April 23, 1969 Dr. Renkicht Takata Research Institute for Nuclear Medicine and Biology Hiroshima University Kasumi-cho, Hfroshima, Japan Dear Dr. Takata, The history of strain W3637 is indicated on the attached diagram. W 3135 and W3637, according to our strain notebook, were produced by Dr. Alan Richter on the dates indicated. W3135 is mentioned briefly by Dr. Richter in his paper in Genetical Research, Vol.2, on page 336. W3637 has not,as far as I know, been mentioned in print. W1655 is quoted in my paper in Genetics, Vol.38, page 55,1953. Since the strains are so old I cannot recommend that you draw any important conclusions by a comparisén of isolates at different stages in the pedegre. Instead you should initiate some new crossing experiments with W3637, in particular re-introducing the F+ factor into it and cross this strain to another F- streptomycin sensitive whose ribosomal proteine you have studied. If the alteration of ribosomal protein is associated with streptomycin resistante by your tests it would indicate that the same gene conferred resistance and the protein change. If, however, it is impowtant for you to have these old cultures I will try to get them out again for you. But I can give you no guarantee of their present agreement with the indicated genotype. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Enclosure JL/rr if 0 ;