for my own travel; is there any possibility of yours? I would like to recommend a vicarious contact, one reason for my writing now, My friend and colleague, Dr. Elliott Levinthal (who works with me on our extra- terrestrial biology project) is visiting Moscow next month after the COSPAR meeting in Warsaw, Having also seen you on television he is very keen to meet you; I would regard any courtesy you can show him as a personal favor. He can be reached in Warsaw at the COSPAR Symposium, Zaklad Astronomii PAN, Aleje Ujazdowskie 4, Warsawa, Poland June 6-13 and through Intourist, Moscow, K-600 June 14-20, He will make his own efforts to contact you; however, if this letter reaches you in good time I would suppose a message for him could simplify his efforts, With all best remembrances, Cordtally, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics ? P eat le nape Ke oh Ayre ee ze Se es 5 ttn Hot fa, Www VL